Leave Me Alone


The courtroom was eerily silent as I walked in. Trying to make as little noise possible, I creeped up to the empty row closest to the front. Luckily no one seemed to notice me. The judge was reading off the accused charges and I strained to get a glimpse of who he was. A few people slid into the row beside me and I was taken by surprise went they slid right into me.
"Watch it." I whispered as they slid away, barely acknowledging I even spoke. Rude much? I thought to myself. Just then the accused moved and I saw who he was. Mike. I was at Mike's trial. His brown eyes scanned the crowd and rested on a spot to my right with a disgusting smirk on his face. I leaned over to see what he was looking at and it was a group of men. The group noticed Mike was looking at them and menacingly stared back. Except for one of them. He just surrendered to Mike's stare and turned his head away. When the man turned his head was when I saw his face. It was red from crying and filled with the saddest emotion. It was also very familiar. It took me a minute to realize it was Max. What is he doing here? I stood up to go over to him when the judge started the trial.
"The accused Michael Andrews is here under the charge of the murder of Cori Fraser."
"WHAT?" I screamed.
Nobody even noticed I had screamed.
"Is this a joke? I'm not dead. I'm right here. Hello? Look see, I'm very much alive. Why won't you listen to me?" I was practically screaming at the judge.
"I'M NOT DEAD!" I shrieked.
Why was nobody listening to me. Walking to the nearest person I started waving me hands in front of her face.
"Hello there. Hello. Hi. Fucking look at me!" I was now waving my hands like an idiot. What the hell is going in here? Scanning the crowd I noticed it wasn't just her, nobody was acknowledging that I was here.
"Obviously this is a dream." I said pinching my arm. Nope, still here. Pinching harder now. Dammit! Why am I fucking invisible?

"Cori?" a voice spoke from behind me. I spun around to see who it was and saw a familiar face.
"Clint? Can you see me?"
"Why are you here?"
"Well obviously you can see me since you’re talking to me."
"Why are you here?"
"I don't know. It's just a stupid dream."
"You shouldn't be here. You need to leave."
"Uh huh. And why is that?"
"Don't you remember what happened last time?"
"Would you mind refreshing my memory?"
He opened his mouth to start talking when the judge interrupted.
"The accused's sentence is..." the rest of his sentence was drowned out by a loud ringing in my ears. But as I looked around, the looks of shock on people’s faces scared me a little.
"What is his sentence?" I yelled at Clint over the ringing in my ears.
"You really did it this time didn't you? You need to leave. He’s going to hurt you again. He coming back for you.”
"What is his sentence?!" I was practically screaming at him as everything around me starting to disappear into the blackness and I was jolted awake in my bed.

That was one of the strangest dreams I had had in a long time.
Rubbing my eyes I tried to find the clock to see what time it was.
Four in the morning. Crap.
Sitting up in bed I felt a pain shooting from my arm when I tried to put pressure on it. Investigating my arm I found a huge bruise and a cut when I had been pinching myself in my dream. That’s weird I thought to myself as I got up to go put something on it.
Walking out of the bathroom with my arm all wrapped up, I thought about what to do.
I didn’t have anywhere to go, but I really doubted I could fall back asleep anytime soon. I decided to go wander around the hotel. I ended up wandering to the end of the hallway and onto a porch at the side of the building. I tried to forget everything that had happened in the past 24 hours and was having a very difficult time doing so. Every time I tried to forget it would all come rushing back at breakneck speeds. I was so consumed by my thoughts that when he walked up behind me I didn’t even notice. When a hand landed on my shoulder I spun around so quickly I almost fell off the porch. I looked into the eyes of the man who intruded my thoughts and couldn’t say anything.

“Hello again whore.”

Oh shit.