The Dating Rules of a Record Label


"Hello...sorry I'm a tad bit late," I apologize, give an innocent smile, and shake the journalists hand. "Problems on the movie set again."

"It's not a problem," the journalist replies and smiles back at me. He motions for me to sit down in the plush, richly designed chair. "Please sit down."

I sit down, smoothing the new shorts Karlie found for me. I look at the knee high boots she made me wear. I'm so glad they aren't heel boots.

"Critics are dubbing you the young, restless version of Gwyneth Paltrow."

"So I've heard." I put on a thoughtful look and decide that I would not like to name my future kids after fruit.
"A talented actress, in a relationship with a bloke in a talented band, permanently living in England etc... except you’re brunette."

"But I was blonde in a film I co-starred in last year. And Gwen is much more talented than me. She's really cool and down-to-earth. I didn't expect her to agree to be in this film. She's so posh in a cool and collective way. No one can be her really." I say and smile.

"So...the movie," the journalist starts. I nod, motioning for him to go on. "How's that going for you?"

"Everything's wonderful!" I say and cross my legs. I feel the back of my shorts shrink lower. At least I'm not wearing a skirt. I remember once when I was eighteen, I was in Barbados and my underwear made an appearance!

"I mean c'mon- Keith Richards and Russel Brand are in it as well!" I laugh. "And I can really relate to the situation in the movie because it's about rock and roll, dreams, love and partying. No drugs!"

The journalist raises an eyebrow. "No drugs. Really?"

I think about the character I play - a young woman, dating a rockstar, partying and doing drugs. Ah...lovely. It's a nice supporting roll I play.

"No I'm kidding - drugs galore!" I smirk.

An hour later, Karlie and I walk out of the hotel where I had my interview. Karlie kept babbling to me about how horrible the next interviewer will be tomorrow. But I'm ignoring her and all paparazzi across the stress taking pictures of me. I cannot allow myself to be stressed today because tonight is my dad's birthday party. Yumi has been preparing the party at the Tate Modern for me while I was away promoting.

Speaking of my lovely father, he helps with McFLY's Super Records as one of the producers. It's a good thing because then he gets to spend time with me. But then its torture because he approves of Dougie so much that he once tried convincing him at Christmas to propose. Like we were really ever going to part anyways? Plus if my mother found out that I was getting married at twenty-two years of age, she'd throw a fit. I guess I should tell my parents that I'm not ready to legally tie the knot until I'm twenty-five. And I'm only twenty-three so Dougie has a good amount of time to work things out proposal wise.

Dougie and I are dating publicly now. I sometimes get a lot of hate mail to prove it. But just to make fans happy, we told everyone we broke up when we really didn't. But the picture of us snogging on vacation in Wales told the world otherwise. It was funny. We could hear all of the United Kingdom sigh in annoyance at me.

Danny and Yumi are still strong. I don't want to sound like a Harry Potter nerd but she looks like a Veela with a rockish edge now. Her hair is almost platinum blonde and really long. She fits the look because of her soft features and pale skin. I almost cut her hair last year at New York Fashion Week, but then she tackled me. Yumi and Danny live together now which is a relief because Yumi wouldn't stop bothering me when I moved in with Dougie about two and a half years ago. Things are really heating up between Yumi and Danny. She doesn't work for McFLY anymore nor does she work for any type of record label. She admits that working for her boyfriend and god brother isn't exactly her dream job. Now she works as a designer for Keena London! Ah what connections I have. In about two years Yumi will be ready to expose her new line.

Tom and Giovanna are married! When I found out Tom proposed I wasn't shocked whatsoever. I mean, it was bound to happen right? They live on the edge of London where it is sometimes quiet. It's only loud when everyone breaks in to party.

Harry and Izzy are inseparable. They had some problems two years ago because Izzy was thinking of playing music with her orchestrated band in Ireland permanently. So they got in a big row, she left with her band, and Harry was devastated. Then suddenly, Izzy comes back unexpectedly a week later. I guess she couldn't stay away.

