Status: In Progress



The next morning after Katherine went through her morning routine, she checked her phone to see if she had any new messages, then she texted Spanky again. 'Before you tell her let me know, I wanna talk to you before you tell her. ~ Love Kat.' she sent the message then she went and sat on the couch and put some music on, turning it down so she doesn't wake T. Mills up.

Naturally Aspen woke up before Spanky She made pancakes for breakfast and put then in the microwave for when Spanky wakes up. She wandered into the game room and she saw Spanky's phone on the counter with two new messages. She opens them and reads them. She pauses thinking if she should write back... She write back 'I'm up and I haven't told her yet what do you need to tell me?'

Katherine read the message, then she sighed slightly as she wrote. 'I'm not telling you over the phone, maybe later on we can hang out and I'll tell you.' she sent the message hoping it wasn't Aspen that was texting her.

'Alright, well Aspen made me breakfast so I'mma eat then I'll either call you or drive over. Whichever you want Kit-Kat.' She sent it and waited.

'Aw, that's so cute! Whatever you wanna do is fine. I'm gonna go get something to eat, I'll talk to you later. Love you Spanky.' Katherine sent the message then she went into her kitchen and grabbed a Hot Pocket outta the freezer and put it in the microwave, when it was done she grabbed it and then went and sat on the couch again.

A couple hours later, Katherine and T. Mills are sitting in her living room smoking and talking.

Aspen paced the kitchen floor waiting for Spanky to wake up and trying to figure out a way to find out what Kat had to tell him without letting the two of them know.

Spanky sighed as he walked into the kitchen and seen Aspen pacing. "Why are you pacing?" he asked sounding groggy.

"Shit! Oh no reason... I...I..." She sits at the table and stuffs a pancake in her mouth. "Errmmm Humgry"

Spanky looked at her and nodded slightly. "You got hungry 'cause you were pacing? Why were you pacing?" he asked again as he leaned against the counter.

"Yes...No.. Uhh... I'm pacing because of well... and I'm hungry because I'm.... I'm... I'm Pregnant???" She stopped breathing when she heard what she just said. "Oh gosh!"

Spanky looked at her for a second then he looked over and saw his phone on the counter, he reached over and grabbed it, then he looked back at her. "Did anyone call or text me?" he asked as he looked through his phone. "So, what's the real reason you were pacing?"

"Fuck you." she got up walked away.

"What did I do?" Spanky asked watching her walk away. "Your ass looks really good in those pants, you should wear them more often."

"You know exactly what you did. I talked to her she told me." She yelled.

Spanky looked at Aspen for a few seconds, but instead of just saying what he did, he tried to find out if she really talked to Kat. "Did what, you talked to who?" he asked as she looked through his phone again, trying not to look guilty.

"I talked to Katherine, she told me what you did last night, now I know why you didn't come home till late last night and why you said I'm sorry when you came home." she felt like crying, she was about to cry hoping what she suspected wasn't true.

Spanky looked at his phone for a few seconds, then he texted Kat. 'Did you tell Aspen what happened last night?' he sent the message, then he looked back at Aspen.

Katherine jumped slightly as she got a text. then she read it. 'No, why? Are you getting ready to tell her? Please don't, we need to talk first.' she sent the message then she looked back at T. Mills.

Spanky looked at his phone and read the message from Kat, then he looked back at Aspen. "We didn't do anything, we hung out with T. Mills and we smoked. Oh, and I told Envy off 'cause she was being all fucking psycho, so I don't know what she told you." he said not making eye contact with her.

"Spanky... Please I'm scared... " Tears hit the surface and started to fall. "No lies I love you, so please no lies." She was scared she didn't want to hear the truth but at the same time she did.

Spanky sighed slightly. "Kat and I fucked last night." he said then he finally made eye contact with her. "It wasn't suppose to happen, we were just hanging out at her house, then we kissed, then next thing I know we're in her bed. I'm so sorry babe! You know I love you, and I'd never purposely hurt you." he sighed as he walked closer to her.

She couldn't keep the tears from coming, her gut had a twisted feeling in it. "I....No.." She pulls away when he came toward her.

"Babe... I- honestly I can say sorry a million times, and we can fight and yell at each other, but there's nothing I can say that will make this better, is there?" Spanky asked as he stopped walking towards her.

She didn't know what to think all she wanted to do was wake up and have today not happen. "It's okay." She wipes her eyes. "I know you still love her." Even though she didn't want to be here she still wanted not to fight. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist laying her head on his chest. " I Love You but please... don't do this to me again. And please no more secrets. That's all you've kept from me right?"

Spanky wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ummm... there's one more thing, Envy and I broke up 'cause she got pregnant, but instead of keeping the baby she gave him up for adoption, and I think it's time I try to find him." he said.

She layed there on his chest as these things he just told her ran over and over through her head. "Do you know where he is? How old is is? His name...?" She pauses. "Sorry I shouldn't bug you, it's probably is hard for you..."

"No, it's fine. He's two." Spanky said.