First Love

First Love Chapter 1

Hey everyone! My name is Yumi and I'll be your author for this story. Today we have… Takuma Ichijo for your disclaimer declaration!

Ichijo: This never struck me as necessary… (sees death glare from Author) but I'll do it anyways! Yumi doesn't own anything in this story except for the OC (Yumi Hikari) who thinks I'm hot. (smiles)


If you'll fasten your seatbelts, we'll fly through the first destination of today…

Prologue: A Seer

-Yumi Hikari-

"When will you be back?" I asked, my childish voice filled with sadness and concern for him.

The blond haired green-eyed teen clasped my hands together and kissed my forehead. "I'll be back when Kaname doesn't need me anymore, Yumi," he told me, smiling in his usual way, but something was missing in his eyes. He didn't want to leave me, either. I clung onto the front of his shirt, tears running down my face.

"Takuma, why do you have to go? Why can't someone else go?"

"Because I'm the highest noble amongst the vampires their age. Maybe when you're old enough Ichio will let you join us in Cross Academy. But I'll be back to visit at every chance," he promised me, stroking my wet cheeks. Ichio grunted, but said nothing.

I lowered my voice, "father says I cannot join you. I must stay in safety." Ichio wasn't exactly my father, but I just called him that, because he's the closest thing I had for a father when my own left me forever.
He smiled. "But when you're old enough, you can order them about," he teased. "As a pureblood, I mean, and then no one can attack you because you are a pureblood." He smiled again, and this time the spark in his eyes popped up. I smiled back, in an embarrassingly childish way, the way that only children seven or less could.

Takuma embraced me quickly, and let me go. I could sense that he was crying, or going to cry. He stood, and dug around in his pockets. He pulled out a pure aqua oval crystal hanging on a silver chain that had tiny pink diamonds and jades stuck in a loop every two loops or so it also had one white pearl on each side of the aqua crystal. He handed it to me, and I grasped it in my tiny hands.

"Whenever you look at it, remember me," he told me. I nodded, and stared at his green eyes with my dark turquoise ones.

"I love you, Takuma."

A choked, broken noise erupted from him, and a guard pulled me away and told me to go to my room. I nodded and as I moved away, I saw Ichio wrap his arms around his grandson, it was the most fatherly gesture I'd seen him do to anyone.


Back in my room, I stood at my window watching as Ichijo was driven away, where I could not see him everyday and hear his laughter when he played with me. In my hands was the crystal, too big for me to hold in just one hand.

When I could no longer see him, the tears started to fall, and one struck the crystal, making it glow with pure blue light. With a gasp, I flinched when an image entered my mind, and almost cried when I saw him and his friends, laughing and chatting in the way only friends could. I swallowed, and shut my eyes, making the image go away.

"Miss-Yumi? Would you like to wear the crystal?"

I nodded, and the maid took it from my hands – I wondered if she could see what I saw but dare not say a word about it – and she clasped it securely around my neck.

"There you go," she said with satisfaction, stepping back and admiring the heavy crystal that hung from my neck. "You look beautiful. He chose well, Ichijo did."

I picked up the crystal and watched it with my eyes, but nothing else entered my mind.

"Thank you, Mio." I said trying to smile.

As long as he was happy, I would be.



"Father? When is Takuma coming?" I called to Ichio as I bounded down the stairs.

He grunted from the living room.

I sighed and looked around. Well, I was pretty much alone. I picked up the crystal and peered into it, my eyes widening. Then, a wind gusted from the open window to my right and blew my raven colored hair into my face. With an annoyed sigh, – annoyed because I had fixed it up (1) and also because I was trying to concentrate, which makes it easier to see the future – I tucked it behind my ear and peered into the crystal. This was what I saw:

"Kaname, my family is waiting for me," I saw Takuma insist to the other pureblood. My heart fluttered when I saw Takuma's face, but when I studied the other man, my heart almost stopped. Kaname Kuran.

"It's that girl, isn't it?" Kaname murmured. I saw Takuma stiffen, and I gritted my teeth. No matter what, he has no right to say things like that! If I saw him next time, I was going to scream at him and kick him. Hard.

"She's a pureblood, Ichijo." I blinked. I'd hardly ever heard anyone call him that.

"She's like my sister."

"A sister… or a future wife?"

Scratch the old plan. I was going to murder him and feed his body to the wild dogs I sometimes saw.

"Sister," Takuma insisted. I saw the undying truth behind his words and felt the first strange sense of dread creep up my spine. "We are nothing more than half-siblings. I know that we can't be with each other, that it's bad for her. I know there are more eligible men out there, all of whom are purebloods. Maybe even you, Kaname."

Kaname smiled. A strange smile that I disliked immediately.

"Then I suppose you have no need to go back," he spoke with finality, and turned away. I dropped the crystal and closed my eyes. It was too much. This was too much.

How on earth did I ever believe that Takuma – no, he could only be Ichijo now – loved me? How did I think that, when I saw the looks in his eyes, that he loved me as much as I loved him? Or maybe even more? That when I see him smile at me, a wide, bright smile that flipped my stomach over, I thought that he was thinking how beautiful I am becoming? How did I ever believe any of those things?

With a heavy heart and a body filled with sadness, I dragged myself up to my room and fell asleep with tears running down my cheeks.


(1) Looks like Kunarei Maria's hair

And you may not unbuckle your seat belts, because we're coming in for a crash landing! Quick, everyone, stop, drop and roll!

Zero: That only works for fire.

Oh. Right.

Till the next chapter, people!
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I didn't use japanese titles because the official english dub is out and they do not use japanese titles like sama kun san chan ect.