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I Breathe You In With Smoke

Chapter 2.

You see their were plenty of attractive guys in LA, but none like this one. The man was extremely tan, obviously some sort of Spanish. He had long dark hair that rested a little past his shoulder. A very defined face and muscles toning his body. He even looked amazing for just a white v-neck and basketball shorts. I couldn't blame him. It was nine in the morning. Someone who looked distinctly like him walked in after, but taller and with a lip ring. Covered in tattoos. His eyes traveled over to our table, the first boy oblivious to anything but the coffee behind the counter and the tall one suddenly dodged over.

"Tina my girl!" How are you this morning on Van's Warped Tour?" he shouted cheerily.
"I'm good Mike," she said looking up at him and embracing his shoulders, "this is my new friend Lailer."
He smiled and replied "New Girlfriend huh? New it wouldn't take you long on this tour my love." He laughed happily taking my hand and kissing it.
I looked over at Tine who was obviously embarrassed, I had no problem with her being Gay though. A lot of my inner circle at home was gay.
"No no no Mike, she's a photographer for AP! She just started this morning." Tina said flustered, still embarrassed by Mike outing her to me.
"Ah well sweet honey's stop by the bus later and chill during a break in things! I'll be around, hit me up Tina!" He said running back to his friend who had ordered them drink and was just getting them from the counter. Mike said something to the guys and he looked over at us, noticed me staring, looked away and they exited the coffeehouse. Wow way to make myself look like a huge douche bag.

I snapped out of it when Tina finally said something.
"I'm sorry I was going to tell you about me being gay!" Tina sighed. "I hope you aren't mad I kept it from you so long!" She was very flustered now working herself up. Tina was going to need to work on that issue.
"Tina it's fine! We just met! I didn't expect that to be the first thing from your mouth! You would have told me in time, it's cool. I love gays." I said trying to calm her.
She smiled after a few minutes and checker phone, "Oh gosh we need to get back to the bus soon!"

Tina scrambled to her feet and as we made our way back to the bus I noticed more and more people had awaken from their slumbers. Tina told me to wait outside until she got her camera. She ran outside and snapped a picture of me. Then ran back inside I was so confused. When she came out with an all access pass in her hands I smiled huge. I finally had my own. Everyone else had one and I was beginning to feel out of place. I looked down at it. It was the logo of the tour, my picture, and a thick bold "Lailer Altman" stamped to the bottom.

"Thanks so much Tina!" I said to her, walking inside.

People had woken up I guess. There were four more faces in the kitchenette Not knowing what else to say I introduced myself. They all looked up.

"Hello there I'm Dominic, but you can call me Dom." A guy with a scruffy beard said looking up from his camera.
"And I'm Nina. The older blond woman said." She seemed nice but had to be pushing late twenties.
"I'm Andy miss!" Another guy yelled up from his lap top.
"I"m Matt." A tall slender attractive male yelled from the kitchenette even though I could obviously hear him.

They all seemed very nice. And Matt was super attractive. I eyed him up a couple times. But he was nothing compared to the beautiful mysterious creature of a man in the coffee shop this morning. I did smile and sit down though. The show started in less than a half an hour. I checked my assignment sheet to see who I was covering today and smiled. Visage, Parkway Drive, and Breathe Carolina. Then later there was a small party out in the parking lot they wanted some pictures of as well.

I ran to my room and grabbed my camera and sunglasses I had left on my bed. All three of the bands were around the same time. 12:15, 1:45, and 2:30. That meant I had a lot of stage running. I had to get to these places in no time flat and I the choice of either the side stage or before the barricade. I wasn't thing about that yet. I'd decide when I'd get there.

When I got back in the living area a few people had already shouted goodbyes from the door. The only people left on the bus was Tina, the writers, and myself. I smiled at Andy as I went a grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and placed it in my purse.

"So Altman," Andy said as I went and sat down on the couch by Tina, "What'd you do before this?"
I laughed at his forwardness. "High school."
Nina and Andy's heads both shot up with curiosity. "High school?" Nina questioned suddenly.
"I graduated a week and a half ago." I said hesitantly. A lot of people were probably going to be pissed I got this job for not doing anything.
Andy looked speechless but Nina slowed her speech and asked. "Do you mind me asking how you got here?"
I frowned. "I knew the right people my whole life and this kind of just fell into my lap."
Nina's mouth gaped and Andy still wasn't talking.
"Oh, well that's good I guess." Nina said standing up and taking her lap top into her bunk with her. I had obviously pissed her off. But not everyone could understand right?

Andy stared at me. Tina looked shocked. And spoke too soon.
"Andy don't hate her too for it." She said loudly. I looked at Tina mortified and she looked at me.
"You're 18 correct?" Andy asked.
"19, actually." I replied nervously.
"Well then shit you're fine in my book." He chuckled. "I've got to go interview Nevershoutnever for an article. I'll be back later my dears."

I looked at the time and figured I'd at least walk around and see my surroundings. I've been to the Warped Tour here before but I was never someone with power. The hot sun pounded on my face as I stepped off of our bus. I check my pockets to make sure I didn't forget my keys and with camera in hand I walked through a side gate towards the madness. There was teen-aged girls and boys everywhere. To be honest I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for my job. At a certain age this stuff all stops.

I heard a beautiful voice coming from a stage nearby and I hurried over. it was the boy from this morning. He was belting out this beautiful song on a stage surrounded by young girls and boys singing along to him and moshing. I walked up to the side of the crowd and snapped a picture of him. Then I looked over at drums and there was Mike, sweating his ass off and making a funny face into the crowd, I quickly snapped one of him as well and of the two other guys in the band. I couldn't help myself but snapping pictures of the singer throughout there set. But when I noticed the time I darted away from the crowd and stood in front of the barrier where Versaemerge just started there set.

I had to admit they were extremely good. So were the rest of the bands I shot during the day but around 4 o'clock I headed back towards our bus. I couldn't get this band off of my mind, 'Pierce the Veil.' How come I had never listened to them before? All I knew is that that vocalist is what I wanted. And I'll be damned if I don't get it.
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More introductions, still hasn't met Vic though! I love Mike so he has to play a huge role in this! Sorry if I make Vic seem like a dick at first! Thanks for the lovely comments and subscribes.