The Forgotten One


Years have gone by and I never got to say good-bye.
I ran away like the coward I am.
And I left everything I love because I was scared.
Scared that I knew that I will never have you in my life if you found out.

I thought of everything.
Everything and the ending was gonna be the same.
I was left no choice then to leave either way I was gonna be alone.
I'm sorry I didnt leave a note.

I know you've moved on.
I'm glad that your happy.
I'm glad I didnt ruin you.

I only ruined myself

As I was laying down I realized how much I miss my old life. A life where I was so happy and care-free. I should probably say I miss my family but in reality I really dont. A family is supposed to be there for the good and the bad. I guess my family didn't wanna stick with me for the bad. I still cant believe to this day that they would choose her over me but what can I say guys are guys the mostly think with their dicks. What hurts the most is how he blamed me for everything that had gone wrong I wasn't the only one to blame.

I had gotten up from my bed and got ready to head out. Its sad to say that I still live in the same town yet I haven't spoken to my own family in five years. You know what I think that has gotten me through these years. It was the only person who believed in me, who feels more like family to me than my real one. Her name is Claudia. She is the most amazing person I know. She's had my back for the past eight years and I couldn't be more grateful. I dont know if I would still be here if I didn't have her by my side.

I was walking out the door to the car. I was meeting up with Claudia for our weekly coffee meet up. I parked across the street from The House of Brews. Of course I never had good luck with walking normally I was always such a fuckin klutz. I was walking on the side walk when this person just literally rams into me. And yet again I'm a fuckin klutz and I fell right on my ass. The person who rammed into me reaches out to pick me up.

And asks me "Are you okay?"
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