The Dating Rules of a Record Label

New Year's Eve

"Kick it!" I knock over a beer bottle, "oops," I laugh as Harry jumps out of the way of the flying glass. It almost hit his new girlfriend Izzy in the ear as she left to see her parents in the Shoreditch area...or was it the Camden area? She's a nice girl. Very shy and reserved though. She's just been through the rules today too so she must be exhausted! This afternoon Izzy, Yumi, Giovanna, and I trash-talked about the rules with each other over lunch when that's when it hit me- we're McFLY girlfriends. It sounds cheesy but I bet it's better than being a football wife right? Why am I even talking about football wives? I don't know any!

"Kaya get down you'll get hurt," Dougie smiles. He motions for me to get down. Since when is he cautious? How come he gets to create chaos but I can't?

"Let her dance!" Jazzie gets up to my level. She loses her balance and I catch her hand, "Phew!" She laughs.

"Jazzie you can dance on the table but that's because I wouldn't care if you broke your foot. It's a different story with Kaya," He smirks. Jazzie just throws nasty words at him.

"Turn it up!" I scream at Tom. He fixes the volume so the walls are thumping. Literally! I can see them moving!

"You wake up late for school and you don't want to go!" I sing and twirl around on the table. I duck beneath the chandelier so I wouldn't knock myself out and miss all the partying.

"You ask your mum please but she still says no!" Jazzie leans on me and swigs down some beer.

"You miss two classes and no homework!" I step on a fork, “Shit Ow!" I stumble. I'm still laughing like a bum on crack.

"Fuck I missed the last line!" Jazzie screams and for a moment I thought she was going to hang on the chandelier like a monkey. Would it hold her weight? She's super skinny so it probably would.

"You gotta fight! For your right! To partay!" Danny begins to sing along while swaying with Yumi.

"Sing with me!" I scream and trip over a balloon that was limp on the table.

"And your mum took away- whoa!" And I'm falling and falling for one quick second until Dougie catches me. Yes- my knight in shining armor that is labeled with 'Volcom' clothing symbols.

"...your best porno mag..." I giggle.

"You okay Kaya?" Yumi screams over the music. Jazzie was too busy dancing to notice.

"Yeah," I reply and continue to look in Dougie's eyes. I could never read them that properly.

"Dancing on tables isn't safe," He pecks me on the lips once while he still held me in his arms. He quickly puts me back on my feet..

"Really?" I ask like I didn't know.

He nods, "But I like what I saw," He smirks.

"What did you see?" I ask standing up.

I straighten out my shirt which was all crinkled now and buttoned it up again which was starting to fall apart. I do admit- it was a bit loose and flimsy like it could fall apart at any second. Okay so I accidently showed some was an accident!

Dougie's eyes look down briefly at my top and back up to me.

"Oh..." I laugh, "Well I hope you liked the view."

We were all at Tom's flat, enjoying New Year's Eve. Everyone was here except Oliver and our families. He wanted to be with adults his own age.

Yeah right!

He loves us. He just doesn't know it yet.

"Gosh Harry, Gio's better than you at drums!" Dougie hits Harry's head and sits on the couch. He brings me to him and I sit on his lap as he slides an arm around my waste.
Giovanna was rocking away on Rockband. Tom was in love with the game. When he found out his girlfriend of a long time loved the game as well, he became even more in love with her.

Then Harry took over the drum set and Danny begins to attempt to lick his ear. His tongue looks weird! It's slithering in and out like a snake!

"Ew Danny, your tongue is cold!" Harry tries to swat Danny away.

Yumi interrupts them, "What are you talking about? His tongue is warm."

I try not to laugh at her. She sounds so sure of herself now when just four hours ago, she was complaining to me about how she has no boobs and I have no butt. She- Yumi- my best friend/cousin- was complaining to me about MY butt.

I break my flirtatious whispering with Dougie and pipe up, "Duh Yumi because when his tongue goes in your mouth," I point to Danny and Yumi with my pinky, "Things get a bit hot. And plus it has to do with all that breath and saliva exchange."


"Makes you think about the gross part of snogging eh?" Tom chuckles.

I slither my tongue out at Yumi and flick of pair of purple panties at her. Yes, a pair of purple panties. I found them in between the seat cushions. I think they belong to Giovanna. The purple blur of the panties shoots through the air and instead of hitting Yumi, it hits Danny.

The panties landed on his nose.

Now that's gross.

He screams and his eyes look down the bridge of his nose, "Get if off! Oh my god, get it off!" He accidently smacks an innocent Jazzie.

"Ow how about you bloody take it off then!" She shouts and lands on the laughing Dougie and I. I have tears in my eyes. Yumi was on all fours, laughing so hard. Jazzie's foot is sticking in my ear and Dougie and Jazzie are bickering.

Poor Danny, his own girlfriend is laughing at him.

"Relax, Danny," Tom takes the panties off his nose, "They're clean! I was folding laundry today," He said like it was nothing weird. He gave them to Giovanna who just laughed, shook her head, and put them on the sofa arm.

"You do laundry?" I ask. I thought only Dougie liked to fold clothes. Yes he does! I caught him doing it one time at his flat!

"Yeah. I just bought lavender scented wash for it too! Here smell!" He said brightly, took a whiff of the scent from the panty and shoved it under Harry's nose.

"Hey that does smell nice!" He sniffs it again.

Next thing I know, every single male plus Jazzie were sniffing the underwear.

Dougie just dropped me for underwear!

"Oi! Leave my underwear alone!" Giovanna screams. The boys and Jazzie ignore her.

Boys are sick.

I don't even know what to say about Jazzie.

Look at them! They were all huddled around like it was something to eat!

Yumi and I roll our eyes and walk back to the kitchen.

"Honestly, that is so disgusting!" She shivers.

