Status: It's Finished :(, I Shall Be Gone A While As I Finish Haner's Kids and Write The Sequel To This!!!

Forever and Always

Chapter 49

Analeigh’s POV

The incident with Emily and Sam had blown over and everything was back on track with the wedding which was scheduled for tomorrow.

I was sat in an armchair in Emily’s sitting room while she clanked and banged about in the kitchen. She was so nervous she had gone into over drive on the cooking, none of the guys will go hungry for at least two months and that’s saying something considering how much they each eat.

Kim looked at me with worry in her eyes
“is she ok?” she asked, I looked up from filing my nails and smiled
“yeah she’s good, just nervous” Kim raised a brow before leaning forwards to whisper
“are you sure? She’s looking kind of demented and I think she’s running out of ingredients, she just put carrots in a chilli” I grimaced and looked over at Emily who was in fact adding carrots to the chilli she was making. I sighed and looked back at Kim with a shrug
“leave her to it, we’ll just warn the guys not to eat the 7th batch of chilli” she nodded before relaxing back in her seat.

Over the course of the day Emily’s sister and mother arrived, Claire was here as well and spent most of her time going between us all and getting the attention she loved before going down for a nap.

Emily’s Mom had gotten her to stop cooking and go and relax in the bath instead. The woman sat down in a chair with a groan
“I had nearly forgotten how much of a worrier she is” she sighed out, I smiled before getting to my feet
“yes she is, I have to go now, I need to take Kim home and then I’m going to see my own boyfriend” Mrs Young smiled at me
“how nice, thank you for being here today” I shrugged
“I didn’t do much” I told her, she still smiled
“non the less, thank you and I’ll see you here tomorrow for the wedding” I smiled and nodded before pulling Kim out the door.

Walking down the road towards her house, Kim yawned then looked at me apologetically, I giggled
“you tired?” I asked, she nodded
“yeah, I can’t believe how exhausting it is watching others cook” I laughed which made her smile.
“it is very tiring, but then I’m going to guess that you didn’t get much sleep last night anyway” I said, Kim blushed and nudged me with her elbow
“don’t say things like that” I looked at her amused
“I only speak the truth” she groaned
“how did you know?” she asked, I pointed to her hair
“you didn’t really bother getting ready this morning did you? Your hair was a mess this morning” she shook her hair after I pointed it out and pouted
“damn my lack of notice” I grinned and finished walking her home.

I walked through the door and draped my coat on the hook by the door calling
“hey Mom! I’m home!” I didn’t hear a reply and shrugged to myself, walking into the kitchen where I opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice. I grabbed a glass and poured myself some before taking a gulp of it as I placed the carton back in the fridge.

I went to walk to my room when a knock came on the door. I frowned and placed my glass down on a table before walking to the door.

I opened it up and stared in shock at the person before me
“Leah?” I asked, she nodded and I reached forwards and pulled her into a hug.

I pulled away and tugged her into the house, closing the door behind her
“what are you doing here?” I asked her, she smiled
“didn’t you want me back?” she asked, faking hurt, I slapped her arm lightly
“of course I did, I’m just surprised you came back now” she shrugged
“I figured that I needed to be here for the wedding” I nodded and led her to the main room where we both sat down
“tell me what you’ve done while you’ve been away” I asked, she bit her lip before a smile spread across her face
“I’ve not travelled far, just explored the rest of Washington really, seen the other places in our state, nothing compared to here really. I met some people and had a couple of adventures but that’s not the best thing that happened while I was gone...” she told me, I rolled my hand in a carry on motion
“come on and tell me” I insisted. She grinned and spat it out
“I met a guy, oh Ana he is amazing and so sweet, everything I could want in a guy really” I grinned and squealed lightly
“oh Leah I’m so happy for you” she nodded with a large grin before she bit her lip
“there’s a small problem though” I frowned
“what?” she sighed
“he’s from Montana” I winced
“really?” she nodded and I groaned
“yeah he’s just been visiting Washington with his friends, I gave him this address though so he could visit and he has my number, we’ve been texting each other since I started to come back here” she told me, I nodded and gave a smile and a squeeze of the hand
“that’s good, at least he isn’t forgetting about you, who could really” I joked, she laughed and nodded and flipped her hair in a cocky movement
“who could” I laughed and she did too.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about the things she has done while she was away until she had to leave so she could go and tell her Mom she was back.

I walked her to the door and bid her off, telling her I would see her tomorrow. I grinned to myself as I closed the door, happy that my best girlfriend was back in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay Leah's Back!!!