Status: Full steam ahead!

Dance In The Rain


Twenty minutes seemed to slowly make its way around the large clock located on the wall in front of him. Once he noticed the last minute he counted down from 60, just to see Emma watch the same clock that he was looking at. She smiled widely once the twenty minutes were up, she clocked out and walked over to Travis holding two cups of steaming coffee.
“I thought time was going by too sluggishly.” She chuckled at she set the cups on the table Travis had occupied. “I’m usually not the type to fill up on coffee during my breaks, but its pretty cold today.”
Travis nodded only to shake himself out of the trance she had left him in. He pulled a cup towards himself and poured a generous amount of creamer, changing the color from a deep drown to a milk chocolate, “And I’m more of an energy drink person.”
Emma ripped three packages of sugar at once and let the waterfall of crystals into her own cup, “We have those too.”
Travis shook his head and looked at her from under his lashes, making her freeze, “It’s pretty cold today.”
Emma started to smirked but shook her head and cleared her throat. The silver spoon in her hands stirred the coffee more than what was needed, “Yeah that’s New York for you.”
Travis noticed the effect it had on the girl, making him gleam, “I’m more of a sunny Los Angeles type of guy. Snow is pretty much weird to look at for me.”
“Would you feel more at home if sand fell from the skies?” She sipped on her coffee. Her face turned sour and she set the coffee down.
“In a way…yes. You really don’t enjoy coffee do you?” he laughed
“Not at all.” She chuckled along with him, “Do you want a Shirley Temple instead?”
“Sounds like you’re insulting my manhood.” Travis took the coffee to his lips and sipped cautiously. He had remembered to use sugar, making it sweet, just like he wanted it. It wasn’t strong and it wasn’t very light, “Try this one.” He pushed his cup towards her, “I don’t have cooties.”
She took the cup cautiously and sipped it from the opposite side he had. He watched as her brown eyes lit up, “This is delicious!”
He smiled and pulled the cup she had set down, “I’ll trade you then.” He made her coffee his own and locked it between his manly hands.
“So…that’s why you’re here? Music?” She continued to drink.
He sighed and scratched the back of his neck, “Mostly. I came to meet the man I was having a meeting with the other day, but I’m not the type to earn success through…people like him.”
Her eyes ripped at him, “Are you any good?”
He scoffed feeling gutted, “I’ve already been in a musical group, NLT.”
She starred at him blankly then turned her head on its side, “I don’t recall.”
He sighed, “That’s why we fell apart.”
“And now you decided to travel to the other side of the country to start over. You think that you’ll get that one song, that one moment where everyone listens and suddenly loves you. And finally everyone will know you and your music. Ending in multiple Grammys and girls hardly dressed and willing to do anything you say- not to mention sleep with you.”
Travis was thrown back by her, she had begun to increase her volume, “I could do without the girls.”
She studied his face carefully then relaxed her shoulders, “Sorry, I’ve been around your kind. LA hot shots thinking they could make it here. Big know it all’s.” she sunk down in her chair.
“No harm, I’d lash out if I would have met people like that.”
“I did not lash out. Anyways, what are you writing there?” He followed her eyes. They landed on his notebook.
“Just notes. Eventually song lyrics.” He shrugged
“You write your own music?”
“I try. Lately I can’t write to save my life. I guess I haven’t got the inspiration.”
She bit her pink lip, “And you had to meet up with some loser to save you from your writers block?”
“Guess not. I was just a bit desperate.”
Emma pursed her lips and nodded slowly, ‘And now you’re on your own.”
“Writing potential hits in a blue notebook.” Travis drummed his fingers on the notebook.
“Well… I won’t say that I’m not curious.”
Travis smiled darkly, “If I had something worth sharing I promise I would show you.”
“You could make that into a promise. Another day, another location?”
He kept his smile wide, “Are you asking me out Miss. Emma?”
Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks burned into a crimson color, “Uhm, if you look at it that way. I’d say it’s more of a musical thing, since I play piano.”
“So you’re trying to help me?” he was confused now
“Yes.” She cleared her throat.
“You’re refreshing. Maybe we can meet up in my apartment, brainstorm some ideas over coffee?”
“Are you pulling my leg?” he asked in disbelief.
“Just because I’m a New Yorker doesn’t mean that I’m an evil person.”
“I didn’t even hint at that.” He laughed, “I’ll go, if you promise there wont be any coffee.”
Emma smiled softly, “Energy drinks and Shirley Temples.”
Travis chuckled, “…Shirley Temples…”