Status: Completed contest Entry.

Save Me.

If you hear me, let me know.

Samantha started to get more nervous by the second. She started to fiddle with her hands, twining her fingers together and apart.

"Sam, this is Matt," a tall man with a shaved head and aviators came over, "my husband."

Sam smiled at how adoring they looked at each other, "Hi, Matt."

"It's nice to finally meet you. Val told me a lot about you," he hugged her. She nodded in response, "The other four are in a band with me. First off we have Johnny who is the bassist," a short guy with a mohawk waved, "This is Brian, who is our guitarist," a guy with skipped black hair nodded, "That's Jimmy over there who is carrying Johnny, " a tall guy with crystal blue eyes smiled, "and finally Zacky," he pointed to the green eyed man. His eyes were looking straight at her not moving, "Zacky!" he yelled making Zacky jump.

"Oh, hi," he said looking down at his drink.

"Hey," Sam stretched the word in a whisper.

"Come on guys stop staring at her. You're making her nervous. This isn't death row you know," Val interrupted, "And these are the girls. Johnny's girl Lacey. There's Leana, Jimmy's lover. Then there's Dani, Brian's girl," all the girls waved, "Where's Michelle?"

"Do you think that she would be here? Brian is her ex."

Val pouted, "True. I just wish she wouldn't be such a baby. She is my sister after all."

"True that," Leana agreed.

Val grabbed her hand, "Anyone want more to drink? No? Good, get it yourself," she pulled Sam into the kitchen, "Wow! What was that about? It looked like you got Zacky in a trance," she laughed.

Sam snorted, "Yea, right."

"No, really Sam. He was looking at you like, I don't know. Like he wanted to serve you. It looks like he's going to be the sub in the relationship," she smiled.

"What relationship?"

"Come on Sam. Just try it. At least it'll get you off the streets."

Sam thought about it for a second but, just rolled her eyes. She knew better then to trust a guy. No matter how good-looking he was, or how rich, "Val, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh come on! I saw you look at him. You think he's scrumptious."

"Just because he's possibly the best looking guy I have ever seen, doesn't mean I want to burden him," she blurted out.

"Here," she handed Sam a beer, "Drink up and just enjoy yourself. I really do hope you guys will get together."

Sam and Val both walked back outside, where everyone was chatting.

"Valary," Lacey called, "Johnny and I have to go now. We have things to do."

"Fine, fine," she smiled, "I'll see you guys later then. Bye," she hugged her friends before the couple left.

"Noooo!!" Jimmy roared, "Johnny," he pouted.

"Gez, Jimbo. You sure do love tormenting the poor guy," Leana laughed.

"Oh, he loves it."

Everyone just laughed and continued their conversations. Sam was sitting along the pool side. Jeans rolled up, flips flops beside her. She took a swig of her beer as she felt someone sit next to her.

"Hi," he said in a small voice, "Sorry for staring before. It's just-"

"Don't worry about it. It's not the first time someone stared at me."


"Yea, well. The stares are always the same. But, this time it was different. No one ever stared at me like you did."

"Oh," he swallowed his beer, "Well, I'm sorry."

Sam smiled at him, "So, what instrument do you play?"


"Oh, I thought Brian played that."

"Yeah, I play rhythm guitar."

"Hot," Sam hit herself mentally for that. It felt awkward to say things like that. She didn't want to tell people how she felt nor have anyone tell her of theirs. If she heard someone liked her, but she doesn't feel the same way, it was hard to be around that person anymore.

Zacky blushed, "Where are you from?"



"I go where I want to go. When I'm bored with one town, I move on to the next."

"So, you move around a lot, huh?"

"Eh, you could say that."


"Look, if you want to ask me something just go ahead. I hate this whole awkwardness."

Zacky was taken back by her forwardness. He's never really met a girl who was like that. He smiled, "Alright, fine. How about we go out for coffee tomorrow morning? I'll pay."


"I'll pick you up. Where do you live?"

"I'm staying here tonight. I'm thinking about getting drunk enough to forget my name."

"Well, then let me go get you another beer."

Sam smiled at Zacky and he smiled back. He sat up and walked into the house.

"So," Sam jumped by the loud voice, "what did you guys talk about?" Val asked happily.

"You know Val, sometimes I think you should mind your own business."

"What did you guys talk about?"

Sam sighed, "We're going out for coffee tomorrow. No big deal."

"Oh, you're going on a date."

"Val," Sam took her feet out from the water and turned around to face her friend. She crossed her legs, Indian style, "I'm going to through myself at him. He doesn't deserve to be troubled by me. He seems like a really col guy. I don't want to screw up his life," she said with sad eyes.

Val frowned, "Sam, if you need to talk-" she was cut off as Sam hit her leg.

Zacky walked around Val, "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No, not at all," Val grinned, getting up, "We'll talk later. Okay?" Sam nodded in response.

"Here," Zacky handed her another beer as he took a seat next to her.

