Status: It is what it is

Spinning Insanity

Throw out your cares and fly Wanna go for a ride?

I just want to disapear

I’m so sick of this.

I feel like my brain is ripping inside of me telling me that its fine it’ll get better

but the other side is stronger

and says what’s the point what’s the goal in life we end up dying anyway.

youre a cut away.

I don’t see how I’m going to miraculously get a lifestyle job and a lover that will make it all worth while.

I don’t see it happening because no ones has looked twice at me all my life,

But I’m not fat

people say I’m pretty but who knows

I don’t think I’m that annoying …

so why does everyone just walk through me.

Why am I always the second and even the third option for everyone.

I have no talents that i am exceptionally great at.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

Yet stupidly I keep living my life.

If it was up to me I wouldn’t be here

but I care more about living for MCR and the MCRMY and my pets than anything else.

Those are the only things I’m living for.

So thank you?

If only I could run away

But trust me I’m fine for right now.