The Maclean Brothers

A Rose for the Devil

Hector was kidding himself, of course he wanted Rosaline’s love and each month that desire was growing. He tried not to watch her as they ate supper in the Great Hall surrounded by his people and brothers. Lifting his cup he drain the ale inside and peeked from the rim at his wife who was chatting with his brothers, who like the rest of his people had warmed up considerably to the English lady. Most, in fact, loved the Laird’s wife who had changed many things in the castle since she had moved in two months ago. Immediately beginning her influence she had gone to the kitchen to suggest a few recipes to the cook, who instead of being insulted was delight that someone cared for food as much as he. Rosaline herself had gone down to the market in town and negotiated with venders for a new menu she had planned and that earned her the respect of many of the people she had bartered with. Now the meals were out on time, hot, and had plenty of variety. Next, she had gone to work making the castle into a family home not that of four unmarried men. Buying rugs, curtains, paint, and furniture she had dragged Hector’s three brothers into helping her when they weren’t busy with work from Hector. Rosaline had certainly wiggled her way into the affairs of the castle and the hearts of many of the people. The only thing was that she seemed to avoid him whenever possible. They ate together, politely talked when they saw each other, and went to bed together. If not for their love making at night he would think her completely indifferent to him but he didn’t think she was as unaffected as she made it seem. Hector’s strange behavior towards his new wife had made his brothers ask questions until finally he had admitted the whole story of how he had known Rosaline before. They were all glad that Rosaline turned out to be the mystery woman but now continually pestered him about telling her who he truly was which he wasn’t about to do yet.

“Ewan, can’t you be careful who you bring to your chamber? I don’t want to have a duel everyday,” Rosaline chided and Ewan had the decency to blush for his behavior.

“Sorry Rose, it’s not my fault.”

“No, it was the poor lad that got a beating for protecting his sister’s honor,” Alexander teased.

“Believe me I was not the first to partake of his sister’s honor,” Ewan replied deviously.

“Can’t you all stop talking about Ewan’s love affaires,” Robert sighed as he took a bite of his bread. “It’s getting a bit dull.”

“Very well, have you been to see Moira?” Alexander asked slyly.

“Why you…” Robert wanted to hit him but Ewan was in his way so he threw his bread at him.

“Ouch,” Alexander rubbed the spot the bread had hit.

“Who’s Moira?” Rosaline asked gracefully bringing a piece of beef to her mouth and taking a small bite.

“Robert’s betrothed,” Hector answered wanting her to take notice of him.

He was rewarded when her blue eyes settled on him, “I didn’t know he was engaged.”

“He wishes he wasn’t.”

“Isn’t she the daughter of a Border Lord?”

“The Douglas.” He nodded.

“I’ve heard she’s a beautiful woman,” Rosaline frowned looking at Robert.

“That’s most likely a rumor started by the Douglas to get me to visit,” Robert leaned back in his chair. “I’ve seen her…not something you want in your bed.”

“Robert,” Hector warned. “Not everyone is as cunning as you are. Maybe she has grown into a beauty.” Robert grunted his disbelief. Hector was trying to get them to talk less about their exploits with women now that Rosaline was around but so far was having no success.

“I’m sure she’s pretty and a nice woman,” Rosaline said. “I’m surprised you would do something so cold Robert. You’re a better man than that.” Robert’s head dropped a bit the comment.

“Which is why he will be going to see her to court her so that this alliance with Douglas happens,” Hector announced.

“Hector,” Robert argued.

“I’m giving you a little over a year to get your arse to Roxburgh Castle,” Hector said in a tone the broke no argument.

“I think he’s serious this time,” Alexander smirked at Robert’s misfortune.

“Better get a move on and try some ladies before you’re tied down forever,” Ewan snickered. Robert must have taken it seriously because he promptly excused himself from the table and started flirting with one of the maids.

“Well, I’m mighty tired so I think I’ll retire,” Ewan said yawning.

“Just remember tomorrow you’re in charge of getting our cattle back,” Hector said knowing full well that his youngest brother was not going to bed alone.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll teach the Medfords not to try to steal them again,” he said draining is cup and leaving.

