Status: It is what it is

Spinning Insanity

I wish i was special

i've been feeling worse than ever lately

its not the normal drowning feeling

i feel overwhelmed and scared

i feel pointless

i just want someone to tell me what to do

i need someone who doesn't want to talk about it or help me get better or tell me i shouldn't hurt myself

i just want someone to listen

i need someone that i can also listen to someone who can share stories

i want to just be held onto

i want to be able to hold on to someone besides myself

because right now holding onto myself, i'm just forming a cannonball into this depression.

i can't do it anymore

i'm so weak and tired

i'm so sick of being tired all the time

i just want to die

to be relieved of having to live up to this worlds standards and regulation and rules would be the best thing that ever happened to me

to be relieved of myself would be better though