The Dating Rules of a Record Label

Our Extra Parents

I can tell that it's morning.


I don't want to get up. However, I feel a bit weird.

I slowly open my eyes. Dougie's arm is around me, hugging me like I'm his special pillow.

Pillow or not...I'm special and I'm his!

But Dougie isn't the weird part. It's that I'm still in my clothes from last night. One minute we're talking about food and monkeys and the next thing I know...or I guess...I'm sleeping.

Hopefully I don’t snore.

Yumi says I do it sometimes. But she snores herself.

And jeans don't make comfortable pajamas.

I slowly turn towards Dougie whose body is touching my back. He's already awake.

"Did I wake you?" I stifle a yawn and stretch.

"No. I've been awake for quite sometime now. I'm not used to wearing jeans to bed."

"Same here too." I roll on top of him and kiss him.

He lets me kiss him as his hands roam up the back of my shirt. Then he begins to kiss my neck. I look at the clock since my neck is slightly turned.

"Nine in the morning..." I turn his mouth towards me, "Wow we're up early."

Dougie stops in mid-kiss, "What?" He looks down at me.

"Erm...we're up early?" I reply. Less talk, more kiss.

"No before that."

"Nine in the morning," I say as Dougie quickly looks at the clock.

Then I see his eyes get big.

"Oh shit."

"Pardon?"I ask.

"Shit! Shit shit. shit!" Dougie mumbles as he scrambles out of bed.

"What? What's wrong?" I get nervous myself. Did I turn him off by saying the time of day?

"I'm late for a meeting," He says throwing on his shoes.


"What time does it start?" I follow him to the living room.

And things get worse. I see Yumi in her devil state of mind. She's all fidgety and in her work clothes. And there is not a cup of coffee in her hands. Now don't get me wrong, Yumi is my cousin and best friend and I'm always happy to see her.

But when she's in her devil state...

All I can say is, watch out.

Yumi looks up from pacing up and down and stops saying, "where is he? Where the hell is he?" Her jaw drops as she walks towards Dougie, "YOU were HERE! All along?" Then she stares at him and it looks like she's not breathing, "Oh my fucking rockstar legends!" She screams.

"I know I know!" Dougie replies. I just walk to the kitchen.

"Do you bloody know what time it is?"

"Yes!" Dougie grabs his jacket.

"The meeting starts in..." she looks at the clock, "it just started! And I put this whole meeting together thus my arse is on the line here!" She yells. Then she looks at me as I roam the fridge for any breakfast.

What can I say? I was starved!

"You!" Yumi walks towards me.

I stop my messy drinking and slowly turn around. I give her my big eyes, swallow my juice in one big gulp and wipe my mouth the back of my hand. I know I am in trouble for something. Not sure what I did though.

"Me?" I ask quietly.

Then Yumi quickly turns towards Dougie, "You!" She points at him.

Now I'm confused.

First she wants to punch me in the boobs and now she wants to kick Dougie in the balls!

I don't know who she wants to kill first!

Probably me.

I instantly went back to drinking my juice out of the large carton.

"Did you two..." She points at both of us, "Dougie since when were you here?"

"I dunno...since nine last night? We were in Kaya's room most of the time."

That didn't sound right.

"Did you two..." She points at us again, "Did you know...erm..."

I catch on when Dougie was clearly clueless.

"Oh no! No we didn't," I blush.

"Do what?" Dougie asks.

Boys are stupid.

How can our situation not look like we just had sex? I mean, c'mon! We both came out of my bedroom...together...after one night alone?

"Dougie everybody is looking for you!" Yumi exclaims, "No one hasn't a clue on where you were! And now that I found how you were here with Kaya all night doing god knows what-"

"Yumi we didn't sleep together!" I fold my arms, "Well we did but not like that!" I explain.

"Fine, Dougie we got to leave like..." she looks at her watch,"...NOW! Oh and Oliver wanted me to tell you that Tom moved back out to be with Giovanna again," Yumi begins pushing him out the door.

"Finally!" Dougie laughs, "Zukie can have his room back!" Dougie gets out of Yumi's grip and runs towards me.

