Leave Me Alone


“What the hell did you call me? Did you call me a salad? Great insult bro. My heart is beyond hurt”
“He called you a bastard, Geno.” Fleury replied, and then turned towards Max, who seemed to be a lot farther away from this conversation than anyone realized.
“What the fuck was that about anyways? Since when do you stand up for random people?”
“Huh? Oh, you guys were just being jackasses. It was pissing me off. Clearly she didn’t want to fuck around with you two. Just drop it already.”
“ What about you three, do you think we were being jackasses?” Fleury fired at the other three guys.
“Fuck you guys, sorry if we were trying to have a little fun”.
And with that the boys went off the ice. Except Max.

The look he had seen in that girls eyes, was devastating. It was hatred. Pure hatred of them. He couldn’t believe someone so pretty, could have so much hate inside her. But not only was there hatred in her eyes, there was something else he couldn’t place. He couldn’t tell if it was sadness or if she was scared of them, but something was definitely there.

“What is wrong with me?” He said to himself.
“I’m Maxime Talbot. Professional womanizer. I shouldn’t be caring about this or her, since she clearly hates us all. What the hell is wrong with me?”

An argument coming from the trainer’s room interrupted his conversation with his self. A VERY loud argument. And he had a feeling he knew who it involved.

“Holy shit calm down, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Honestly? What’s wrong with me? Her voiced reaching a new decibal with each word she yelled.
“Oh, I don’t know. Let’s see. I just ran into six players of the Pittsburgh Penguins. But no, that’s not it. Oh wait, yes it fucking is!?”
“I thought you’d be happy about the fact that they were here. Aren’t they your favourite team?”
“Yes. They are.”
“Then what’s the problem?”

Silence. That’s all that Max could here from the room. As he strained closer to the door, he could barely hear what was being said.
“Oh. Shit. I forgot about that.” Adam said in a low comforting tone.
“Fuck. I feel like such an asshole now. How could I be so stupid? I’m so sorry. I completely forgot about last year. Come here.”

Max could hear crying coming from the room. Wait what? He thought to himself. She’s crying? Why is she crying? What happened last year? Why the fuck do I care? I don’t even know her.
But the more Max tried to convince himself to forget her, the more he in fact did start to care about her.

“At least one of us could.” He heard her voice shaking as the words came out.

No one spoke for what seemed like forever and then he heard the trainers getting ready to come outside. Guess he’ll have to wait to find about the mystery behind her story after all.

“We have some special guests here this summer with us. We have six members of the Pittsburgh Penguins. They are here to be shooters for most of the drills and Fleury is the newest member of the staff this year.” Adam said to the students during his introduction speech. Although there was probably more to it, but all Max could do was gaze over at her. Watching her talk to the other trainers, listening to Adam, but mostly staying away from everything that had to do with himself and his teammates.

The speech was done, and the boys were sent to their designated station, to basically be the trainers bitches. His heart sank as he found out he wasn’t paired with her and then started to feel an annoying jealous of who was.