Status: It's Finished :(, I Shall Be Gone A While As I Finish Haner's Kids and Write The Sequel To This!!!

Forever and Always

Chapter 4

Paul’s POV

I laughed as Embry and Jared rolled around on the floor in the sitting room of Sam and Emily’s place then took a bite of the sandwich in my hand. We had been sat at the table eating when there was only one sandwich left and they had both gone to grab it then they broke into a fight over it; while they fought each other I took the sandwich and now I was happily chewing on it as I watched them both, they hadn’t realised I was eating it.

Just as they rolled over towards where I sat I heard the front door open and close then Leah greeting her brother. The whole pack was here because Sam wanted to call another meeting; he suspected some more were going to be joining us soon.

I got to my feet and kicked both boys in the back.
“Oi! Get up Leah is finally here and that sandwich was nice by the way, thanks for leaving it for me” they both stopped and looked at me horrified, like I had killed their baby, then scrambled to their feet and made their way into the kitchen where everyone was gathered. I followed after them and saw them all seated at the table though Leah was stood just to the side of Seth’s chair instead. I looked her over noticing that there was something different about her, she looked different somehow. Then I saw that she had a smile on her face, I was shocked; she hasn’t had a smile in front of Sam and Emily ever since they got together. I blinked rapidly but she was still smiling and it was so weird that I decided to ignore it.

I looked over at Sam who was stood up looking at us all while Emily was cleaning up the kitchen. He smiled at our faces before he told us
“I have been keeping an eye on the younger ones and it seems that Colin and Brady are starting to show signs of changing” I grimaced, great more to watch over. Jacob raised a brow and asked
“why would more be turning, isn’t the pack quite big as it is?” Sam nodded
“this is the biggest pack since the original, we have 7 members when usually there are only 4 or 5 and with these two turning it makes 9, strange really and especially as they are so young” Seth piped up
“yeah they are only fourteen, younger than me” we all laughed which made Seth grumble a bit and I saw that Leah was slightly laughing as well, what had gotten into her; I would ask her when the meeting was over.

Sam shrugged
“I don’t know what’s going on though I mean have any of you picked up on increased vampire trails?” we all shook our heads and he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. “I don’t know why this is happening but it is and when they change they will need someone to watch over them, I want Jared and Quil to watch them, you guys are the calmest so you should be able to give some of that calm to them, they are young and that will be a shock to them” Quil and Jared nodded then Sam smiled and said “ok guys, that’s it for today, remember who is patrolling tonight” we all nodded then people either started to head out or stay at the table and talk.

I walked over to Leah who was putting on her shoes and waited for her to stand up straight. When she did I saw that she was still smiling so I asked her
“why are you so happy?” Leah smiled wider and replied
“I met an old friend today” I frowned and looked at her confused which made her laugh and I asked frustrated as I crossed my arms over my chest
“what old friend?” Leah grinned and leaning towards me she whispered,
“Analeigh” I blinked and a blank look crossed my face, no it couldn’t be the same person
“Analeigh?” Leah nodded and giggled
“yeah it turns out that she and her Mom are the new people” I was shocked, that would mean that the scent I had caught was Analeigh’s that sweet erotic smell was all hers. I shook my head
“what is she doing back here?” Leah frowned
“don’t you want her back? I thought you guys were the best of friends?” it was more than friends, on my part anyway but I didn’t tell Leah that as we walked out the door still talking
“oh no I want her back but I didn’t think she would after what happened between her parents” Leah shrugged then her frown deepened and she growled
“something happened to her in California, apparently a class mate attacked her and beat her bad, she was in the hospital with broken bones, her Mom brought them both here because it was safer” I looked at her shocked even more and I could feel the anger surging through me as well. Someone hurt Analeigh, my Analeigh, how dare they! If I ever get my hands on them they won’t live for long. I growled low in my throat and Leah looked at me wearily before she carried on “anyway so they have moved back, I ran into her at the store and damn she has changed really though she now has a tan so she looks a bit more like us.

I chuckled, that was always something that bugged Analeigh, that she didn’t look like the rest of us but I always told her that she was one of us whether she was pale or dark. I looked towards the trees and thought of how quickly I could get to Analeigh’s place but Leah laid a hand on my arm and when I looked at her I saw she was smiling again though she shook her head
“no don’t go to her now, wait until tomorrow, she looked tired and it’s nearly night anyway, go tomorrow when you have the whole day to see her, I’ll take your shift ok” I nodded amazed at how nice she was being
“why are you being so nice?” Leah shrugged then grinned
“I got some good advice and decided to follow it for once” I looked at her oddly for a moment before I shrugged it off and she smiled and patted my arm before she turned and walked off. I remembered her offer and shouted after her
“thanks!” Leah raised a hand and waved it at me without looking back before she walked off through the trees and I couldn’t see her any more.

I looked back at the house where Jacob still was then I looked off in the general direction of Analeigh’s new place and I was wavering as to whether to go and see her, try and get a glimpse of her but then I remembered that Leah said to wait until tomorrow and I smiled at the thought of having all day to talk to her and catch up.

I shook my head to rid myself of thoughts then I set off at a run to rid myself of my excess energy. I went all around the reservation until I was finally tired enough and then I made my way to Jacobs place and fell straight onto my bed and slept.