Status: Complete

With Teeth So Sharp


I sat hidden in the tops of the very tall trees as Moonlight Sonata filled my ears. It was one of my favorites. I looked through the window on the lower level of the house at Jasper, sitting at a table surrounded by other vampires. Each of them had the same golden brown eyes as him. They must be some special clan. They were talking about me. The tall blonde man sat at the head of the table telling the others what Jasper had said. I smiled as Jasper admitted that I'm his wife. A small woman with short black hair was obviously outraged by his confession. She must be his little object of affection, I thought venomously. I would do whatever it took to get my husband, and she wasn't going to stand in my way.

Jasper explained to them about his past life; his life before he was a vampire. I laughed to my self as he told them how he assumed I had grown old and died. I might have died, but I didn't stay dead.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" the small woman asked.

Jasper said something, but I was too far away to hear. The blonde man interrupted their conversation and started giving orders. He was definitely the head of their clan. I smiled as he told Jasper to stay here. 'Alice' put her hand on his shoulder before she walked out of the room and told him they were going to "discuss this" when she got back.

"Nessie," said one of the women, "We're going to go visit grandpa for a little while."

The music stopped and I heard a little girl's voice, "Is it because of Uncle Jasper's other wife?"

"You were eavesdropping again weren't you?" said a man.

"Yes. I'm sorry daddy."

Daddy? Were vampires starting to adopt children now? I thought. The words stunned me. Vampires can't have children, but then again, I also thought all vampires had red eyes. This group had brown ones. A few moments later the garage opened and four cars pulled out of and drove down the long drive way one-by-one. I waited for a few moments, watching Jasper just sit in that room, his eyes closed.

I dropped down, out of the trees and walked up to the house. Quietly, I opened the door and stepped lightly through the foyer, into a living room. A large piano was sitting there along with an array of other furniture. I looked through the doorway and seen the dining room table. Jasper still sitting there. I stepped quietly to the doorway, and listened as he breathed my name, "Beverly..."

"In the flesh."

He sat straight and turned to me, his eyes open now. "I knew it was you. I knew it had to be you."

"You never came back."

"What...what are you talking about."

"You never came back home. You disappeared and left me all alone."

"Beverly, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Jazz, I forgive you. That's why I'm here. We can leave together, this weekend. I'm heading to Canada, and we can spend our lives together the way we were supposed to."

"I can't. I'm married, and this weekend is my niece's birthday."

I clenched my teeth together, furious now. "You're married! Married! You married me first Jasper Whitlock! Your duties are to me! Death has not parted either of us, and therefore you are mine!"

"I'm not Jasper Whitlock anymore. And besides, how was I supposed to know you were a vampire?"

"I didn't know you were a vampire either, but I didn't remarry!" I held up my left hand, showing him the ring I still wore. "You made a vow to me, and no matter what you change your name to, you will always be mine! You listen to me Jasper, and listen to me good, I will stop at nothing to take back what is mine! This perfect little life you have with these vampires all pretending to be human, it's coming to an end fast, so you better enjoy it while you still can!"

With those final words I was gone. Unfortunately, I forgot about the big guy searching the woods and I ran into him. We collided and it sounded like thunder. He stood up and we got ready to strike. "You're her, aren't you?" he asked. "Jasper's wife."



"It's nice to meet you Emmett, please don't make me kill you."

"You won't be killing anyone tonight."

I smirked, "I don't plan to, but if you don't get out of my way, not only will you be dead, but you'll be a liar too."

"Tell me why you're in Forks."

"That's none of your concern. I will tell you that I'll be gone this weekend, and don't worry, I'm not going to ruin your perfect little world."

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't."

"Then I guess one of us is going to die tonight, and I don't plan on that being me."