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Hopelessly Falling

"Ellie, stop. You’re beautiful the way you are." His beautiful smile droops.

“Well, not enough for someone to like me.” My knees grew weak; were we really talking about this now!? Lately, I guess, I have been too negative and teary-eyed. “Ells, stop! I love…”


Love … he was about to say “I love you.” I’ve been waiting since the beginning of this school year to hear those words from someone. I went through torching myself and crying myself to sleep, every single night, to get over my ex. I kept wishing for this moment. I kept dreaming for it to happen: the hottest guy in Green Bay High School to say “I love you” to my deceitful self.

But do you know what sucks? It was just another stupid dream I always have, because tomorrow is when the second trimester starts and I have gym with him … Noah Mudguard.
  1. The Prologue ( Flashback)
    talks about the last break up .