Status: In Progress


Making Amends

"Give me some Jack on the rocks." Spanky said to the bartender. "Wow, it's been a long fucking time since I've drank." He said looking at Katherine.

"You drank a little last time we hung out." Katherine said, then she looked at the bartender. "Can I get a Blue Hawaiian please." she said, then she looked back at Spanky.

"Yeah and that was a little over a month ago if I am remembering correctly." He grabbed his glass of Jack and allowed all of it to slide down his throat slamming the glass back down on the counter, "Another please." He smiled for the first time in a while.

Katherine took her glass and downed the contents, then she put it back on the counter and slid it towards the bartender. "It was about a month ago." she said. "Should we really be drinking? I mean I don't mind drinking, but we always do really stupid things when we drink together."

"I'm not going to drink to much just a good buzz for when I get back to the hospital." Spanky said.

Katherine looked at Spanky again. "Okay." she said as the bartender haned her another drink. She downed it, then set the glass on the counter. She then looked at the dance floor in the bar, then back at Spanky. "While you drink your Jack I'mma go dance really quick, I shall return." she said, then she started to get up.

"For sure, I'll be here if you need me." Spanky said.

"If I need you? What might I need you for?" Katherine asked as she turned and looked at him, smiling ever so slightly.

"I don't know. Ass." He couldn't help but smile too.

Katherine laughed slightly. "Oh, so I'm an ass for asking how I might need you?" she asked then laughed again. "Wanna come and dance with me?"

"No. I’m good. Sorry Kat," He stood up "But I do need to take a piss."

Katherine laughed slightly as she walked over to the dance floor, where she started dancing with some guy. About thirty minutes later she walked back over to Spanky, who had a new drink in his hand. "This is not what I thought of when I said you needed to get away and have a little fun." she said as she leaned against the bar next to Spanky.

"What do you mean? You're not having fun?" He wasn't having fun either, because Aspen was in the hospital and him and Kat still had some differences between them.

Katherine sighed slightly and shook her head. "Drinking isn't as fun as I remember." she said as she looked at the bartender, then back at Spanky. "I also feel guilty and slightly awkward here." she said.

"Yea you're right. I miss the old days Kat." He looks down into his glass almost like he is in a daze as all his memories of the past play through his mind. "Let's get out of here?" He asks not really expecting an answer. He grabs his wallet and pays the bartender, then walks towards the door.

"Can we go back to being friends, like the type of friends we used to be?" Katherine asked as they walked outside. "I miss you Spanky, and I miss our friendship!"

"I want to Kit-Kat.. but it's going to take some time, a lot of time. Y'know?" He said climbing into the car.

Katherine sighed slightly as she watched him climb into the car, then she got into the passenger seat. "So flowers or chocolate won't help this time?" she asked with a slight smile.

"Haha, You're funny. I miss that about you." He turns onto the highway and smiles.

Katherine smiled. "I'm not going to try to force our relationship back to the way it was before 'cause that'll only make it worse, but I- never mind." she said as he pulled onto the highway and she sighed slightly and grabbed her IPod and looked out the window.

"No. No never mind what??" he asked.

Katherine sighed slightly as she put her headphones on. "I miss being able to hang out with you without it being awkward or weird between us. I dunno, I miss a lot of things, but there’s nothing I can do about it." she said, then she scrolled through her music and put her 'Favorites' playlist on, which consisted of Dot Dot Curve, Scene Kidz, SnapKracklePop, T. Mills, J Bigga, and Jayreck.

Spanky patted her leg almost as if he was trying to comfort her. "You know we will be one day, just not one day soon." He pulled up to Wal Mart and parked. "I want some subway. What about you?"

Katherine pushed his hand away as he patted her leg. "I'm not really hungry, but I'll go in with you." she said.

"Okay, more for me than..." He holds the door open for her and then goes to order his food. "Are you surprised I'm not drunk already ba- Kat?"

Katherine looked at him as she tried not to smile. "No, it takes you a few more drinks to get drunk." she said as she watched the people walking by in Wal-Mart, pretending she didn't hear him almost call her babe. She'd always liked it when he called her babe.

"But I drank so much, I'm surprised I'm not drunk." He looks at the food person and he orders his sandwich. "You sure you don't want anything."

"You actually didn't drink all that much." Katherine said as she continued to watch people walk by. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Yum." he grabbed his food and sat down. "Soooo..."