"Thank you," she took it and for a moment their fingers touched. A spark running through her body as they connected. She looked at him. What could be so different about him? He is a guy after all. He could do the same as her last boyfriend. He could take everything she had and through her away. The one thing is, she didn't have anything else to take.

"Can I have your number?" Zacky blurted, making Sam snap back to reality.


"Your," he scratched his neck, "phone number?"

"Oh, well, um," she looked away from him, "I don't have a cell," she looked back at him.

"Oh," he sighed, "why not?"

"I don't believe in cell phones," she lied.

"Bye, Zacky. It was nice to meet you Sam," Dani said as she and Brian left.

"You know, everyone is leaving to have sex," Jimmy huffed, "Let's go Leanna," he grabbed her and stalked out of the house.

Sam laughed at him, "He really is blunt, huh?"

"Yeah, that's Jimmy," Zacky smirked at his friend.

"You have an adorable smile," Sam admitted.

"Oh? I think you do, as well," he looked at his watch, "I guess I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at eight?"

Smiling, Sam nodded, "Sure."

"Bye," he kissed her cheek and walked out quickly.

Sam stared after him. Maybe he was different. Sam looked down at her hand. She could still feel the slight tingle of the spark. Was she going insane? Or was it just her feelings telling her to try one more time. Try to meet someone worth while.

"Earth to Sam," Val waved her hand in her face, "Are you coming inside or not?"

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The next morning, Sam woke up smiling for once. She opened her eyes to green walls. The light from behind the curtains trying to peek from the fabric. Her arms flew up in a stretch as she got out of bed. She moved the curtains aside and took in the view. She could see the horizon from the ocean. She looked to her bed side. It was seven seventeen. Her eyes flew up and she yelped. She ran out of the room and into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and got dressed in her own clothes that Val had washed. Sam looked into the mirror and frowned. Her shirt ratty looking.

"Val!!!" she screamed as she rushed out of the room, "Valary!!!"

"Ah! What?" she asked groggily getting out of another room.

"Can I borrow something to wear? Zacky's gonna be here soon!"

Val perked up a bit, "Sure, of course," she grabbed Sam's hand and led her to her closet.

Matt rolled over and groaned, "It's too early!"

"Are you really going to where those pants?" she looked down at her friends shorts.

"Um, should I?"

"Uh, I think not," she rummaged through her clothes, "Here," she handed Sam several tops and pants. Sam rose her eyebrows, "Just try it on, quickly!"

Sam ran into the bathroom and threw her clothes off and Val's choices on. The first top was a green tank that hung low. She didn't like how much skin it showed so, she tried another. The second one was a gray top that was too short. The third one was better. It was a gray and black stripped tank. Sam threw on a pair of black jeans and walked out.

"Wow, did you do you're hair?"

"No, it's naturally curly."

"Here," Val wrapped a silver bracelet around her wrist, "all girls need at least one piece of jewelery."

"Val, this is too much. What if he realizes it's yours?"

"Sweetheart, he's a man. All men don't even notice these things. Plus, I barley wear it," she finished hooking it on, "You know what? Keep it."

"No, Val."

"Sam, I want you to have it."

She sighed and hugged her friend. They both pulled apart when they heard a honk. Sam grinned widely as Val pushed Sam down the stairs and out the door. Sam stumbled over her own feet, and stood there, moving hair behind her ear.

Zacky got out of the car and smiled, "You look nice."

"So do you," she blushed. She looked back at the door, which was now closed. Zacky escorted her to the car and closed it. He walked around to the drivers side and started the engine.

The coffee date went smoothly, Sam thought. They ended up staying at the cafe for three hours talking. Some questions she had to answer were tough. How can she say that she got kicked out and is now homeless? She couldn't, so she tried to crawl around those questions with a white lie. In her gut, she knew it was wrong because, she was really beginning to like Zacky. She just wished she had a normal life with actually family.

By time they left it was getting close to lunch time. Sam's stomach growled at her. Zacky laughed, "Since it's almost lunch time now, how about we go get something to eat?"

"You really don't have to Zack. I'll be fine," she fiddled with the stars on the bracelet.

"You know Sam, I'm beginning to feel a little lost. Help me out here. Are you sure you've been on dates?"

"Of course I have, it's just been a while."

"Okay, but Sammie, I want to take you on the second part of the date. Do I have permission?"

Sam laughed and looked at Zacky, "Of course you do. I would love to go on to the second part of the date."

"Good. We can go to that really good bar and grill by the beach. Sound good?"

"Yes, master."

Zacky chuckled at her, "You really are adorable."

The second part of the date went just as amazingly as the first. Sam smiled every time she heard Zacky laugh. She was starting to get accustomed to it. The two were now on the beach, laying down as their hands folded together. It was already seven at night. The supposed coffee date Sam agreed to, ended up as a whole day spent with Zacky.


"Hmm," she looked over at Zacky.

"Even though we spent the whole day together, I still feel like I don't know much about you."

That's when Sam took her hand away and sat up, moving her legs to her chest, "Oh?"

"Sam are you hiding anything?" he asked as he got up and moved closer to Sam, waiting for an answer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2056

The Date:

X Dani