Status: In the works for Writters Craft

What if World's Collided?

Part 2

We all awoke in a barren land that seemed to have never been home to anything, let alone anyone.

“Is this where the other Cray lives?” I questioned.

“Well it is definitely different from my world. It looks deserted.” Cray exclaimed.

“Then I guess we need to find Cray.” Oscar said

We searched for hours, until we found a human being. She told us that she had never heard of a, Cray Hayes before. We kept looking until we found well, 4 horses.

“Um, and am I supposed to walk?” Wonderwolf pointed out.

“You run like a wolf so, that’s how you’re getting around.” A phantom voice came out of nowhere.

Wonderwolf cursed at the old woman’s voice knowing this was her doing. We all went on us on horseback and Wonderwolf on all fours in his wolf form, contrary to popular belief he is not a werewolf, he can just shape shift into a wolf to hide from enemies, a kind of a camouflage if you will. Anyways, we continued on until we found an old western looking town.

“Something is interrupting my powers and has actually sent you far off you track.” The old lady’s’ phantom voice spoke louder than last time.

“So you’re saying that, Cray isn’t here?” Oscar inquired.

“Indeed I am however there is something there that could fix the future.” She said in that monotone voice we all loved so much.

“And that would be?” Mr. Grolp as he preferred to be called questioned.

“Kill Kain Mastersons’ Great-Grandfather and the world will never experience this pandemic.”

“Ok will do.” Wonderwolf and I said almost in sync.

Damn, we had been traveling with each other to long. When someone you used to hang out with just every so often practically becomes your best friend, it’s weird at times. However to continue with my story, we made it to the town where Kain’s Great-Grandfather was. We went door to door looking for him, when suddenly Oscar got shot, his brain matter splattered all over Cray’s face, then Wonderwolf got shot in the head. They fell to the ground dead, and Cray went rabid. He flew over to the man with the rifle and ripped him off the ground so fast his ghilliesuit flew off him as if it was a layer of skin. He was screaming in terror, when Cray got him back to us.
“So you think you can shoot at us when we are unarmed?” Cray hissed in anger. We all knew why he was pissed, all of us, excluding, Wonderwolf of course, were connected and that meant Oscars pain was ours. Then Oscar got up man were we all surprised.

“What the FUCK are you people?” Masterson inquired. I could smell the fear oozing out in his words.

“Well, my name is X and I’m a mutated sack of bones, that’s Cray he’s a vampire, that’s Oscar apparently an immortal, and that’s Mr. Grolp I think he’s a…” I started before Grolp interrupted me.

“…Werewolf, I’m a werewolf, hope that doesn’t anger you Cray.” He said in a disgusted tone.

“Actually my fiancée is a werewolf so, it doesn’t.” Cray replied

“Um hello, I’m still confused beyond belief here.” Masterson blurted out his fear was turning to rage.

“Hey, watch your tone Mr. Masterson or I’ll have to kill you before we talk.” I said quite calmly considering my best friend had just been shot dead by this man.

“Hay? What does hay have to do with watching my tone?” he inquired.

“Never mind just watch your tongue.” I said.

We sat down and talked to the guy, he thought we were crazy. So we did what we had to do, we gave this kill to Oscar because, well the bastard did shoot him and Wonderwolf in the head. It was gruesome I couldn’t believe my ears; he played classical music the whole time. Oh, yeah it wasn’t the screams or cracking of bones or squirting of blood that made it gruesome, I’ve done worse, but that music now that was horrible. So we went back to the woman and she neglected one little thing, we were to late he had already made his wife pregnant and that meant Kain would still be alive to kill the other Cray.

“So you are telling me that, we just killed a guy for no reason?” I inquired.

“Yes, unfortunately but this may indeed be what could fix it without a father Kain’s Grandfather will not go to be a great man as he has in the past.” She started.

“You son of a bitch, I don’t kill people for the hell of it, well at least not anymore, there needs to be a reason!” I yelled.

“He killed you friend and that’s not a reason for him to die? Well then go, when you make it to the time when his Grandmother is about to bear her child unto the world, kill, the baby.” The old woman said with no emotion.

“What the hell is wrong with you, are you challenged? You are asking 4 guys to go to a time and universe that isn’t any of ours and kill a baby!” Cray freaked out.

“Yes I am.” She continued to use her monotone speaking and showed no emotions.

“YOU SICK FUCK!” Oscar yelled “can you not at least show some emotion!”

“Why, it is not my child.” She continued “go and kill it now”

“NO!” Grolp screamed out and then everything went black.

We all awoke in what seemed to be a modern day city, well at least my modern day city. We started to walk down the street.

“We can’t be this far ahead in the time line, the grandfather can only be about 30 years old and the last time we were here it was an old western town.” Mr. Grolp explained.

“We all know that but, if we are to kill this baby…” I started

“Wait you’re not serious about killing the baby are you?” Cray inquired “Are you insane?”

“Yes, is there an issue, my life has been ups and downs my fiancée ended up thinking I was dead and moving on after a month, I found out my life will end if I don’t kill this fucking guy, and my best friend died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now you tell me would you still be sane?” I inquired with rage. No one answered. “Exactly, now let’s find this little baby and squash it like the bug it’s going to create.”

We continued to walk down the street until we found a hospital. We walked in the ward where the baby was, just like the old lady told us. They decided it would be my kill because they couldn’t even imagine how to kill a baby. I walked in to the room looked for the name Masterson, and found it. I looked at the baby and was stunned. It wasn’t Kain’s dad, it was his mom. Now that changed a lot, my sister had been killed by some sick freak not even an hour after she was born. I always blamed myself for her death, because earlier that day I broke my leg and ended up going to that hospital. I couldn’t kill a little girl, let alone a baby one. I walked out of the room and all of the guys looked at me.

“So Mr. I’ll kill a baby, it’s not hard what happened?” Mr Grolp inquired with a sassy tone.

“Shut up Grolp I’m not in the mood.” I said as I walked out of the hospital.

I walked down the street, and saw a girl she reminded me of Shannon. I decided to follow her because it felt natural. Luckily I did, she was about to get mugged by some street thugs.

“Hey pretty lady, how bout you give me your little thing called, a purse?” One thug said

“How bout you give me a BJ, eh sugar lips?” another said.

“Why don’t you learn how to say about and get the hell away from her, sound good?” I inquired with a little rage.

“Look at this freak cracker, wearing a costume and thinking he can mess with us.” The black one said.

“Calm yo’ shit, Cracker!’ the other one who was obviously trying to fit in said. “ How bout you fuck off, and no one will get hurt, understand?”

“Oh, I am going to enjoy this, cuz you bitches ain’t got nothin on me.” I said in the same slang.

“This cracker be tripping and making fun of the ways we talk man!” The black one said.

“Wow you figured that out all by yourself? Never knew street thugs could actually think.” I said while laughing a bit.

“Time to end this!” the main man said.
“Agreed.” I stated as I pulled out my two viper swords and proceeded to chop off the man’s head.

“Oh shit man!” the black one said as he pulled out his gun and shot me, of course it just went through me.

“Smart man, I can’t be hurt dumb shit.” I said chopping off his arms and kicking him to the ground.

The other guy started to run but I chucked my sword into the back of his head and he fell down. I went to take my sword out and I heard sound like someone slurping up the last bit of pop out of a cup, as his brains came oozing out of his wound. Then everything went black, again.
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I enjoyed this chapter, actually i ended up editing a lot of this stuff out in the final copy for my culminating but thats because the teacher wants it to be appropriate. By the way you are getting the unedited version.