The Dating Rules of a Record Label

Female Escort

Yumi rushes me to a diner which is supposedly where Oliver is eating. When he didn't pickup when Yumi called, she thought hard for ten minutes, talking to herself about the possibilities of Oliver's whereabouts. Her rapid thinking and talking scared me. But I'm thankful because I'm just at the edge of giving up and losing. Yumi won't allow that.

"Are you sure he's here?" I follow behind her. We enter the restaurant. People look at me. Yumi's brown eyes flash around the place, searching for a lonely mid-aged man who seriously needs a girlfriend.

I'm talking about Oliver if it's not obvious.

"I'm sure the twit is here," Yumi mumbles, "he wasn't hanging with the other losers at work and he's not at his house. He's obviously avoiding me. So he'll be here."

"Why here?" I ask, following her as she checks out all the men's faces just by oddly going to their tables and checking them. It was sort of embarrassing. But Yumi is a crazy girl so it's okay.

"Remember that boy I used to date a couple years ago- Ronny?" She ignores a waitress who asks if she can assist us with anything.

We ignore her and continue moving around the place.

"Yeah." Ronny - a tiny, skinny guy who looks like a rat...and is scared like one too.

"He broke up with me here. The stupid wanker dumped me here! I was supposed to leave him first!" She huffs.

"Ah..." I nod. "So this is a bad memory."

"Yes. The sooner we get out of here the better. Arguing with Danny, unsure if we broke up or not, and remembering stupid Ronny - I think that's enough to make me drink all night." Yumi sighs. A bucket of cold guilt settles in the pit of my stomach. Yumi's stressed all because of me...

"Kaya, stop blaming yourself."

"Sorry." I stop frowning. Yumi knows me that well...even when she's not looking at me.

"And here he is," Yumi sighs and takes a seat in front of Oliver who was eating a bowl of pasta.

"What now?" Oliver glares at her. Oh no I've disrupted the whole McFLY family? I bite my lip, afraid to frown in front of Yumi.

"Kaya didn't break up with Dougie," Yumi answers.

"I know that," Oliver swallows his food. Yumi's eyes light up at me. I was behind Oliver. He didn't know I was here, fidgeting like the pathetic person I am.

"Doug broke up with her because she cheated on him."

I fidget more and Yumi's bright brown eyes become dull. I hate it when people get angry with me.

"Proof?" Yumi challenges him. She'd be a good manager herself. Instead of nineteen, she looks at least twenty-five with her poker face on.

"Nae." Oliver says simply.

Giving up my quietness, I go in front of Oliver. "Nae's lying!" I say, exasperated.

Oliver gives me an annoyed look. "I should've known you'd be here as well."

"Oliver, please! I can prove to you I wasn't cheating! Dougie saw a photo of me hugging a blonde guy in surrey and heard a phone message from him, saying that he loved me and can't wait to meet me again! That guy whom everyone thinks is my lover is in fact, Peter, my cousin! I didn't know he was here and I ran into him while visiting my mother."

"And who can back you up?" Oliver glares.

I glare back, not longer acting sad and weak.

"Yumi can- she and Peter were planning to surprise me with his visit. Peter's engaged and his fiancé was in London for wedding errands. My mother can because she was there to witness us. And if I have to take a DNA test to prove that Peter and I share the same blood I will!" I yell at Oliver. The diner quiets down and Oliver leans back in his seat, afraid at my outburst. I feel my cheeks burn and I slowly sit back down in my seat.

"She really will take the DNA test you know," Yumi sighs.

"Why would Nae lie then?" Oliver eyes me.

I sigh and cover my face with my hands. I wanted to scream, tired of explaining what happened and how we're unbelievably and twistedly connected. I already explained to Yumi. Then again to Karlie. And then to Galen and Natasha my spokesperson. I hate repeating myself.

"Because..." I hate stating this, "she's the blogger. I was at her house and saw her computer when she wasn't looking. I discovered her work and then she happily confessed it all and then she became psychotic." I purse my lips into a thin line. I really wish I had a tape recorder with me at the same time Nae told her story. If I was a male and had balls I'd kick myself for not bringing one.

Half an hour later, I was on my way to Dougie's, planning to force him to believe me. Meanwhile, Yumi and Oliver went to Nae's, chatting happily on their way as if they never did fight. Even though I still felt empty inside from Dougie hating me, I felt somewhat relieved to get Oliver back. One is better than none. I'm hoping Oliver will fire Nae while Yumi destroys If I go online tonight and can't find the website, then I know we've won. But I won't get my hopes up until Dougie is by my side.

I knock on Dougie's door, instead of ringing the doorbell. I'm surprisingly calm at the moment. The street is empty and it's nice and sunny outside. I take a deep breath and shake my hands a bit, letting blood flow into them. I can feel Dougie's bracelet lay limp around my wrist. It felt cold compared to its usual warmth. I hear movement inside but I knock again, determined this time to not give up.

In mid-knock, the door opens. I step back, prepared for my 'I love you, take me back' speech and expecting to see Dougie.

But of course, since it feels like I'm stuck in a dramatic love story; it's not Dougie who opens the door.

"Hi...Kendra." My voice falters. Why is she here? I panic.

"Um...Hello. Do I know you?" She asks me. Her eyes tell me that she has no idea what has been going on.

" No you don't." I shake my head. I then notice a box of pictures that had my faces on them semi-hidden by the door. I panic even more.

I'm really hoping the situation is not what I think it is.

He said he loved me. He wouldn't do this. He would never to this!

Dougie isn't that stupid as to never let me explain. He wouldn't call in his ex-girlfriend.

"Hey Kendra, hurry up!" I hear Dougie laugh.

Oh my god...

"Oh you're Kaya Sambora! What are you doing here? Dougie's inside if-"

"No! No I..." I think of a story just as I see that her shirt is inside out, buttoned up unevenly. I look at Kendra and give her a small smile just as I feel my legs go weak. My whole stomach and chest area felt really weird. It felt like I ran a marathon and got punched while running. Yet it was all mind numbing. I needed to sit down lest I get hurt.

"Sorry...wrong flat...don't tell him I was know how celebrities react to other celebrities..." I mumble and walk away. Wow...what I said did not make sense.

So he doesn't love me after all.

I sat alone on a bench overlooking the River Thames. I heard the clock tower ring. I saw kids playing and Japanese tourists try to read a map of the city.

I don't know what to do.

I give up! Okay Nae, you win! She got her wish and I'm a miserable bum girl who can't lose weight and can't keep a boyfriend. The land of the rich and famous dubbed me a girl who can't grow up and I will always be that girl!

I see Karlie walk towards me. She sits down and we link arms. I remain quiet. If I talk, I'll crack. She sighs and watches London with me

So many memories.

"He's with Kendra again." I smile because it's the only thing keeping me from sobbing. I felt so sad yet so mad at him. So…so mad. But my appearance doesn't reflect that. It's all happening on the inside. Hiding true feelings inside and showing the media something else on the outside is what I've learned to do at a very young age. I was so mad at Dougie for being so close-minded in this situation. I was so mad for him not trusting me. I was mad for him making me believe that I CAN end up NOT like my parents hating each other. He gave me so much hope and then takes it all away because he's so unsure of me.

Karlie sighs and brings me closer to her, trying to make me feel better. She knew it wasn't working for me but didn't stop. I lean my head on her shoulder.

"So are you done then?"

I blink numerous times, trying to find my voice. I didn't want to admit it but I had to.

I nod.
♠ ♠ ♠
Continue on please! I know this one is short but trust me...the next few ones may be quite long.