You are at the top of my lungs

Chapter 1: “Hip hip hooray to me, you talked to me” (My Chemical Romance ‘It’s not a fashion stateme

I don’t remember when I first noticed you, I just remember where.
I was sitting with my friends on one of the benches on the ‘playground’ and you were standing a bit further, talking to one of your class members. Your hair reminded me of William Becket. You had this messenger bag hanging low over your shoulder and it made you arch your back a bit. It made you look even more nonchalant then just having your hands in the pockets of your striped hoodie.

Every time my friend who was blocking the sun for me with her body said something to me, I couldn’t help looking behind her and see if you were still there.

With weeks that passed I figured more stuff out from you. For example I discovered your name and what class you were in. It may sound like it’s nothing special for a person to know that, but actually for me it was.

So one time Tineke got your name stuck in one of our conversations. She knew a lot about you, like a – freaking – lot. She said she had a secret crush on you (which is quite healthy for a teenage girl), I thought that was quite funny.

Weeks passed, and still I caught myself looking for you on the ‘playground’.
But one day, as I was walking to my class 3D and had to stop because the crowd was blocking the stairs, you smiled and pointed at my shirt and said: “cool shirt “.

This may sound as one of the cheesiest things you’ll ever hear but when you said that line with that smile, jeeeeeeeez the world stopped for a second :) .
Since that moment, every time someone talks about you or said your name, I can’t help the little smile that appears on my face a second after. (It still happens)

Since that moment,
you sir,
you were my ultimate teenage-girl-high school-crush.