The Joke's on Me

Bob Butler

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s not a problem. I’ll just hang out with like… Rhys or something.” I said, making a face. Ian laughs.

“Alright, if you say so. But remember, you promised to keep this a secret.”

I nod and smile at him.

I can’t say that I’m completely satisfied. I wanted us to actually mean something to him. Well, at least I hope he does.

He relaxes and hugs me. I grin and press a kiss on his cheek before skipping off. I can hear him laughing quietly as I leave. I take the elevator downstairs and take out my cell.

You want to meet up or something? :D

And where have YOU been, lover boy?

None of your fucking business. So do you wanna hang out with me or not?

Will you tell me if we hang out?


Ugh. Fuck you too. I’m at the studio.


Gavin doesn’t reply after that. I giggle and skip in the direction of the studio.

By the time I get there, it’s 12 in the afternoon. The door bursts open and I run in, attacking Gavin into a huge hug.


He grunts and pushes me slightly. “Why the fuck are you all happy? And you didn’t come home last night… and I did leave you with Ian last night…” he trails off smirking.

“Mind your own business, whore. We didn’t do anything.” I mumble, tugging on his moustache.

He slaps my hand away and I pretend to be offended.

Gavin rolls his eyes. “Then why were you with him all night?”

“Why do you care? You’re not my mother. I can do what I want.” I snap, turning away.

“I care because I’m your best friend. In case you’ve forgotten, as much as you like Ian, he’s a bit of a whore, and I just don’t want you getting hurt.”

I bite my lower lip.


He sighs. “It’s alright. Forget about it. Come on. What do you want to do today?”

“Uhm, I want… go to the pet store!”


“I want a goldfish. Will you buy one for me?”

Gavin makes this noise between a strangled cow and a cat choking on a grape. That’s okay though, because I drag him to the pet store anyways, and he did buy me a goldfish which I’ve decided to name “Bob Butler”, because Bob’s just that cool and since Gav did buy me it, I think he deserves to have the fish named after his namesake.



“Hey yourself.” I grin at Ian. He smiles, looks around, and takes my hand, leading me into an empty hallway of the recording studio.

I run my hands up his arms and around his neck, playing with his hair. He leans over and pressing a soft kiss on each of my eyelids and then my nose. I giggle, tugging gently on his hair and he groans softly and I bat my eyelids.

He smirks and leans over, takes my lower lip between his own lips, and sucks it into his mouth, tongue sliding across. I gasp and grip tightly to the front of his shirt. He moans softly before pulling away, lips cherry red. He smiles. “Can’t stay here long, they’ll suspect something. Okay?”

I nod and lay my head on his chest for a minute before letting go and walking towards the studio. I turn quickly around. “Are my lips red?”

“Just say you ate some sweets.”

I roll my eyes and grin.

He walks in front of me and over to the rest of the guys. “Oi, there you guys are. Let’s do this one last time and perfect it, okay?” Gavin asks.

I nod and go into the sound booth with Ian and Gavin. Snoz shuts the door behind us, and I put my headphones on.

We go through “It’s High Tide Baby!” at least fifteen more time before we’re finished and I plop down in my seat. Everyone’s gone home because they’ve got bored.

“So? What do you think?”

Gavin grins, “I think it’s fucking perfect.”

“’bout you, Ian?”

“I think it’s good. I like it, a lot.”


Gavin stretches his arms over his head. “Fuck, it’s seven, I’ve got to go. Coming Sean?”

I peek over at Ian. He’s chewing on his lower lip.

“Uh, I guess so…” I wait for Ian to say something, but he doesn’t. I get up from the chair, frowning softly, and follow Gavin to the door. “See you.” I mumble to Ian.

Right as Gavin puts his hand on the door handle, Ian calls out, “Wait, uh, want to go get a drink?”

Gavin raises his eyebrows. “I have to get going.”

“I don’t.” I say quickly. “You can go on home, Gavin, I’ll meet up with you later?”

He looks at Ian and then back at me. “Right… Sure, that’s fine. See you. Don’t get too wasted.” He smirks at himself; I see it, and walks out, closing the door behind him. Ian gets up from his chair and walks over, catching my hand in his, and smiles.

“I got worried for a second; I didn’t think you wanted to be with me tonight.”

“Of course I do, silly.” He chuckles, kissing my cheek. “Come on.”

“Are we seriously going to get a drink?”

“Well… yeah.”

“Oh. Okay. I guess that’s cool, as long as I’m with you.” I mumble, blushing when I realize how lame and cliché it sounds.

He runs his hand through my hair. “Ugh, fuck, you’re so fucking adorable.” he murmurs, moving in front of me and pressing his lips against mine. I sigh happily and pull away.

“Come on; let’s go get a drink, and then we can swing back to your place.”

“We’re not just “swinging by”. I think we’ll be there for a while.” Ian winks. I blush and roll my eyes.

“You know what I mean.”

“Oh definitely.” He grins, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“You’re going to get me hard before we even have a drink if you keep doing that eyebrow thing.”

He wiggles them again. “Isn’t that what I was aiming for?”

“Shut up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Erm. Hello.
This is a shitty, short, boring update and all.
I'm sorry.
And I'm sorry I didn't update for ages.
I've been a complete and utter cunt.
I've been trying to beat COD4: MW on Veteran, and it's been a complete pain in the ass. That's why I haven't really been on here properly.

I need a drink. I'm parched.
No, not an alcoholic drink.
I don't drink alcohol.
I'm underage, and I heard that it's nasty.
It looks like piss too.
I want water.
Christ. Where am I going with this?

Thank you to:

for the comments.
Is it just me, or are our comments dying? xD
I love you guys anyways.

**com/sub. <3


#nowplaying: Screenager - Muse