Status: Done.

Tell Me I'm Worth It


She really did.

She had died for me.

I don't know why.

I'm such a waste of space.

He even says so.

I wish she was here.

But the fact is, she isn't.

And that tears at my heart everyday.

I try to tell myself.

That I'm worth it.

Worth her sacrifice.

Worth his heart breaking.

Worth the life that is in front of me.

But I'm not worth his tears.

I'm too scarred.

I want him to save himself.

Before I go down.

But she knew that I was worth it.

So I have to try.

To live the life that she would want me to have.

To be free.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really don't know what this is. But I just had it in my mind and wrote it.

Thanks for reading,

Anila ♥