“I’ll actually be going to sleep,” Alexander said standing and biding Hector and Rosaline goodnight. Hector knew his brother was telling the truth as he would be leaving to follow a lead from the day Rosaline’s party was attacked. They hadn’t found much on the bodies except pouches of money that showed they had been bought and a note on the leader that had the name of a tavern as well as the initials H.A. on it. That tavern had given them a description of a man seen talking with the Scott leader and Alexander had been tracking him down. Tomorrow he was leaving to the home the mystery man was said to live in. Hector wasn’t expecting much but at the very least there would be another clue as to his identity.

“I have some work to take care of,” Hector told Rosaline as he too rose. “Don’t wait up for me.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Rosaline tossed and turn in the huge bed but couldn’t get comfortable. She sighed and sat up, lighting a candle to see by. Rosaline stood and went to get a robe from her new armoire to put over her chemise. Knowing she wasn’t going to get back to bed she opened the door intent on getting some tea. As she made her way through the dark yet oddly homelike castle she could admit to herself why she couldn’t sleep…it was Hector. Never could she close her eyes without him at her side. She had gotten so use to sleeping in his arms that she could do it no other way. Rosaline was angry at herself because she enjoyed her wifely duty and the kisses he gave her. She loved them so much that she kept forgetting about Troll. Am I being unfaithful? She asked herself. She couldn’t help feeling it but she had never actually made a promise to Troll to love him or he to her. Troll’s most likely married already, she told herself just like she was. Hector’s face came to her then and she couldn’t help a sigh. The man she called husband was truly puzzling. Sometimes she didn’t know what to make of him. He was strong, dangerous, and cruel to the world yet with his people, brothers, and her he was the complete opposite.

Rosaline had just turned the corner and entered the Great Hall when she heard a beautifully haunting tune drift from the hallway to her left. Forgetting her tea she followed the hypnotizing sound to the library. She saw light coming from under the door and cautiously cracked it open. Before her was Hector, playing the tune on a wooden tin whistle. Her lips parted in astonishment as he laid it aside and sang in an equally breathtaking tone. Rosaline had no idea what he sang about as it was in Gaelic but his strong voice and talent made her feel the pain of lost love. Here was yet another example of how mystifying this man was a warrior with the heart of a poet. Rosaline must have made a noise of pleasure because he broke off suddenly and jerked his head to look straight at her. For a minute they said nothing, each studying the other before Rosaline worked up the courage to enter the room.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt, I couldn’t sleep and was going to get some tea,” she explained. He didn’t reply so she continued. “That was beautiful. What was it about?”

“About a man that has to leave his woman behind while he goes to war,” he said simply.

“It was lovely.”

He chuckled, “My brothers love to tease me about my voice. They say my men are loyal to me only because if they weren’t I would torture them with my voice.”

“I think they are jealous of it,” Rosaline said honestly. Again, a silence fell but it was almost a comfortable one. “I’m sorry I wouldn’t want to bother you.” She was about to leave when his voice stopped her.

“You’re not. I had just finished up my paperwork and had some thinking to do. Music makes my mind work,” Hector said. He then did something he had never done, looked down at his feet in shyness. “Would you like to stay a while, maybe read to me?” He gestured at the books around him. “Reading also helps me think and you have a soothing voice.”

She smiled in pleasure, “I would love to. Let me just get some tea and I’ll be back.” Rosaline felt her skin tingle when she saw how much her acceptance meant to him. She quickly went to the kitchen, brewed some tea and brought two cups of it with her back to the library. There she spent a good portion of the night reading to her husband as he fixed her with his unwavering regard.

~ ~ ~ ~

Another month passed in a blink of an eye for Hector. Alexander had found nothing after an intensive search and the investigation had stopped for the moment yet all four were still on alert for anything. Raids kept Hector busy the day as well as councils with some of his allies that now included Hunter. Yet it was the nights that he waited for with impatience. Since that night Rosaline had found him in the library she had returned at the exact hour every night to spend time with him. Most of the time she would read to him with her musical voice that made his heart race and his palms sweaty. Other times, she would read the histories of Scotland and ask questions, eager to learn of his culture. He would tell her and then ask questions of his own about her customs. They had philosophical discussions too, Rosaline was never one to shy from her points of views and he listened to them and then added his own. Rosaline seemed surprised at how he would consider her points making him understand that most English men didn’t really listen to their womenfolk.

