Status: Being Edited Elsewhere-- You can still read here, but I won't be posting the new version for a while. Sorry!

Firedown Sun


The whole school was full of bubbly, cheerful students, going up to everyone and complimenting them and acting so.... brainless. It was like they had no idea yesterday they'd been monsters trying to kill each other. Which made sense. They couldn't remember that without any brain to think about it, could they?

"Oh my gosh, Kitten, your hair is GORGEOUS!" Perisnow burst out, jumping to my side and feeling my brown curls, petting my head like I was a baby or her pet. "Did your mom do it? Oh, it's wonderful!"

My hair bounced down my back as I nodded. "Yes, she did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my friends."

"Alright! I'll see you later! Have fun, Kitten!"

"Oh, I will," I murmured too low for her to catch. She wasn't paying attention anyway; she'd already bounded over to visit three more shocked rebels: Jaz, Zarther and Pharis.

Pharis was looking at me funny, and I wondered if he'd heard about Lune's hug. I quickly turned away and began my search for the other Blazes. Margolo, Hexa, Resh, SOMEONE. Not Lune... Not him. I needed more time to think things through before I approached him.

But when I backed away, a figure came to me. I tensed, thinking maybe it was him. But no, it was just Pharis.

Oh, JUST Pharis? Ha. Like he could be just ANYTHING right now.

"Hey, Kitten. You look pretty today."

I shrugged. "My mom was in a good mood this morning, so..." I looked into his eyes, trying to decipher what was happening to him. Why was he talking to me if he knew about Lune?

But he was grinning, so he must not know. Not that it really mattered. It had been a HUG. That was it. Now, if it had been something else...... I twisted on my heel at that thought and started to wander the halls for my friends. Pharis was right behind me, chattering about how his parents had been the same way and all that stuff I could care less about. But at least he didn't act all awkward or try and pretend we could be more than just friends. That was something I wouldn't be able to handle. Not today.

"So," he muttered, laughing nervously. "What's your, um... sacrifice for tonight?"

I turned, just getting a little annoyed. I tried not to let it show, remembering what Sorin and Margolo and practically everyone I knew had told me about controling my tongue and not acting so much different, so rebellious, all the time. I had to disguise myself.

So I attempted a goofy smile. It was probably very unconvincing, especially since it was Pharis I was talking to. I even batted my eyelashes a little, but I kept my voice very firm and harsh, so that he would know I meant more than what I simply put to words. "I have the best sacrifice in the world," I said sweetly, "and it has nothing to do with YOU, Pharis. So would you ever so kindly leave me alone so I can find my FRIENDS? It would be most generous of you."

He got the hint and stepped backward, nearly knocking into Hexa.

"Hey!" she said as his elbow swung inches from her face. He apologized, but he was still staring at me. I sighed. He wasn't going to be happy about our separation. But there was Hexa, my makeshift super hero.

"Come on, Hex," I said, then whispered in her ear, "HELP ME."

She smiled toward Pharis. "Go help Deactiviss with the kreatures, okay? Since I'm SURE you love animals more than Kitten."

I wanted to hit her for saying that, but it only made Pharis' eyes light up. He glanced toward me for a moment, and I tried not to flinch at his pointed look. It was like he was trying to tell me with his eyes, She's wrong. I love YOU more.

He hurried away, calling over his shoulder, "I'll see you two tonight! Don't be late!"

When he disappeared from my sight, I asked Hexa, "Did you really have to say THAT?"

"He's gone, isn't he?" She faced me, and a sigh escaped her lips. "Makeup? That's not you. And CURLS?" She flicked a bouncy lock out of my eyes and bit her lip. "What's with the cover? You hiding something?"

I kept my voice even as I asked her innocently, "Would I ever hide something?"

"I don't know. Would you?"

Hexa's expression made me look away. I couldn't lie to her. But I couldn't tell her about my plan with Lune. Besides, hadn't my dad been trying to talk me out of it this morning? Groaning, I muttered, "Let's just go find them, okay?" I started walking in the direction of the Rules and Regulations room. I didn't know why, but I thought they might be in there. And when we walked up to the door, I was right. Someone was there.

But it wasn't any of the Blazes.

It was Leirre Talma.

I thrust out a hand to stop Hexa. The door was only open a few inches, so neither of the adults had seen us. But if we went in, who knew what would happen? And what was happening NOW? Leirre looked angry, and Sorin looked unreasonably tired, like he hadn't gotten any sleep. Or maybe he was just sick of whatever Leirre was discussing and wanted the school head out of his room.

That last theory seemed correct, because at that moment, Leirre leaned forward and screamed loud enough I was surprised other people in the hallway couldn't hear the outburst.

"You DARE defy your leaders, Sorin Imbouro? You won't last long with that on your conscience! Now just get this OVER with! It'll happen tonight, and YOU'RE the one that has to do it! So why aren't you getting prepared?"

Sorin fell slightly across his desk, catching himself by both hands at the opposite edge of the dark, wooden surface. "I'm telling you, Leirre, I can't do it. Send someone else. She's not easily dealt with, especially when her friends are around. Did you see what happened between Zarther and that other boy? He fought someone! And that Lune, he's pretty strong, too. The other girl has the weapons, and then the dark-haired one. She's a good fighter, not to mention she's really close to-"

"All lies! You're the perfect choice for this, and if you refuse..." Leirre's eyes became a dull black, and it almost looked like he was smirking. I couldn't tell with the little space there was to see what was happening. Hexa's chin brushed my ear, and I felt her hair tickle the back of my neck. I didn't dare twitch or move at all. Leirre or Sorin might hear me. And what on earth were they talking about? What was Sorin refusing? And why? He didn't seem like the type of guy that would turn down a challenge. More of the opposite.

