Leave Me Alone


Where did she go? Is all he could think right now. Max was sure she had been right across the ice from him a minute ago and now she was gone. No, he was positive she was. I should know since I was practically watching her the whole time and getting shit for it from the trainer I was assigned to, some douche bag named Clint. God he was annoying. But really, where is she? I want to talk to her; I want to know what happened last year. I want to know her.
Looking around, Max could see she wasn’t here, so he went to go interrogate someone. But who. Scanning around he saw the obvious answer to that question; Adam.

“Hey, Adam. Can I talk to you for a second?” he asked as he skated toward him.
“ Um yeah sure, but first do you know where Geno is?” Adam said in a angry tone that was quite surprising.
“Why? What do you want with him?” I said suddenly getting protected of my teammate.
“Well he hit Cori in the face with a shot at the end of the session and she’s getting stitched up right now, the guys wanted to have a little chat with him.”
“Uhh, he.. room. He’s i-in our room.” I choked barely able to get the words out from his brain being in a state of shock.

I was going to kill Geno. Why did he have to be such a jackass to almost everyone we meet. My brain was screaming at me to go hurt him, but I remembered Adam was right there looking at me.

“Thanks. Hey, are you ok?” Adam asked, genuinely sounded concerned.
“Um yeah. You mind if I go see her? I wanted to talk to her about something.” Why was I asking him if I could go see her, it’s not like he’s her father.
“Come over here for a sec. Guys, room. Go talk to him.” Adam shouted to the other trainers.
“I know it’s none of my business, but she is my best friend, and I feel a need to protect her after some things that have happened to her. Why do you want to go see her?” He asked me.
“Well, I heard her arguing with you and I wanted to know what happened last year.”
“I don’t know. I like her. She doesn’t take any shit from anyone, and I know something is bothering her, and I don’t know. Seeing her so upset, it just makes me want to help her.” I confessed.

Adam seemed to be a bit shocked by my sudden confession which wasn’t surprising because in all honesty so was I, but I didn’t regret saying it.

It seemed like forever for Adam to answer, and it was starting to freak me out because his expression kept changing from anger to regret back to anger. It was anger on his face when he finally spoke.

“I’m not going to tell you what happened last year.”
“Wha..” Adam cut me off.
“I’m not going to. She’s my best friend and I couldn’t do that to her. But in saying that, I don’t want you to give up on her. I know she comes across as a bitch, but if she tells you about last year, you’ll realize why. I will tell you that you shouldn’t push her too far too soon.” He continued.
“She’s had a hard year, I’m older than her and I couldn’t imagine going through with all the things that she has had to. I know I’m sounding terribly mysterious here, but I just can’t expose her like that. I’m sorry man. But please try to get close to her. She needs more people in her life than just the guys here.”
“What do you mean? She has to know more people than just you guys here.” I asked suddenly confused.
“No, not really. We’re the only people she truly trusts. As sad as it sounds a lot of people deemed her a lost cause after last year. One second.” He quickly whipped his phone out from his pocket.
“Are you serious? Dammit. Yeah, I think she’ll do it. I’ll go ask her. Bye.”
“Her being Cori?” I was curious beyond belief now.
“Yeah, the afternoon session is cancelled and the boss wants her to run a two hour dryland session after lunch.”
“Can I help her?”
“If she wants you too than sure. I’m pretty sure she’d be done getting stitched up by now, we can go give her the details.”