"Yes?" I smile.

We both ignore Yumi's little tantrum.

"I forgot," He grins.

Then he kisses me. I kiss him back, holding his hand.

"Alright! Let's go now!" Yumi hits his back, completely ruining the moment...again!

I swear when she starts dating, I'm going to ruin her special moments too!


Around mid-day, I went to the gym because Karlie said I needed some muscle rather than just being thin.

I'm not that thin.

I ate a large bag of crisps yesterday. All by myself!

Apparently ever since glamorous Ali Michael put on some pounds, waif like figures are instantly out.

That means me and my naturally skinny arms.

But I don't really see the point. I guess the media does since they basically control what the population reads and sees.

So I went for a little workout.

And two hours later, I'm basically crawling to my flat.

It was my first time using those flat escalator type things- where you run in place. Yeah I fell off that, dropped a weight bell thing, and I saw a grandma and her wiener dog do better than me.

The dog's name was Ricky Martin and he kept snapping at me.

The phone rings as I moan and groan with aches and pains on the carpet. I didn't have enough energy to get to the warm bathtub.

I crawl to the phone.

"Hello?" I mumble.

"Kaya!" It was Karlie, "Come over to Oliver's place!"

She sounds a bit...distressed.

I feel a poop.

"When?" I groan.

"NOW!" Then she hangs up.

"Fine!" I yell at the phone, "ow..."

I took Yumi's old crappy car since mine was low on fuel and Yumi took her posh vehicle to work. The crappy car was barely alive as well! Oh we do go so well together right? It kept bumping me up and down and coughing smoke. I finally make it to Oliver's house with the sputtering car. Yumi meets me outside. I'm still in my spandex gym clothes.

"People are bitching," She links arms with me. But she sounds serious.

"Why?" I ask, knowing since Karlie hung up on me that I was in trouble for something.

Yumi gives me a sorry look.

I walk into the strong cologne room. I wanted to sneeze- oh wait too late I already did.

Everyone was gathered in that one tightly packed room. McFLY, Oliver, their agent, Nae and their press officer along with my people- Karlie, Galen, and Natasha. It was all the people I love...and fear.

"Where were you last night?" McFLY's agent asks me like he's a police man and I'm a criminal.

I look at him before I had the chance to look at anyone else (coughDougiecough), "At home, why?"

"Was Dougie with you?" Karlie asks calmly.

"Yeah we were hanging out!" Dougie interrupts.

"Exactly! Hanging out is not acceptable." Galen says.

Since when can I not act like a girlfriend to my boyfriend?

"And neither is sex," Oliver comments.

"We didn't have sex!" I get defensive, "We fell asleep and it was pouring waterfalls out there all night!"

I see Tom, Danny, Harry, and Yumi sneak into the kitchen.

Wow guys, you four all call yourselves friends? Sure go ahead and let Dougie and I deal with over-protective people who aren't even our parents!

"You lot are over-reacting." Dougie says stubbornly.

"Exactly!" I interrupt Karlie's comeback.

"We appreciate that you care about our images and our lives, but it's our relationship," I say, sounding like I'm 25 instead of 18. I hope I don't start getting gray hair now!

"And that relationship consists of Kaya and me," Dougie adds, "No one else."

I look at Dougie and give him a small smile.

"So don't have a freak out. Sorry we didn't tell you where we were last night," I say.

No not really. I don't give a light sabers crap anyway.

"And we won't do it again," I continue.

We probably will.

"Just please don't treat us like children," I grab Dougie's hand and walk to the kitchen, leaving the 'parents' in the other room to think about what they've done like bad kids in time out.

"You handled that well," Dougie whispers. I just smile and quickly kiss him on the lips.

We enter the kitchen and we find Yumi and Danny flirting like they were always innocent, Tom eating a sandwich, and Harry making a drum set out of pots and pans.

Dear God why did you give me friends like these people?

I roll my eyes as Yumi laughs like a hyena and snorts like a pig in front of Danny. He's doing the same thing.

Oh dear...
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Thanks for reading! Remember I won't be updating for while!