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I Breathe You In With Smoke

Chapter 3

Come to think, Tour bangers weren't all that different from house parties. They were basically the same, just minus the house. I had shuffled around the lot filled with buses, people were walking in and out of the huge vehicles with cups in hand and not a care in the world. I was assigned to take some shots of everyone getting along and having a good time, but when you really look at it not everyone got on well with each other. Tina, stuck by my side explained to me that there was always tension between one or two bands and they were usually the small ones. Apparently they all came in thinking they were hot shit.

I didn't think much about the deadly glares some random guys were shooting at each other and suddenly an arm draped around my should and I head a slight tinge of Spanish accent in the persons voice.

"Lailer, am I correct?" Mike, the guy from the coffee shop said.
"You are correct." I sad with a slight smirk, he had obviously been drinking.
"I'm gonna take a wild shot at this is your first tour my dear, you seem a bit tense." He slurred slightly.
He didn't give we a chance to answer before he pulled me onto a bus that was unfamiliar. A red cup was handed to me at the door filled with what smelled like vodka and red bull. Cherry bombs were my weakness.
"Mi casa." He laughed holding his arms out around the rag tag bus filled with maybe 110-15 people at the most.
"It's nice, Mike."
"Let me introduce you to some people my dear." He grinned devilishly. "You'll love them."

He walked me towards a fairly sized man who's name was apparently Tony Turtle. But Mike also mentioned that calling him Tony would suffice. He was nice. Had a couple of piercings in his face and some tattoos. Quite attractive. I recognized him from the stage earlier.

Mike then walked me over to a spiky haired man who went by Jaime. He was extremely sweet. Nice body and not hard on the eyes by any stretch. He had a pretty blonde holding tight onto his arm though.

I started to get nervous a little though as Mike led me to the back of the bus where the last member of his band had to be. And I knew it was the heart stopper. Boy's had never really made me nervous before, but this kid was in a whole different league then me. And I never would have guessed it. We entered the back room a couple of guys stood around talking, two girls were seated on the couch looking severely bored. I looked to the corner and saw the singer, flipping through texts on his phone, looking bothered by everything around him.

Mike strutted over to him pulling me along. "Vic, this is Lailer, she was the girl from the coffee house this mornin'"
Vic barely looked up from his phone to say hello. "Nice to meet you." He grumbled out of the corner of his mouth, sounding very dissatisfied with being near me. I frowned, I wasn't used to the lack of interest from guys. Especially ones I was interested in.

Quicker then we had even got there Vic excused himself from the room quietly and headed off the bus. Mike waved his hand in the air as if to shoo him away.

"He's usually never this grumpy. I'm sorry Lai." He frowned at me.

I shrugged my shoulders as if I didn't give a damn. But I kind of did. Why was he distant from people? Especially me? I checked the time on my Blackberry. It wasn't late but I didn't feel like being out anymore. I hugged Mike goodbye and kissed his cheek. I had lost Tina somewhere in the mix of getting pulled away by Mike.

Exiting Pierce the Veils bus I noticed something that was most likely the reason behind Vic's shyness around me. He had a slim brunette plastered against the side of his bus with his tongue slipping in her throat. I cringed at her luck and realized she must have been his girlfriend. My eyes ripped away though when his opened and found me staring like an imbecile.

Back on my bus, it wasn't anymore quiet. I ignored the large slosh of bodies in our living area and tugged open the door to our bunks. I walked into the tiny bathroom off to the side and changed into a t-shirt. I was the first one in bed. I didn't mind. I wanted tomorrow to start fresh. If it didn't go any better then I wouldn't be too sure on staying here. Selfish but true.
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This is really short and stupid but I needed to update. Thats for all the comments and the new subscribers!