Status: Active

Contorting, Distorting, I Am Undone


I sat back and crossed my arms, keeping to myself and just listened to everyone else talking. Max and Sonny wouldn't shut up; they just kept on chatting away to each other like no one else was around.

"So..." Ronnie sat next to me, stretching his legs out in front of him and leaning back on his arms. "Tell me about yourself," he smiled.

"Okay... My name's Matt… I play guitar for –"

"From First To Last," we both said at the same time. He grinned and I chuckled.

"Yeah... And uh... I like… cheerios?" I said pathetically. He laughed.

"That's interesting," he said, turning more towards me.

"What about you?" I asked. I tilted my head and listened to him tell me about himself. He seemed so different from a lot of the other guys I've toured with. He actually seemed a lot more… wild – when sober, that is. We had our own separate conversation while the others around us seemed distant.

"Guys... Guys!" We both looked up to see Sonny waving at us.

"Yeah?" we said at the same time, glancing at each other and smiling slightly. I feel like a little school girl who just made a new girlfriend.

"We're going out to get lunch... You two coming or what?" I looked at Ronnie who just shrugged.

"Nah, thanks, I think we'll pass." I answered.

"Okay then, we'll see you guys later," Sonny waved and caught up with everyone else, who were a few steps ahead of him. I faced Ronnie again and from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Derek giving me the middle finger. I shook it off.

"Do you want to get some coffee or something?" I asked.

"Sure, there's a Starbucks round the corner," he replied. I stood up and held out a hand for him to grab, which he did before wiping the dust off of his butt. I couldn't help but smile and glance at his ass. We walked together to the shop, sitting down at a two-seater table at the back, both ordering black coffee. One thing sprung out to me the most about Ronnie, he always made eye contact when talking to me.

He was polite, strange enough, and he never stopped smiling. It was contagious, he made me smile too. After the coffee, we began to walk around; hoods up, hands in pockets, only a few centimeters apart, until a few hours later we got some Italian ice cream. Even though we didn't do anything out of the ordinary, I thought our little outing was great.

I was still licking my ice cream as we entered the parking lot, while Ronnie on the other hand was already munching on his cone. Nobody was outside; we assumed everybody went back in their busses. We were just about to part before I spoke up.

"Hey uh... Ronnie... You want to hang out in our bus for a while?" I asked hesitantly, before taking a bite out of the cone.

"Sure," he smiled, finishing his last bite. He followed me back to my bus and we stepped in.

"Sorry 'bout the mess," I muttered, kicking a few clothes to the side. He chuckled.

"If you think this is messy; you clearly haven't seen our bus."

"Hey, hey," Max waved frantically. We saw Sonny sitting on Max's lap on the teeny couch, while Travis lay on his bunk, talking on his cell phone. Seth was playing on his Nintendo DS [which I wonder where he got from...] and Derek sat up on his bunk, arms crossed, talking with the two on the couch.

"Hey guys," Ronnie waved back, just as frantically. I raised my eyebrows and sat down.

"You guys know we've got a show in an hour," Sonny mumbled, resting his head on Max's shoulder... Looks like they got real close real quick. That's kind of funny.

"You know what, you should come on stage while we're on," I said to Ronnie, sitting next to him on my bed. "Sing with Sonny for a song or something."

"Yeah, that would be fun." I looked over at the couch again, Sonny was leaning close to Max, whispering in his ear and Max was giggling, looking red as a strawberry. Strange to think those two were adults.

"You know," Ronnie mused, scooting closer to me. "I think a certain someone is getting to know somebody else a little too well, don't you think?"

"Depends," I smirked, scooting slightly closer so that my arm was touching his.

"Who are you talking about?"