First New Years Kiss.


I never had a New Years kiss. You know that one when the ball drops, the one that lasts until the New Year, starting it off. I’ve never had one because I was always waiting for him.

I knew him since birth, literally. We were born in the same hospital on the same day around the same time. (I’m 3 minutes older) Our friends say that makes us freaky unrelated twins. I always wished it meant we were somewhat soul mates. But then again soul mates get together right?

He always just saw me as a sister, as one of the guys. I was one of his best friends growing up. He was the first person I’ve ever been attracted to. You know like when boys stop having cooties and start looking gorgeous. Yeah, since then. But he never saw me as anything more.

I was always there on New Years. I’ve always had to witness him share a New Years kiss with some brood that just happened to show up, or a girlfriend, which ever it was at the time. Most recently; i.e. the past four years; it’s been his wife. I never really did care for Missy. I always felt she was a gold digger. Maybe it’s because I’m jealous, or because she only started “liking” him when he started to become famous. Or maybe it’s because, she asks for money every time he drinks.

So of course I’d be there for New Years, and no I’m not disgustingly ugly. I do get asked for a New Year’s kiss every year. Mostly from Chris, Ryan, or Dico. It’s not that I don’t like them as a friend, it’s just I’m waiting for him. Every time I turn them down, they look at me with that disappointed look and say, “You’re beautiful Jay. Quite wasting your time waiting for him.” I can’t help myself though. He’s always there for me, and I’m always there for him. It’s just the way we grew up, and it’s the way, I hope, it’s going to stay.

This year so happens, to be a costume party new year. Every year Bam has to have a theme at big events. I think it’s so people remember him. Like they won’t remember his face. Haha. Anyways, Bam and Missy are dressing up as cavemen. And I didn’t think Missy could get more ugly but I was wrong. I didn’t have a date, as usual, so I really didn’t know what I should dress as. Everyone had something to wear. Brandon Novak was dressed with his date as Adam and Eve. Brandon Dicamillo and his girlfriend were dressed as pirates. Ryan and Angela were going as bikers. (Of course!) And me, well I had no idea what to go as.

Three days before the party, I was still looking for the best outfit. Let me tell you how hard it is to find a costume two months after Halloween. Most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. That was until I ran across a dress. I figured I could make an outfit, and that’s what I did. I found this dress in an antique store on the far end of town. It was a Victorian green gown. It came with the corset and everything. All I needed to do was find a mask of some sort and heals. I ended up borrowing a pair of my sister’s high heels, seeing as I owned no sort of thing. I always dressed like a tomboy. Something hanging out with Bam does. As for a mask I found one in the most random spot, Novak’s closet. He said dress up is fun in the bedroom, which is something I did not want know.

New Years eve, I went with all the girls to get my hair and my nails done. To be honest none of the girls liked Missy, but always had to drag her along. Sadly, Novak’s chick came with us and talked up a storm. Anytime someone said one thing she would butt in with a story.

“I like you, Apple. You should push Novak to make you stay. You could live with us!” Missy said smiling widely.

“I think I will!” She said smiling. I rolled my eyes and looked over Angela.

“So what are you planning to go as, Jay?” Angela asked sweetly.

“Well, I fo-“

“Novak and I are going as Adam and Eve.” Apple said.

I laughed out loud. “I think if Novak was Adam, we’d all be dead by now.” Angela and Caitlin laughed with me, and Missy couldn’t help but smile.

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

I looked at her and then at Caitlin and Angela. “Well let me put it this way, I’m pretty sure Novak would have been the first one to have an STD if he was Adam.” Apple shut up after that comment. The rest of the beauty day was spent silent thanks to Apple keeping her damn mouth shut.