Sorin sneered, "If I refuse, what? You'll turn me in? That'll do a fat load of nothing. Trust me, the leaders wouldn't believe you."

"Oh, trust ME, you would be surprised by what I could tell them to think different of you. Like, oh, why don't I start with how much you LOVE that girl? How will they react to that?" Leirre's smile wasn't even close to friendly. He wasn't trying to lure someone in with that half-cheerful half-hateful smirk. He was fully frozen-hearted and mean, and he continued in a hushed tone. I had to lean in more to hear all his words. "I'll tell you: they won't like it. They'll say you betrayed them. They'll accuse you of treason for loving her, won't they?"

Sorin attempted to look him square in the face but then his gaze fell, and he looked so weak, so exhausted. I wanted to rush in and help him. I had no idea why, because it wasn't like he'd ever done much for me except for that one day. That had been messed up. He and Margolo, people I barely knew, had wanted to help me. I could think of no reason why Sorin would want to be nice to me, since I was such a rule-breaking teenager. A Rules and Regulations Teacher should hate someone like me, right?

But suddenly I got it. They were talking about ME. Leirre was accusing Sorin of loving ME.

What in the WORLD?

"Yes, they would do that," Sorin mumbled, no defiance in his eyes. He was just admitting it.

And accepting it?!

I was about ready to burst in at that moment, but Hexa suddenly dragged me back, hissing, "We need to GO! The bell rang!"

I hadn't heard it, but she was right. People were hurrying to get to homeroom. We needed to leave. But Sorin! Leirre! I couldn't just go when they were discussing something so critical! I needed to hear more, understand more! What the heck was going on?!

Leirre was smiling wickedly, and I wanted so badly to just HIT him. Just once! But then again, I wasn't sure if, once I laid my hands on him, I could stop at just one blow. It might take several to get the hate and anger out of my system.

"Alright. So what's the plan, then, Sorin Imbouro? Are you going to try and SAVE the girl, or are you going to go through with this?"

He numbly stared back at the head of the school, then murmured, "I'll go through with it."

Leirre's lips parted into a more generally happy gesture, and he saluted, "Very well done. May the strength be with you to overcome your foolish desires. That girl doesn't belong to you. You know that don't you?"

Sorin didn't answer the question. He just stated, "She won't ever be one of your puppets, Leirre."

"Why, because you'll stop me. Or those 'friends' of hers? Once they find out she's being-"

"I don't care what YOU think!" Sorin had suddenly leaped over the table and pinned Leirre against a desk. "You need to shut your mouth, old man! You don't know her!"

"And you do?" Leirre pushed him off, looking like he'd drive an attack straight into Sorin's scowling mouth, but he just spat, "You're a fool," and started to walk toward the door.

"Kitten, come on!" Hexa ordered, dragging me behind her. I sprinted after her, afraid of what Leirre would say since he'd caught us listening. But he left the room and turned the opposite way.

An announcement sounded. "All students must report to homeroom NOW."

It was like they knew we weren't there. It was almost like they cared.

But we knew better than to think most adults really gave a crap about us. They might be that way today because of how crazy they were, being drugged and all.

"Class, NOW!" Hexa ordered, shoving me away from her. It wasn't like she was really pushing me away, she just didn't want me getting in trouble. I nodded, and headed off.

My head was spinning crazily as I tried to figure all this out. What did this have to do with me? What was my connection to Sorin? Why was he so... interested about me? I was a rebel. A Blaze. Why would he stick up for me and refuse to do whatever it was he had to do to me?

I was immediately tense. They wouldn't do anything to me. I wasn't easily taken down, and my friends would never let them slip past and get me.

I walked into Farrens', and the Teacher glanced up, happy to see me.

"You're a bit late-" he began, but he didn't sound angry about it, so I interrupted him. He was usually low key anyway.

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Right, like I could keep that promise.

"Alright, good, please sit down so I can take attendance properly Okay. Zarther Summon, are you here?"

Zarther stuck his hand up, his eyes slipping toward mine. I gave him my kindest, smallest smile, then sat in my assigned seat, my hair bobbing up and down like little springs. It was sort of annoying, but at least it gave me a good reputation today with people that had previously been nightmarish enemies.

"Perisnow Lillie?"

She grinned over at me as she rose her hand, and I noticed most people were looking at me.

But only one pair of eyes really caught and held my attention. I stared into the never-ending beauty of hazel, wishing I never had to look away. Lune's lips curved upward, and mine immediately did the same. Even if it was slightly depressing to see how quickly I reacted to him. And so positively.

I kept in mind everything my dad told me. So I took a deep breath, closed my eyes a moment, and then looked at him again.

And this time, there was no guilt when I grinned back at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, this one's a lot shorter. but that's for two reasons: 1. I'm going to bed. 2. I don't want a huge long one again, and I've got so much more to add that just needs to be put elsewhere.

ciao!!! thanks for reading!!!