First Love

First Love Chapter 7

And now we have…

Chapter VI: Joy and Fury

Kaname's eyes were cold when he looked at Ichijo. Yumi's anger towards the older pureblood made her hands shake. She clenched them to stop shaking so much and glared at Kaname.


"I can explain!" he burst out. His face was pale in the light.

Ariya's eyes flashed blood red when she heard that. This thing… this worship Kaname thing was really getting out of control. Slowly, gracefully, she stood and fastened her eyes on Kaname. Her throat burned, reminding her that she would be weaker as she hasn't fed in a while, but what she lacked in strength she'll make up with anger.

She sank into a crouch briefly, then threw herself forward so fast that only Kaname could see her blurring forward to get him.

He caught her easily and stopped her. She kicked forward, her eyes blazing and her foot connected with his shin.

Kaname's eyes flashed the same color as hers, and he threw her backwards. As she lay on the ground, panting, he stepped forward and murmured in a low voice, "I see that you haven't gained control over the powers that you have been granted. Well, all except one." His eyes flickered to the chest of drawers next to her bed before flickering back to her. She bared her teeth in a soundless snarl as she clutched at her wrist. "And always remember to feed if you want to take an older and more experienced vampire on," he continued. His dark red eyes flashed blood red for an instant before he let her go.

Hate filled her eyes and she lunged forward again, and this time, her fist connected with his stomach, sending him back a few steps, but that was all.

An eerie silence filled the room as Kaname glared at her and said in a deep, commanding voice, "Enough."

Yumi slipped into a crouch again, and a feral snarl ripped from her chest. Ichijo stared at her, as if surprised that she, like Zero, could so easily push away the fact that he was the son of the Royal Kuran family.

Ichio growled at her. "Yumi, manners."

"But father!"

"He's Kaname Kuran from the Royal pureblood line. Don't you recognize him?"

A growl slipped through her teeth, and was followed my a low hiss. "Yes."

"Then why do you attack?" This question came from Aido.

"Because I hate him," she replied, her voice so low that it was almost impossible to hear her.

"Yumi," Ichijo cautioned her, but Kaname just smiled.

The color of her eyes dimmed and changed back to normal at his voice. She straightened and stepped back. Yumi bowed, as though mocking Kaname, and then raised her eyes to glare at him. "My apologies, Kaname." Her tone mocked him, as well. Then, she swept past him and disappeared down the hallway.

Kaname stared after her, an amused smile twitching his lips. "Hm."

Ichio turned to him. "I'm sorry about her behavior. She's never acted like that before."

"Understandable," he replied, leaving everyone else confused. Everyone except Ichijo. "I would like to speak to Ichijo. Alone."

Everyone filed out the door and Seiren, the last person, shut it behind her. Kaname waited a while before saying, "Ichijo."

"I'm really sorry, Kaname," he muttered. "I couldn't…"

"I know." His tone didn't make it clear if he was unhappy with him. Ichijo waited uncomfortably as Kaname studied him with dark red eyes.

At last, he said, "You broke your promise, Ichijo. And more than that, you defied my order and went ahead with her. How long has this been going on?"

Ichijo fiddled with the bed sheets. "Not long. Just today."

"And were you going to mention this to me?"

Ichijo swallowed. "No."

If looks could kill, he would've been terminated by the glare Kaname gave him. "You weren't going to tell me about your relationship, so I expect you were going to keep this a secret from your grandfather and therefore the Vampire Council, too. Can you explain yourself?"

Ichijo looked up at him. "No. I can't stop my feelings, Kaname-sama. And neither can she."

"But you remember she is a pureblood. I doubt such a pairing can end happily." Kaname strode over to the black couch and sat on it, his eyes trained on Ichijo.

Ichijo bit his lip. He didn't know what to say to that. He dropped his eyes and studied the back of his hands. His nails might need to be trimmed…

"What are you going to do to us?" Ichijo asked suddenly, for that was the question that nagged him the most. He looked up at Kaname. The handsome dark haired vampire watched him for a while before answering.


Ichijo's eyes widened with surprise. "What?"

"I said nothing."

"What do you mean?"

Kaname sighed and stood. "If I stood in the way of true love, what would everyone think of me? And moreover, for you to leave her alone would be like for me to leave Yuuki alone, and I know that I would almost be destroyed by that. I'd hate to see my good friend and vice president destroyed because of me." A small smile graced his face. "I can't say I'm exactly happy with this… but I suppose I'll manage."

Ichijo stared at the dorm leader dumbly. Kaname raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you think you have ten years to catch up on?"

"Thank you, Kaname-sama!" he gasped, and then rushed out the room. Kaname watched his retreating back with a look of complete amusement before slipping out the door himself.

The next chapter is...

Chapter VII: Nightmare