Lately, she had had him reading to her or sometimes even singing. She told him that she love to listen to him and would curl up next to him on the bench and lean her head against his shoulder. Her favorite songs were the myths and legend of Scotland so he sang many of those as well as told her the stories. Rosaline was fascinated by them and they would stay up so late that she would fall asleep with her head trustingly against him and he would carry her up stairs to bed. His brother mocked him and said that he had been domesticated by her. Hector wasn’t irritated but glad by the comment. He knew that he had fall in love with her in a way that his young self could not have even comprehended. He loved the way she smiled shyly at him, or the way she glance at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. He loved to go to bed with the feel of her beside him and wake to the smell of roses coming from her skin. Hector loved every move she made, every word she uttered, and every damn inch of her pure soul. Which was why he had to tell her the truth about being Troll. He knew that they would never have a chance to be happy with this between them. Hector wanted to do it as soon as possible and he only hoped that Rosaline could forgive him.

~ ~ ~ ~

Rosaline fought to keep the contents of her stomach down as she went through the list of things she would need from the market with Finn, one of the errand boys. There was no doubt now in her mind that she was with child and with her calculations three months gone already. She had noticed that her monthly courses had been late two months ago but had thought nothing of it because of the stress from the attack and the sudden marriage. Then she had not thought of it at all until this month when she had started to have morning sickness and dizzying spells. At first she had no idea what it had meant but when she had fainted in front of Maureen, the cook’s wife had revealed to her the cause. Rosaline had sworn her to secrecy until she had told Hector but in the last couple weeks had been unable to. Her courage failed her every time and whenever she was around him a strange emotion would take over her body. Rosaline had been wrestling with what it could be for weeks and had only just realized the word for her feelings…it was love. She loved Hector. She loved him because behind the hard warrior was a man that cared for those around him. She loved him because of the way he followed her movements in the great hall with his emerald eyes. She cared for him in a way she never had Troll. She loved Hector more than her own life and she was going to tell him so tonight as well as the news of the baby.

“My lady,” said a servant. “The Laird wishes to see you in the library.” Rosaline said she would be there in a minute. She finished her list for Finn and made her way to her husband. I guess you can tell him now, she thought. Her stomach did a nervous flip as she entered the library. Hector was clearly in deep thought as he paced back and forth across the floor.

“If you continue much longer you will leave an imprint,” she teased with a warm smile.

His head snapped up but he didn’t smile, “Rose.”

“Are you alright?” she asked concerned as she went to his side and laid a hand on his arm.

“Yes I’m fine,” he said clearing his throat. “I have to tell you something.”

“So do I,” Rosaline said as she let her hand trail his jaw line.

“Rose,” Hector muttered distractingly. She wanted to kiss him so badly. Like he has heard her thought he groaned and leaned down to capture her lips. It was a rough, passion filled kissed that had them both breathless in a matter of seconds. Pulling back a bit he whispered, “I’m Troll.”

“E-excuse me?” Rosaline asked disorientated by his wonderful kiss and now by what he had said.

He pulled back to give her some space, “I’m Troll.”

“No you’re not,” she declared a scowl replacing her smile.

“Your nickname was Fairy, I meet you when you got stuck in a tree, Ewan was with me that day. My reward for getting you down was an apple. We meet almost every week at that tree and talked, debated, argued--.”

“Stop! Don’t go on,” Rosaline yelled clapping her hands over her ears. In horror she backed away.

“Rose I’m so--.”

“You never told me,” she accused dropping her arms limply to her side. “All this time…and you didn’t tell me.”

“I know, I’m sorry I should have told you,” Hector tried to reach for her hands but she yanked them away. “Rose, please.”

“You bastard,” Rosaline screamed as she felt her heart break. In fury she pounded his chest. “You made me feel horrible for loving two people when in reality it was just you!”

“Forgive me.” Hector’s remorse was almost palpable but she didn’t care.

“You lied!” Rosaline turned her back on him, reaching for the door handle. “I hate you!” She flung that back at him as she wrenched the door open to reveal Robert and Ewan both standing there listening. His two brothers sheepishly backed away from the thunderstorm that was Rosaline as she rushed out of the library. Her tears were pouring down her face yet she continued walking, craving the air of the afternoon. Hector had betrayed her was the only thing on her mind as she descended the stairs and exited into the courtyard. She took the small path that would lead her to the garden and privacy. Rosaline was so absorbed in her melancholy that she ran into someone.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, wiping her face and steadying the hooded figure she had almost toppled over.

