You are at the top of my lungs

Chapter 2: “How do you say goodbye, when you've hardly said hello? (Bring Me The Horizon ‘***’)

But yeah, my school results weren’t as good as I planned they were. I studied super-duper-hard but still I failed on almost every test. And the exams weren’t too great either (I failed for 6 exams). I had to change school.

It’s not like I missed you, I mean … how could I? We never talked or anything, but still I couldn’t help but wondering how things were with you, what you planned to study after high school and stuff like that.

But sadly there wasn’t much chance that I could know it because it was almost impossible to get (back) in contact with you.

So, this is what I did: I tried to block you out of my mind, which was pretty hard to do.

I met new people, we made history, and only the people who cared about me stayed around.

And the hardest part was knowing that somewhere (not too far away) there was someone who was pretty much perfect for me, someone who understands my humor and my way of thinking, someone that doesn’t mind that I don’t make sense because that person doesn’t make sense too.

The problem was that I used to compare all guys to this other guy. And you know what? They never really measured up. Not even close. And the sad thing is that some of them were probably better than him, but I just couldn’t see it.

But if you want to move on with your life, you have to be willing to give certain things up, so I did.

I let go, said goodbye and moved on.