Leave Me Alone


I’m finally back. Oh I’ve missed this so much.
Where am I? I’m back at rehab. No. Not that type of rehab. I’m at training camp, which I refer to as rehab. Don’t ask why, just go with it.
Anyways, I’m finally back where I belong.
I’d say it is around 6 in the morning right now, and I’m walking though the lobby with my hockey bag filled with my goalie equipment that weighs about 40 pounds digging into my shoulder, I’m half asleep, I feel like throwing up from being awake so early, but I couldn’t care less because I’m back!

I saw him for the first time at that very moment. Standing near the table. Just standing there. Holy crap was he tall. And attractive. Really attractive. And staring at something behind me. Oh wait... He’s staring at me. Too bad I look like shit.

“Here let me help with that?” He said as I walked past the table.
“No thanks. Do I look like a little princess that needs help carrying my stuff? Didn’t think so. Please move, you’re blocking the door.”
“I’m Clint.”
“I didn’t ask. Are you going to move or should I find another way into the arena?”
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?”
“No. If you hadn’t realized I’m not in the mood, so get the hell out of my way. ”
And with that I pushed past him, into the familiar embrace of the cold air in the arena.

“Fuck!” I screamed as I heaved my bag off my shoulder onto the floor.
Not only now did my shoulder feel as if it was broken, I probably have a broken hip from walking into the door handle.
“Well this is just fucking perfect! I’m so happy right now. SO FUCKING HAPPY!”
“Well that’s good to hear, cause now you’ll be ecstatic.” A voice said from behind me.
“Adam!” I yelled as I ran to hug him.
“Are you one of us this year? Have I converted you to the dark side?”
“Haha, yes. I’m a trainer this year.”

Alright. Let me get a couple things straight right now.
One, this year I’m hired to be training little kids at rehab along with Adam and a whole bunch of other guys who you’ll meet later.
Two. Do not. I REPEAT. Do not get the idea that Adam and I are going to date, were not. Adam is like my brother in the way that he’ll always have my back. He’s my best friend and we talk about everything and anything. I know those kinds of friendships usually turn out into relationships. But this is different. No, he’s not gay. You know the saying “That was like kissing my cousin”; yeah that’s what it would be like between us. Anyways, back to the story.

“I’m so glad you came back this year. The guys would’ve missed you.”
“You would’ve too, don’t lie to me.” I said smoothly.
“No not really, you’re too much of a drama queen.” He replied as I aimed a punch at his head which he barely dodged.
“And your aim sucks.”
As I went over to check my hip welt in the mirror, I asked him who gigantor was that I met before.
“Gigantor? That’s Clint. He’s new I think. Why?”
“Oh well because I had an affair with him and I’m pregnant with his child.”
“.....wow. No really why? Do you love him?”
“I met the douche five minutes ago, and I actually already dislike him. What time is it?”
“Time for us to get ready. Oh, and I suggest you turn off that little voice in your head that makes you hate everyone before you’ve even met them. We have a few special guests this year.” And with that he left me alone with my thoughts and the annoying pain in my hip.

What? Who are these ‘special guests’ and why am I not allowed to dislike them? I swear if that douche Clint is a special, I will be mad beyond belief. Fuck! Why wouldn’t he just tell me?

Ten minutes later I have half my gear on and my trainer jersey, waiting to go out on the ice. I decide since I’m ready earlier than everyone else, I’ll go out by myself and goof off. Well as I’m skating around just playing with a puck I hear someone yelling at me. Or at least yelling in my general vicinity. You see when I’m concentrating on one thing; I tend to forget everything around me.

“HEY YOU!” snaps me out of my daze.
Looking around I don’t see anyone. Maybe I’m going crazy, I think to myself.
“I’m over here.” The voice comes from the bench.
I skate over and see a goalie dressed in full gear, really nice gear I might add, so I knew he wasn’t a trainer, but he seemed so familiar.
“Hi. Did you need anything in particular or were you just getting a kick out of bothering me?” I asked, since I’m not in the greatest of mood.
“Rawr. I was just going to ask if I could skate around with you since I’m ready.”
“Oh. Sorry. Be my guest”
“Bad morning?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, not the greatest...” I feel like I know this guy, but I can’t place it.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Even his accent I recognize, why can’t I figure this out.
As I was about to ask who he was, it all clicked. Well it did because five other guys had just skated onto the ice.
“You’re Marc Andre Fleury, aren’t you? I asked, surprisingly not as excited as I thought I would be when I met my favourite goalie.
“Uh, yeah. That’s me. Why don’t you like impressed? I mean, come on. Look at me. I’m famous.”
I was about to send back my sarcastic comment I had waiting on my tongue when his teammates noticed us and skated over. Max, Sidney, Geno, Kris and Jordan all skating over.

“Fuck.” I cursed under my breath.
“Hey Flower, who’s this?”
“A trainer having a bad morning.”
“I’m Cori. And I have to go actually, so if you would kindly let me by...” As I tried to skate around them.
“Not so fast, wee one.” Said a thick Russian accent that could only belong to Evgeni, as he stepped in my way.
“Geno, fuck. Get out of her way. Stop being such a salaud and let her go.” Max said as I was getting ready to slap Malkin in the face. The sincerity of him standing up for me surprising me, I said a shy thank you and skated into the trainer’s room.

Oh, was Adam going to get an earful from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first story.
I have a feeling there will be many chapters.

*salaud means bastard in french.*