“Luck is with me today,” came a very familiar voice. “Just the woman I was looking for.”

“Henry?” Rosaline asked stunned.

“The one and only come to rescue you from that brut,” Henry said as he grabbed her arm and started to walk.

“What?” she asked perplexed.

“I’m the one you should have married and now I have you,” Henry said icily. “You’re coming with me.”

“Please let go of me, I have a husband now Henry.” Rosaline might be mad at Hector but she wasn’t about to run off with Henry. She tried to escape his painful grasp but only managed to make him grip her harder. Rosaline had just opened her mouth to scream for help when he hauled her against him.

“Listen to me bitch,” he snarled bringing a dagger to her throat. “You can come away quietly or we can do this the hard way.” His breath stank and the glint of madness was in his eyes. She eyed the dagger and knew she had to do as he said. If it had been just her she would have risked it but she was carrying a child--Hector’s child--and she was going to protect it with everything she had.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Good choice,” his lips curled into a pitiless smile. “Now order two horses from the guards and tell them we are going for a ride. The Laird is fine with this since you are bringing along a servant.” She nodded to say she understood, her voice had deserted her. “Now get moving, I don’t have all day.” Rosaline closed her eyes as she began walking to the stables, praying that Hector would come after her.

~ ~ ~ ~

Hector collapsed onto the bench and buried his face in his hands. He didn’t care that Robert and Ewan had witnessed the embarrassing scene. His heart was only on the thought that he had lost her, the woman that meant everything to him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at Robert. He and Ewan were looking at him with sympathy, both at a loss as to what to say in such a situation.

Ewan sat beside Hector, “I’m never falling in love.”

“Don’t say that,” Hector growled so ferociously that it made Ewan and Robert jump. “Love is a precious gift…even if it hurts like hell.” They fell into an awkward silence as Hector kept seeing Rosaline’s hurt expression. She wasn’t going to forgive him and he didn’t know what he was going to do without her love. He suddenly felt a prickling of dread throughout his whole body but pushed it aside. Footsteps came running up the hall and Alexander burst in.

When he saw is brothers’ grim faces he paused, “Did someone die?”

“Don’t joke Alexander,” Robert said shooting him a dirty look.

“What did I miss?” he insisted.

“Is there a particular reason why you are bothering me?” Hector barked, wanting to be alone in his misery.

“What? Oh yes,” Alexander snapped to attention. “I’ve been doing a bit of digging about the elusive H.A. and came up with a list of English and Scotsmen that have reason to hate us--which is quite a long list mind you. Then I compared it to the initials and found our man, Henry Anderson and guess what is so interesting about him?”

“Enlighten me,” Hector said uninterested.

“He was Rosaline’s betrothed before her father broke it in favor of you.”

Hector stood, fully attentive now. “Do you know where he is?”

“Aye, his last known location was a tavern about five miles from here,” Alexander grinned at his own genius. Hector began pacing again. It made sense, the man had been mad to have waited twenty-two years for Rosaline only to have her father gave her to another man at the last instant. This Henry hadn’t wanted to give up so easily and had planned the attack in the woods to have Rosaline kidnapped.

“My lord,” Brodie interrupted entering the room hesitantly.

“Yes what is it?” Hector pushed his long hair from his forehead, thinking through what he had just learned.

“Did you permit your lady to go riding?”

“Riding?” Hector repeated. “Alone?”

“Yes sir, she just left five minutes ago with a man,” Brodie explained shifting his feet in uneasy. “It was the man that made me want to ask. He kept his face hidden and from the glimpse I caught he was a stranger.”

“Damnation, it’s Anderson!” roared Hector rushing past all the men as he rushed out of the castle shouting at his men to mount. He cursed the feeling he had ignored as he straddled Cuthach and kicked him into a full gallop. Hold on Rose, he thought. I’m coming.
~ ~ ~ ~

Rosaline feared what awaited her when she entered the little cottage that Henry had taken her to. She made sure to take extra time tying her horse to the post but couldn’t prevent Henry from dragging her in. He closed the door and locked it, turning to face her with hate in his eyes.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked, maybe if she kept him talking than Hector would notice her absence and come to her.

