You are at the top of my lungs

Chapter 4: “Let’s get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!” (Panic at the Disco ‘Lying is the m

I kind of forced you into going with me. I had to see a few friends of mine and I thought it would be fun if you came along. You know, to widen your horizon and stuff :D

It was great, we talked, had fun, played some pool (well the guys did while the girls gossiped ^__^), took some pictures and played this silly game where you tear up these little carton cards where you have to put your glasses on and put them in someone cleavage *.
You have to admit, those are some good memories :).

When the evening came to an end, we both sat there for a moment. I even put your coat on, just for the heck of it.

When we arrived to the tunnel, I asked if you wanted to go and look if there were any lambs or wanted to help me to see if you could steal the statue of Maria in the park next to it. You agreed and we went to the park.

The statue was behind a glass door with a lock, so you couldn’t steal it. Which was a pity though

It started raining a little and I was trying to give you a hint that I had to get home.
You just stood there with your arms spread, asking for a hug. So I completed the gesture.

1 second, 2 seconds, 10, 78, 189 seconds (or something like that, I don’t know I wasn’t counting or anything :P) .

This hug wasn’t a normal one, you weren’t letting go… at all.
I was thinking about what you would do next, but it seemed so unreal if you really were going to it.
I started rambling about unimportant stuff like how crazy the idea was that somewhere in Spain there’s someone who’s going to study Dutch the same time as I’m studying Spanish.
You just nodded and mumbled in agreement.
I felt your cheek brushing against mine through my hoodie. You looked at me but didn’t let go of the hug.
I’ll always remember the look you gave me before you confirmed my thoughts, before you pressed your lips against mine :).

If you really want to know what was going on in my mind, I thought ‘fuck, he’s totally going to regret this tomorrow. Our friendship is over… The guy I wanted to kiss for such a long time is going to say he regrets this in the morning...’

You pulled away and the first thing you said was “goddamned, now I have to admit to my parents that I do have a girlfriend in West-Kapelle”
That made me smile :).

I don’t remember what we said next, I just remembered I was still nervous because I wasn’t sure what this meant for us.

The only thing I do remember was you asking me in a hurry if I didn’t have a boyfriend (because you never really asked).

I was happy.
I even forgot that it was raining ^___^.

On my way home I couldn’t stop smiling and by the time I got in bed you send me a text saying ‘carton cards in my singlet’

For the first time in a very long time I fell asleep with my mouth shaped like a capital ‘U’.
♠ ♠ ♠
yup, that's what happened
I still love that moment :)