"Please don't try to make small talk, it always gets awkward." Katherine said as she finally and reluctantly looked at him. "But then again it's also awkward to just sit here and not say anything, so we're back to small talk."

"Well I'm going to stuff my face, I don't know 'bout you." He said taking a big bite of his sandwich.

Katherine smiled slightly. "And while you stuff your face I'm going to listen to music and watch people walk by." she said, then she turned her music up so it was loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough to block everything out, and went back to watching people walk by.

"Kat?" He said putting down his sandwich. "You mean a lot to me, and I know you mean a lot to Aspen... but with me... I want you to be there when I meet my son. Please? I know Aspen wouldn't mind... as long as we don't sleep together again." He allowed a slight smile to cross his face as he said the last part.

Katherine tried to pretend that she didn't hear Spanky say her name, but when she heard him say he wanted her to be there when he met his son and them not sleeping together again, she immediately looked at him. She pulled her headphones out of her ears. "You want me to be there when you meet your son? But- I- we-" she wasn't sure what to say. She sighed slightly then she smiled. "If you want me to be there when you meet him then I will be." she said with another smile. "And of course we won't sleep together again, well I hope we don't sleep together again 'cause if we do Aspen will kill both of us."

"Oh we won’t! Trust me." He giggled a childish giggle. He kicked her shin from under the table, but a playful kick. "Kat? Glad to have you back? I think we can be friends after all."

Katherine smiled at him and playfully kicked him back. "Did you seriously just giggle? You're such a chick sometimes." she said as she laughed slightly. "And just so you know, you also said we weren't going to sleep together again after we broke up. Just saying." she said as she looked at her IPod as her favorite Dot Dot Curve song came on, she smiled slightly, then looked back up at Spanky.

"Well I'm sorry but this time I mean it. But if I ever become single one day in the future I'll be sure to give you a call okay?" He allowed a cocky grin to spread across his face.

Katherine couldn't help but laugh as Spanky let a cocky grin spread across his face. "Ba- Spanky, you and Aspen are NOT going to break up, you know this as well as I do." she said, then she looked at him again. "But if you ever do end up single, which won't happen, you can give me a call as long as I'm also single." she laughed again.

"Fuck that, single or not I'mma call you and your going to come over and be mine." He smiled knowing he had won the argument. He took another bite of his sandwitch as mustard dripped down his chin.

Katherine grabbed a napkin and held it out to him. "Here, and what if I didn't want to come over and be yours? Huh? Then What?" she asked with a slight smile.
"Well then... I'd cry." He said with a full mouth. He grabbed the napkin from her but set it back down not bothering to use it. "This is better than sex..." He said holding the sandwitch up to

Katherine looked at Spanky. "I'm sure you would cry." she said, then she laughed. "I doubt that's better than sex."

"Really." He said licking the runaway mustard off the side of the sandwitch.

"No! It can't possibly be better than sex!" Katherine said with a smile. "It's just not possible, NOTHING is better than sex. Nothing."

"Let's get going I wanna check up on Aspen kay??" He shoved the last of his sandwich in his mouth, then threw the trash away before heading out to the car.

Katherine followed him out to the car. When they got back to the hospital they walked to Aspen's room.

When Spanky walked into Aspens room she wasn't in the room. There was a brunette nurse making the bed. "Where's Aspen??"

"She's in surgery. She's okay don't worry." The nurse said with a smile. "She'll be done in a hour or so." She walked out without another glance at either of them.

Katherine watched the nurse walk away, then she looked at Spanky. "Wanna wait in here for an hour?" she asked as she leaned against the wall.

Spanky thinks for a moment before responding. “No, let’s go to the store and pick her up a gift for when she gets out of surgery.” He looks at her as if waiting for her reply but at the same time looking through her… something else clearly fogging his thoughts.

Katherine looked at Spanky as he looked at her, she felt like he was looking through her instead of at her, there was something else clearly fogging his thoughts. “What are you thinking about?” she asked quietly as she looked at him.

“Nothing let’s go.” He said leaving the room.

Katherine watched him leave the room and sighed lightly then followed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long, but FINALLY here is another chapter. We'll try to get another one out as soon as possible. Thank you to all our readers and subscribers, we love you guys! :)

I can't wait to post the next chapter it's my favorite one so far. ~Danielle