“Why? Because I’ve waited twenty-two years to call you my wife and take you to my bed. Twenty-two years! A man has never been more patient.” Henry moved towards her like a wolf closing in on its prey. “I wanted you in my bed so much that I waited those damn twenty-two years because I knew that you would not make love to me before. And then your father gives you to that fucking Scot!” In that moment all the ugly rumors she had heard and all the lustful gazes he had watched her with came crashing in on her. She had no doubt that all the rumors were true. The man before her was capable of murder. “I will not be made a fool of. I will have what is due to me!” He brutally grabbed her middle and pulled her to him.

“You were the one that paid the Scotts,” she said buying herself a bit more time.

“Yes, but they failed to capture you so I had to do it myself.”

“You won’t get out of this unscratched you know. Hector will come for me,” She lifted her chin in the face of danger with as much dignity as she could master.

“He might but I’ll be done with you by then,” Henry’s fiendish smile sent chills down her back. “And I’m not sure you’ll want to go back.” He violently took hold of her head and kissed her. Rosaline struggled and yelled, knowing that no one was around. She managed to kick his shin and stumbled away as he huffed.

“I’ll always want to go back to Hector, I love him!” she professed with passion. That made him furious and his once handsome face contorted into ugliness in his rage. Before he could lunge at her the door to the cottage came crashing down and a gigantic figure entered holding an axe.

“Hector!” Rosaline cried rushing into his waiting arms.

“Thank god you’re safe,” Hector mumbled into her hair as he held her close. Than he let go of her and pushed her safely behind him as he faced Henry. “Although it’s more than you deserve you can come quietly and I will take you to the Border Lords Council were you will be tried for your crimes or you can die right here if you resist.” Henry only laughed like a madman before charging at Hector with his sword. Hector didn’t even move, with one flick he disarmed Henry and with another he plunged his axe into his chest. Henry dropped to his knees and Hector pushed him back with his foot, freeing his weapon as Henry fell dead. “Go to hell then.” Hector turned back to Rosaline who was shaking from fear for her child and him. She melted into his embrace never feeling more secure and happy. She saw that his brothers were here as well and had turned their backs to give them some privacy.

“Did you mean what you said?” Hector asked. “About loving me?”

Rosaline looked up into his hopeful eyes, “Yes.”

“This mean you forgive me?”

She chuckled, “I forgive you because I love you too much.”

“I love you Rose.” Hector than proceeded to kiss her in a way that proved his words.

“Take me home my love,” she whispered when they separated for air.

“Aye, my love.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Hector couldn’t sleep, his heart was too full of joy. He looked down at his wife curled next to him in their huge bed, the fire crackling in the background. He couldn’t help running his fingers through her golden hair or leaning down to kiss her. She moaned and her long lashes fluttered open.

“Did I wake you?” he asked nuzzling her cheek with his nose.

“I don’t mind being woken if it’s with a kiss,” she smiled lovingly at him.

“I should let you sleep, you’ve had a trying day,” Hector replied but his hands had other ideas as they explored her shapely body.

“I’m not tired,” she purred moving her leg over his. “Besides, I haven’t told you my news.”

“What would that be?” he grinned as he let his hand caress her silky leg.

“Move your hand up,” she instructed. Liking where this was going he complied, letting his hand travel up her leg and come to a stop at her waist by her command. “Now over to the left.” Again he did as he was ordered and his hand came to rest on her stomach…which seemed to be curvier than usual. Hector’s mouth dropped and no words came out.

She moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, “I’m pregnant.” A huge smile spread across his face as he laughed.

“I’m going to be a father!”

“I’m glad you’re happy,” Rosaline giggled at his joy.

“I’m the happiest man alive,” Hector said drawing her in for a deep kiss.

“I wonder how your brothers will take the news,” she pondered. “I think they’ll faint dead away.”

Hector groaned, “They aren’t allowed anywhere near our child.”

“Because they’ll teach it curse words and how to get girls if it’s a boy and to stay away from boys if it’s a girl…” Rosaline listed.

“…and god knows what else,” finished Hector.

“They are going to be great uncles.” Rosaline took his enormous hand in her tiny one.

Hector intertwined them, “Just like we’ll make amazing parents.”
♠ ♠ ♠
~Hope you enjoyed the end of Hector and Rosaline's story.
~Robert is up next...You've heard mentions of his betrothed...who is she? What is she like? Robert seems certain that he can charm her into forgetting his neglect of her. But will his betrothed be the one woman he can't win with his artful tongue? And the only woman he wants?
~ Which Maclean Brother do you like best?
~Please comment:D