Status: Complete

With Teeth So Sharp

Motel Room

I went back to the motel as fast as I could. I didn't want anybody to see me in my charred clothes with mud in my hair. I got inside the room I was renting and flipped the light on. I needed a shower. I took my jacket and boots off before walking into the bathroom and turning the water on in the tub. Thankfully, my jacket and boots were leather, and therefore salvageable. As for my jeans and tank top, I was going to have to trash them. I peeled the clothes off and stepped inside the tub, pulling the little thing on top of the faucet to turn the shower head on. The water hit me and I moaned, closing my eyes and turning my face up towards the ceiling. I sighed and turned around so I could wash the mud off my skin and out of my hair.

Afterwards, I turned the water off and grabbed two large white towels off of the shelf. I wrapped one around my body and knotted it, then I used the other to dry my hair. I tossed the second towel onto the counter and walked into the bedroom. Jasper was sitting on the bed. I took a step back, surprised to see him in my room. "I'm sorry...I didn'" he couldn't seem to get the words out of his mouth so he settled to turn his head away and stare at the wall.

"Jasper, what are you doing here?" I asked, walking over to my suitcase that sat on top of a small table.

"I'm going with you to Canada."

I turned and glanced at him as I slid a pair of panties on. He was still staring at the wall. "How did you figure out where I was staying?"

He glanced at me again, then turned his attention back to the wall, "I tracked you."

I dropped the towel then pulled on my knee-length black night gown. It had spaghetti straps and white polka-dots, as well as a lace trim at the bottom. "Why?"

"I told you, I'm going with you to Canada."

I walked over to him and leaned up against the wall he was staring at, crossing my arms over my chest, "What about your other wife?"

"Alice? I....uh...."

"So you're just going to leave her without saying goodbye?"

"I just...."

"You just what?"

He shook his head, "I don't know Bev. I feel like everything that has happened to you is my fault. If it weren't for me, none of this would have happened."

"You're right! If you would have come back like you promised, I would of never met Daniel. You would have never met Alice," I said her name as if it were something awful, "And you and I would have had a bunch of little mini Jaspers and Beverlys."

He sighed, "Look, Beverly, I can't change what happened, but I can try to make up for it. You were right. I married you first, my obligations are to you, and for this moment forward I'm going to be there for you, to love you, care for you, and protect you."

"Jasper, you're making this so much harder than it needs to be. Please just leave."

He stood up and placed both hands on my shoulders, "Beverly, now that you're back in my life, I can't just let you leave."

"I'm checking out at nine in the morning. Go home. Think about it. If you still want me over Alice, then meet me at the airport in Seattle by 10:30."

He nodded and leaned forward, kissing my lips softly. Then in a blink of an eye, he was gone.