Status: It is what it is

Spinning Insanity

You Have No Idea How Much This Means To Me

my dad told me "If you get another 'D' don't come home."

mother tried putting words in my mouth

i thought they already had gotten my report card (they were asking about my D)

but a day later my mom was yelling at me for my 'D' (in English)

telling me "you told me you raised it, that you turned stuff in! and that this wasnt your final grade!"

which is true i told her that this was my MIDTERM grade NOT my final

i told her i turned this one paper in but it wasn't in time to go on this report

so that was my day friday

today is much better

yesterday Nikola and Sarah (i've never really mentioned them before but they are 2 of my friends) gave me a note

that note made my day

they have no idea

all it said was that there are 4 more days till the concert along with lots of pictures and inside jokes of MCR

they gave me another one today with 3 days left written instead

i was thinking

that it makes me really mad when someone knows or thinks someone is depressed or suicidal yet they make no effort to ask or talk to them about it.

thats why i'm mad at some people

i can tell they think something is wrong

like my mom and no doubt some other family members

maybe even some friends i dont know

but they either like to see me miserable or they really don't care

one of my Tumblr friends was telling me that she thinks i feel this way because its my "family"

but thats not true because i would feel the same way if a stranger saw i was sad and didn't day anything

it just makes me think about how many lives are lost because people just blow right past you knocking you down even further with that look on their faces "i wanna help but that would require work"

i was thinking more and i have an opinion on womens rights and equality

if you are a woman and want to be treated equal then expect to be treated that way by me

I actually support people who are willing to tell someone off no matter who they are.

If the 15yearold is being a fucking cunt CALL HER ONE!!

if women are so concerned with having rights and being equal then they should stop saying “oh you would never hit a lady, you would never call a girl a name!”

youre just digging yourself into a deeper hole, you want to be equal I’ll show you equal no matter who the fuck you are

you could be a teacher, the president, my mom, a random stranger,

if your being rude, mean, angry or swearing names at me I’m going to do the same back.

So get used to the 21st fucking century where everyone is supposedly equal whatever the fuck that means anymore….

equality....and gay rights

i am bisexual

don't like it?

then don't talk to me

its that simple

get over it

i really wanna know when marrying the same sex became illegal

i really wanna go to a gay pride parade

i really just wanna be anywhere but here

its starting to get warm out and i want to go do something

but my transportation is too lazy