Oliver is engaged! To who? My female movie director by the name of Cat. Yes...Cat. Short for Katherine. Not Hardwick though. I wouldn’t really say that I set them up since they met after I was casted, but I guess it is my fault for accidently locking them together in a costume trailer. He acts all young and "hip" now. It's weird.

Nae works as a late night phone operator for broken computers.

James is Janitor.

And my parents...

My mother is happily married to my step-dad, Elijah, in Los Angeles. They travel all over the world still and visit me sometimes. Elijah's a good man- he's not like dad- but still good. I visit them twice a year.

My dad is okay being a bachelor. He dates way too much for his own good. I sometimes worry if he's sad because he's not settled yet in his love life but he told me that he's just happy to be near me again. And if he's happy, I'm happy.

But he thinks he'll be happier if I got married and had kids.

My dad is freaky weird.

"Kaya are you listening to me?" Karlie plays with her wedding ring. Galen was at home with the baby, going over all the new movie contracts I've signed for the next two years.

"Yes, woman!" I look at her as we enter my condo complex lobby.

"Don't be late tonight!" Karlie calls to me as I go into the elevator. "There will be lots of important people!"
"Like who?" I ask as I walk to an elevator.

"You're family." She laughs and exits the building.

"Karlie- me? Be late for my own father's birthday?" I snort and raise an eyebrow. "Of course I'll be late!"

Ten floors up, I insert my key into the lock and open the door.

I nice, clean wave of fresh scent hits me.

"Dougie, I'm home!" I smile to myself and kick off my shoes. I miss my converse. The last time I wore them was last month.

"Dougie?" I walk past the kitchen and down a hallway. I look into our bedroom to find Dougie shirtless, obviously stuck in between a blue shirt or a red shirt.

"I like the blue one." I smile and walk over to him.

"Hello." He kisses me. "How was your interview?"
"Oh you know..." I sigh and kiss him more, "The usual stuff." I then break the kiss for the fear of never stopping which I know I have to because my dad’s party starts soon.

"Harry and Izzy will pick us up." He puts on his shirt.

"Okay. What car?" I ask and walk to my closet and change my shirt for the party.
"A limo." Dougie replies lightly.

I look around the closet door corner and raise my eyebrows towards Dougie. "Really?"

"Yeah you know Harry. Very fancy..." He laughs. “And I know you like riding in limos once in a while."

"You are too good to me Dougie." Then I shake my head. "Harry Judd..."

When I turn around and go to my jewelry box in the bedroom, I spot Dougie looking at me.

"Yes?" I rub his arm as I walk by. I'm thinking simple diamond earrings should do.

He grabs my hand. "You know I love you." He wraps his arms around me and plays with my hair.

"Yes you tell me every day." I grin. "You know I love you?"

"Of course." He kisses me.

"What's up?" I ask as he and I walk out together towards the kitchen where my dad's present lay.

"I was talking with your mum the other day," he says casually trying to find his wallet.

"Really? What's she up to?" I ask and put away some dishes I had left out on the counter.

"No idea..."

I look at him quizzically. "You don't know what she's up to even though you talked to her?" I laugh. I spot his wallet by the phone and throw it to him.

"We were talking about consent." He shrugs.

I stop putting away dishes and look at him cautiously. "Consent to what?"

"Consent to marry you."

The rest of our conversation was history. You know, the usual proposal stuff couples do. Because to me, it didn't matter how Dougie proposed. I only cared that he actually did it. Yeah I'm not twenty five. But we have been together since I was eighteen. I think that just having Dougie as a boyfriend wasn't enough anymore.

"I knew something was up when Yumi saw you come out of that jewelry store." I smile as he kisses me.

It has always been yes. Always.

And in my mind, in my heart...From the moment Dougie first kissed me five years ago, the answer was always "Yes definitely."

The End.
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Once last time:
Thanks for reading!
It has really meant so much to me that people liked this story.
Now what to write....?