Leave Me Alone


“Sorry.” Adam apologized as he handed me my drills for the day.
“...why, are you apol... Are you fucking kidding me?

The drill on my list was not the problem, it was the other thing written on the sheet. The name of my shooter, Evgeni Malkin.
Fuck. My. Life.

As bad as I thought having Geno as my shooter would be, it actually wasn’t. Except for the fact that he kept trying to hit me when I wasn’t wearing any equipment and embarrassing all the kids to no end by going bar down on almost every shot. I was trying as best as I could to not tell him off for being such an ass by shooting so hard on them since these kids were about six and was very glad for the distraction of my last group of the session skating over.

The group consisted of Stone, a guy I met last year and a really tiny too adorable for words girl, who couldn’t have been more than ten.
“ You gotta be kidding me? They let you back here this year? What’s up kid?”
“Who you calling kid? Pretty sure I’m older than you.” Stone retorted.
“ Oh shut it. Hi honey, what’s your name?” I asked the little girl.
“I’m Jessica. You’re really pretty.” Said the little girl in the type of voice that makes your heart melt from it being so cute.
“ You’re very pretty as well. Want to start the drill first? So you can show up this big guy over here.”I said, pointing to Stone.
“Ok!” she practically shouted.
This little girl in net is the most adorable thing I had ever seen. Her head barely made it to the crossbar, but you could tell by how excited she was that she loved being a goalie so much. Or she probably did, until my asshole shooter went bar down on the poor thing five times in a row.

“Are you an idiot? Like I’m just wondering but do you honestly need to be so cruel to this little girl?” I shouted at Evgeni.
“She needs to learn how to stop pucks, that is why she’s here.”
“You are an idiot aren’t you?”
As I turned my back to him I saw that Jessica was sobbing in the net. I motioned to Stone to go in and I brought the little girl over to the side to talk to her.

“Jessica. Jess. Look at me. It’s ok. You did great. You can’t stop every single puck that comes towards you, heck I can’t even do that. So don’t cry because you did so well. How about I show you a trick to stopping those shots before the sessions done.”

As I started to show Jessica the trick in the net was when everything went wrong.
Before I could even react, his wrist shot hit me on the right side of my head, and I could feel the blood running down my face. Luckily the whistle blew right after and Stone was smart enough to get Jessica to follow him away from me. As I tried to get up I could feel a throbbing inside my head that echoed inside my skull and was gnawing at the back of my eyes.

“Oh crap. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to” Evgeni started to say but I cut him off.
“Get away from me. Now. Do not touch me. Just clean up the station and get the hell away from me.” I said as calmly as I could even though my voice was starting to shake.

I was finally able to push myself up and saw that the trainers had noticed I wasn’t with them. I skated off the ice as fast as I could, and went to Seb, the onsite doctor. I must’ve looked pretty bad because for the first time, he had nothing to say. He just motioned for me to sit on the table for him to stitch my face up. It wasn’t until after my face had been stitched back up that the pain really hit. And it wasn’t a physical pain, it was an emotional pain brought up from the past.

I had to get away from all these people. I had to go somewhere, anywhere, just not here. I quickly thanked Seb and walked back towards my dressing room as quickly as I could. I barely made it back to the room before I collapsed from the terror that had taken control of my body. I knew from the past that fighting it does no good, so I knew I would just have to wait it out until I could calm back down.

Let the waiting begin.