The Dating Rules of a Record Label

The Dating Rule

Getting back with Dougie was bound to happen. Once you tell a person that you are absolutely, positively in love with them, there's no going back. Either Dougie and I were going to love each other secretly and take the pain or we were going to love each other, be together, and be the happiest bums on Earth. That's just how life rolls.

My eyes slowly open, revealing a small loft before my eyes. The sun's rays shone through a single, rectangular window. I could hear birds and cars outside. I was lying on my side and felt Dougie's arms around my waste. His soft, steady breathing told me he was still asleep. I look down at his hand resting on me.

This is how it is supposed to be.

I slowly stretch and slip out of his arms. I slide down smoothly out of bed and sit on the floor. I was cold and my legs had goose bumps since I was wearing shorts. I tug at loose strings of my long-sleeved shirt and smile. My heart had this nice flipping sensation as I readjusted Dougie's bracelet. I curl my toes, twirl my hair and kept biting my lower lip - I did anything to keep myself from laughing out loud.

I felt soft lips kiss my neck from behind me. I look up since the bed was a bit higher and find Dougie smiling at me.

"Good morning," he leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back.

"'Morning. Did you have a nice sleep?" I grin.

"Yes, now that you were there next to me." He plays with my hair. "Why are you on the floor?" He looks at my sitting position.

I look down at myself. "I don't know, really," I laugh. I then get up and Dougie scoots over to give me room in the bed. He wraps his arms around me once more as I get under the covers. I inhale his scent.

"So what now?" I ask and run my hands up and down his arm.

Dougie grabs my hand and kisses it. "Now..." He pulls the sleeve of my shirt up and kisses my wrist, "...I tell you I love you...and we tell the world...and be the greatest bums ever."

I grin, "I like that plan." Then I kiss him on the lips. He locks me in his arms and smoothly brings me on top of him.

"But I have a question," I take my lips off of his. My hair fell over my shoulders and Dougie smoothly rolls so that he is now on top of me. I giggle as he kisses my neck.
"What's your question?" He mumbles in my neck.

"Did you ever lose hope or did you ever believe those hurtful words I said to you out on the road?"

Dougie lifts his head and looks at me. He blinks.

"To be honest, no. I didn't want to believe what happened. I still wanted you."

I look into his eyes and it's like time stops. He and I are meant to be together and nothing can change that.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," I bite my lip. Dougie stops me by bending down to kiss me.

"No I'm sorry I hurt YOU. It's my fault if you think about it."

"But I don't want to think about it."

Dougie caresses my cheek and softly smiles. "Then let's forget it. We're back together-that's all that matters."

I nod and my lips are once again connected his.


An hour later, Dougie and I walk downstairs hand in hand. I was bracing myself for the screams that may come from Yumi but when we entered the kitchen, no one was there.
"Guess no one is home. We can go back upstairs and I can have you all to myself while we have loads of fun..." Dougie smirks and wraps his arms around me.

I laugh, "No, they're outside."I stop Dougie from leading me upstairs excitedly.

"How do you know?"

"I'm psychic." I put on a serious face.

Dougie stares at me for a moment and then grins. "You told me that once in Barbados."

I think about Barbados and how that night was the first time he kissed me.

"You remembered!" I kiss him. "Yeah I can hear everyone playing football," I laugh and lead Dougie out through the back door.

Sunlight hits my face and I wish I had some sunglasses.

And there they were: Tom, Harry, Danny, and Yumi kicking a football around competitively. They were all concentrating so much that they didn't realize Dougie and I were outside watching them. It is so peaceful (despite Harry's fowl language).
Everybody is laughing, yelling, joking and teasing all under a bright sun.

Dougie and I take a seat on a bench and watch the game. I brought my knees up to my chest and snuggled next to Dougie who put an arm around me.

"How long until they notice?" I smile and rest my head on Dougie's shoulder.

Dougie sighs and puts on a thinking face. "No one's scored a goal yet so it might be a while. You can't even tell that Danny and Yumi is a couple- they're fighting for the ball way too hard."

We watch Yumi use swift footwork to steal the ball from Danny. Yumi's so competitive. I giggle because her hair is in a high pony tail, flopping around.

"Is she actually wearing her converse now?" Dougie asks.

"Oh you know about her 'five months of no converse' plan?" I look at him.

"Yeah..." he rolls his eyes and chuckles, "She wouldn't shut up about it at one of our recordings."

I smile and we watch Danny pick Yumi up by the waste and fling her over his shoulder.
"Danny!" She screams yet she was grinning broadly, "Put me down this instant!" She kicked her legs and Tom scored a goal.

"No!" He laughs in a goofy manner and twirls around.

"Danny Jones! That's not fair! You're using my smallness against me!" She playfully hits his back...really hard.

Danny ignores her and jogs around. Then, grinning mischievously, smacks her butt.

"Danny!" She yelps and she kicks her legs more.

Dougie and I laugh, completely aware that that's the type of thing Danny would do.

"She loves him, you know." I play with Dougie's wrist covered in beaded and stringed bracelets.

"Yeah, Danny realized that he loved her when we were away for ten weeks in Australia. He went sort of crazy."

"They're both crazy in the mind if you think about it." I lay my head on Dougie's lap and turn my head so I could watch Yumi continue to scream at Danny who was now scoring goals like it was his job.