The time had come for the party to finally start. I took my time getting ready, making sure my make up was amazing, making sure I smelt amazing, and making sure I looked the best I could. By the time I made it to the house, it was half an hour after the party had started. I put my mask on and slowly made my way through the sea of people. I grabbed a Smirnoff beer out of one of the random cooler scattered around Bam’s living room. I looked around trying to find someone to talk to, but it seemed everyone was talking, dancing or making out, well in Novak’s cause, dry humping Apple. I looking around, trying to at least spot Bam. But he was nowhere to be found. I weaved my way around the people and found Dicamillo and Caitlin. “Hey guys!” I shouted over the blasting rock music coming out of the rocking jukebox. They smiled. “Have you seen Bam yet?”

“You know him, h’s has to make a big appearance.” Dico said after shaking his head.

Just as he said that, I heard a random animal call and everyone stared up at the top floor of the house. Bam stood there in boxers and a loincloth. I shook my head and watched him swing off the top rail on a piece of half ass looking rope onto the dining room table. Everyone laughed as he knocked into one of the chairs and fell straight on his ass. I shook my head and took a huge gulp of my drink. Missy walked down the stairs slowly rolling her eyes. I saw Bam weave through people with a random beer in his hand. He made his way to us and looked at me slightly confused, as if he didn’t recognize who I was. Good. I liked it that way. He patted Dico on the back before spotting someone else and shouting over to them.

Around eleven thirty, I still hadn’t talked to Bam. Usually at parties, he ignored me anyways, but I was really worried about him. He was downing beers like he was dying tomorrow. I walked slowly upstairs to the bathroom and realized someone was in there. I sighed and stood against the wall. I figured I would hide out from everyone trying to ask me to be there New Years kiss. It happens every year around this time. I get bombarded with the same damn question. I heard someone come walking over and I looked in front of me, staring at those beautiful blue eyes, I’ve learned not to get trapped in. But tonight, they were clouded with the consumed alcohol. “Where have you been all my life?” He asked with a smirk, putting his hand on the wall behind my head.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I thought about the obvious, right next to you. I shrugged at him. “Around.” I said shortly.

“Hm. Maybe you should have been around me more.” He said with another fucking smirk. I just wanted to knock him out. I was there his whole life and yet now he notices me, drunk out of his mind and my boobs all pushed out in the open. “Be my New Years kiss?”

“Wouldn’t your date be pissed?”

“Who her? Naw.”

I glared slightly at him in my head. I felt like I shouldn’t be his new years kiss.But I have been waiting years for this. About 23 years. I smiled slightly. “Only if you want me to be.” I said smirking back at him.

He nodded. “Someone as beautiful as you deserves who ever she wants as a New Year kiss. You know it’s suppose to be the best kiss of the year.”

I sighed. I did know. I wanted to cry thinking of how many years I’ve been waiting. He grabbed my hips and pulled me over to a room that I realized was his. He unlocked it with a key on his key ring. He pulled me in and shut the door. I sat there waiting for him to do something. He just looked at me for what felt like forever before he moved in close to me. He put his arms around me securely and smiled. “Has anyone told you how beautiful you look tonight?” I shook my head. People have but it would feel so much better just coming out of his lips. “You are the most beautiful girl at this party. It would be crazy for anyone not to call you beautiful.”

“Well half of them out there are just as crazy as you are Mr. Margera.”

“Ah, so you do know exactly who I am?”

I nodded. “Does your wife know that you’re up her with another woman, Bam?”

“Does it matter? It doesn’t to me.” I heard the people downstairs start shouting. “Ready to make my year the best I’ve ever had?”

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6.” They chanted as one. Bam Lent over and hovered right against my lips. “5, 4, 3.” I heard them all start shouting louder and louder. I closed my lips and felt his hot breath against my lips. “2.” Before they could even get to one, his lips were over mine, in the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had in all my years. I kissed back and securely placed my arms around his neck. He pulled our bodies closer as our tongues intertwined in a heated battle, that I ended up letting him win.

The kiss lasted a few minutes, but time wasn’t really one of my most concerns. All that matter was the man kissing me for my new years kiss. He slowly pulled away with a smile. I smiled back. “Happy New Years, Bam.” I said with a wide smile.

“Happy fucking New Years, Jay.”
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Wrote this like three days ago
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Might replace the other one with this one