"I guess it's a male thing?" I reply and sit on the counter as Yumi gets us beer, "When we were eight, a rabid male fan broke into the house and started sniffing things in my mom's lingerie dresser." I smile.

"Oh yeah! I remember that! Your dad and my mum attacked him! Your dad hit him with a guitar and mum wrapped him in a large shawl while we waited for police! Classic!" She cheers. We both sigh and clink our beer bottles together.

"To the tiny bits of snow, lots of rain, and beer!" I smile. Yumi nods and drinks like it's her job.
We are two sad girls. Our boyfriends ditched us for their best friend's girlfriend's pair of panties and we were drinking to mushy snow and cheap beer.

"Ah..." I swallow hard and smile, "beer."

"I can tell Dougie will be driving you tonight," She chuckles, "You'll be drunk probably."

"I find that kissing in the snow is romantic," I say. Dougie and I did that this morning in Karlie's tiny backyard. We rolled around and around and around until I couldn't feel my legs. Then Dougie had to carry me inside the house.

Yumi thinks for a moment, "Yes...I can see myself kissing Danny. Just rolling around in it and kissing him- it's just the sexy thing to do," She shrugs.

I laugh and we high-five each other like the dorks that we are.

"Ten!" I'm standing on the couch with Dougie.

"Nine!" Oliver, Nae, James, Karlie, and Galen all run in screaming, "Are we late?"

"So he does love us!" Harry laughs.

"Eight!" I get excited and Yumi and I clap our hands like little girls.

"Seven!" Jazzie jumps on Oliver's back, "Happy New Year!" She laughs.

"No yet you dimwit!" Dougie takes my hands and pulls me close to him. I smile at him.

"Six!" Danny whispers in Yumi's ear. I quickly put on a party hat.

"Five!" Look! Danny and Yumi are already kissing!

"Are you going to kiss me?" I giggle to Dougie.

"Three!" He smiles, nods and lifts my chin up to his face.

"Two!" Funny how ten seconds felt like one minute.

"One!" Dougie finds my lips with his and not only did I hear fireworks outside and on the television, I heard them in my heart and throughout my body.

"Happy New Year!" And everybody begins to sing and dance and I have these uncontrollable shivers.

You know when you witness something extraordinary and you know everything is right, you get goose bumps and can't help but put on a huge smile?

That is what I went though and witnessed. Everyone was singing and hugging and kissing. I was kissing. I smiled as Dougie kissed me over and over again as we ignored our friends around us.

Dougie lays his forehead against mine, "Happy New Years."


I let Dougie take me home even though I wasn't intoxicated. The thing is- we never made it to my flat. But we did make it to Dougie's place.

"Shouldn't we go inside?" I ask, never detaching my lips from his in the car. We were parked right outside his flat.

"Yeah..." His lips work down my throat, "I guess." But Dougie never lets me go. I was straddling him while he was still in the driver's seat. I guess it would be hard for me to get out of this position. The car's tightly packed and low I might add. But then again, we've managed to have hot make out sessions in the backseat which is even more cramped.

I kissed Dougie more and I found his earlobe to kiss. Dougie accidently honks the car horn.

"Hush..." I quietly laugh and find his lips again.

"Oops..." I can feel him grin against my mouth.

"What time is it?" I ask. I only half realized my hands were unbuttoning his black shirt.

"A bit after two in the morning, why?" He asks me. I feel his hands run down my back. I didn't answer as I successfully rolled his shirt off.

"Wait," He stopped kissing me. I stop and look at him. We were both breathing hard.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Hey! Shouldn't this be the other way around? Shouldn't I be
saying "wait" and he start replying "What's wrong?" Life is weird.

"We shouldn't do a car." He looks at me. His hands were still resting on my bra hook beneath my top.

I think for a moment. Maybe it is a bit dangerous. His car has windows which are now foggy. And it's tightly packed in here so one of us could hit out heads or something or honk a horn again.

"You're right," I sigh and take my hands slowly of his chest. I run my hand through my hair and begin to get off Dougie and back into the passenger's seat.

"Actually," Dougie holds me so I can't get off him, "Never mind; we’re safe enough," He starts kissing me again and his hands are back on me. I feel him unbutton my jeans. I see a condom sticking out of his pocket. I smile and grab it.

Just then, a speeding car with its top down zooms down the road past us. It was Danny's car with Yumi laughing in a drunken manner.

The car, blaring music, screeches and turns a sharp left down another street. I can hear Yumi's wild screams and Danny's drunken laugh in the air.

"Um..." I look at Dougie. My hands were resting on his belt, "Maybe it would be safer if we go inside," I put the condom back in his pocket.

"Good idea," He laughs.

Once inside. I'm still kissing Dougie while I lead him through his kitchen to his bedroom. His hands were already fumbling with the buttons of my blouse.

"Shit, ow!" I laugh as Dougie and I fall over the open dishwasher and onto the tile floor.

"Dougie!" I laugh more while he groaned in frustration, burying his face by my neck, "Why did you leave the dishwasher open?"

"I was in a hurry to get a McFLY meet and greet today. I was running late!" He groans again.
"Aw poor baby," I rubbed his back. He was still on top of me, frustrated that our clothes can't come off (heh).

He sighs and gets off and we sit next to each other against a lower kitchen cabinet.

I yawn and slowly close the dishwasher.

"Tired?" He asked, taking my hand and kissing it.

"Yeah," I nod. I hear him yawn too.

"Alright we'll sleep tonight," He smiles.

"Sorry no sex in the car," I giggle and lay my head on his shoulders. We'll be sleeping in the kitchen tonight. My legs and eyelids felt heavy.

"Nor in the bed," He grumbles and wraps his arms around me as I close my eyes.
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Thank you for reading! The next part should be out soon!