We were silent, enjoying our moment together. Dougie rests his hand on my stomach. I grab that hand and entwine my fingers with his. I smile and close my eyes, letting the bright sun hit us with its warmth.


"Yes?" He seems at peace, too.

"Can we ditch the others and take a train or something back to London?"

"That's a brilliant idea," Dougie says.

"Oi!" I hear Yumi direct her voice to me.

I open my eyes. "Yes?" I yell back. I have a feeling that she won't let us leave. Yumi is very clingy sometimes.

"Why are you here?"

"Me?" I point to myself, still resting my head on Dougie's lap.

"Yeah you!"

"I'm here because you want me to be here? You wouldn't let me leave you and go on that train remember?"

"If you did that I would have followed you," Dougie whispers.

"Hello!" Yumi waves at me.

"Gracious, Yumi! Can't you see I'm trying to have a civilized conversation with Dougie here?"

"Where were you two this morning?" Harry asks, jogging around with the ball. Tom makes a small wolf whistle.

"Where do you think?" I blush.

"Told you they'd get back together sometime during the trip!" Danny laughs. Yumi and I smile at each other. She winks.

"Okay, Dougie, I'm ready to leave. The train waits for us." I stretch and get up. I don't want the others to tease us.

"Train? What train?" Yumi asks.

"The train I was supposed to get on yesterday!" I reply and lead Dougie inside.

"Have fun! And no public display of affection on the train!" She says.
"Yes mother dearest!" Of course I’m not going to listen to her though.


"Why so happy, Oliver?" Tom laughs at him. Oliver, who for some reason started to get gray hair by his ears, burps and makes a comfortable grin. Yumi pushes him away since the burp was directed towards her and lets Danny wrap an arm around her.

"Everybody, I have found a new assistant," he announces proudly. Everyone stops what they were doing. I am brought out of my lovely day dream of playing at the beach.

I think this new ocean breeze scent Giovanna just sprayed in my flat makes me very...calm. Like I can just close my eyes forever and inhale breezy scents and play Jamaican music. I watch her spray my curtains next. Izzy sneezes and accidently drops Zukie on the soft carpet.

I am the only one who laughs.

"Who's the new assistant?" Harry asks.

"Did you have a full background check on them?" I ask.

"I didn't need to." Oliver looks giddy.

I snort. "I think you should have made one with the last loony you hired."

"What do you mean you didn't need to?" Dougie asks.

"Relax..." Oliver motions for us to breathe. He ended up being the only one imitating a woman in labor.

"We're not going to relax ever since that monster created havoc." Yumi sniffs and crosses her arms.

Why does it seem like everyone is tense when I'm not. Hey I'm the actual victim here (not to sound selfish or anything...)! I think it's this ocean breeze again...

I play with Dougie's hands. It calms his down.

"You all know the new assistant," Oliver beams.

"We do?" Tom asks.


"NO!" Dougie yells in horror as he lets go of my hand.

"Hello!" Jazzie walks into the room, coming out of her hiding place which happened to be my coat closet.

"Jazzie!" Yumi tackles her. Jazzie's so small, Yumi bulldozed her easily.

"Down, Yumi, down!" Jazzie laughs loudly.

"Fuck..." Dougie groans and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Hello, Douglas..." she smiles at Dougie while hugging me. Then she sits on the both of us.

"Why me?" Dougie moans and covers his face with his hands.

"Because you're loved!" Jazzie sings. I smile at Dougie sympathetically.

Yes...he is loved.

"And we're going back to Barbados. It's vacation time!" Oliver smiles.

"Oh no he wants to get back with that local island girl again..." Harry mumbles loudly. Oliver hits him on the head.

"Yes! Beach and sun and getting stuck in windows - remember Kaya?" Yumi dances around the room.

"Don't remind me! Those were some tight pants!" I laugh.

I loved hanging out with my closest friends. My family. It was like a huge burden was lifted off of me.

In my mind, I will replay this memory over and over again along with many other memories. I will always remember everyone's smiles and laughs. And I know I'll bed storing more memories in my mind for the rest of my life with these people.


Everyone left my place until it was only Dougie and I alone. We lay on the couch holding each other, our bodies entwined.

"How do you feel about your sister working for you?" I ask and inhale his cologne. The cotton of his shirt was so soft; I could fall asleep by just pressing my face against his chest.

"It's okay. We only bicker about once a week now." He shrugs, smiles, and plays with my hands.

"That's an improvement," I nod.

"Now I have a question for you."


Dougie looks at me. "How would you feel if I asked you to move in with me?"

I stare at him as a huge grin spreads across my lips. "I would feel...immensely happy.

"Would you say yes?" He plays with my hairs.

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" I bring myself up to his lips and kiss him.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Then that's a yes." I grin in our kiss.

"I love you," he says.

I bite my lip and smile. "I love you, too."

With every gaze, every kiss, every special moment, we were deeper now. The feelings we have for each other get deeper every moment we breathe. But we weren't drowning in our relationship. Nor did we need saving.

We have each other.

And that's all that matters.

No one makes the rules for us. No one tells us how to act around each other. No one tells us how to love.

But there is one rule Dougie and I will both follow and it's by my father. I remember he called once when Dougie and I started seeing each other and this is the advice he gave me:

"Hold on to your relationship. It's a rare gift to enjoy those special moments."
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well...thanks for reading!