Status: One-shot

The beatles and us

The beatles and us

I’m glad you know…
I’m glad we’re not like those other couples out there who say ‘I love you’ every minute of the day, whenever they get the chance. Who say the will never leave each other even though they’re just together for 18 fucking hours.
I’m glad we’re us, just you and me combined
But I would be lying if I said that I never have doubt about it if you really like me, if you aren’t just with me because I had a crush on you, if you kinda love me
But I’m glad I don’t need to hear those words every single time I see/hear you

This is gonna sound extremely silly but those other persons remind me of every freaking band that exists They’re one of those bands who only sing about sex or pain.
But we’re like an awesome band. You know, The Beatles,
They had it all figured out.
“I Want To Hold Your Hand”. The first single. It’s effing brilliant, right? They say exactly what you mean to me. They don’t want a 24-hour hump sesh, they don’t want to let the whole world know how perfect they are together. No, they just want to hold your hand and know that you wanna hold theirs too. That means more to me than every ‘<3 ily *date* forever babyyyy’-songs those other ‘bands’ play.
I just wanted you to know that