When Hell Freezes Over


“You ate all the popcorn, already?” I asked in dismay. “I just brought it out! Man, I didn't even get to eat any! Gosh guys, thanks.”

“Sorry Hunter, I’ll make you more if you want,” Aiden offered.

“Nah its ok,” I told him as I went to the kitchen and put another bag of popcorn into the microwave.

“Its not our fault we get so hungry whenever we come over to your house!” shouted Bee.

“Whatever,” I said nonchalantly. “Move your big butts over and make room for me.”

“Why?” asked Aiden.

“Ugh,” was all I had to say as I threw a whole bunch of popcorn at them. This escaladed into a full-fledged tickle-food fight.

“HAHAHAHA! STOP IT!” I screamed for mercy as both Aiden and Bee were tickling me to death on the floor.

“What the hell?” an angry voice filled the apartment. “I go on a vacation and this is what I come home to?”

“Blaze?” I whispered. My eyes were wide open, half out of shock, half out of fear.

“I thought you were coming home tomorrow,” I said to him after I gained my composure.

“Are you telling me that if you knew I was coming home today this wouldn’t have happened?” asked Blaze, his voice still full of anger.

“No, I’d still have them over, we were only watching a movie,” I told him.

“Watching a movie? You expect me to believe that!” he yelled in rage.

“Yes, because that’s the truth,” I was trying to make him see the truth.

“Well it sure as hell didn't look like it,” he spat.

“We were just having fun,” I explained to him.

“Fun? Fun! And what’s that supposed to mean!” he screamed at me, now he was only a couple feet away from me.

“Calm down, Blaze. Hunter’s telling the truth, we were just having a little food fight, it was nothing,” Aiden butted it. He came between me and Blaze; creating a barrier between us.

“Get out of my house. Now,” snarled Blaze.

“No,” Aiden said firmly.

“I said, NOW!”

“And I said, no,” Aiden calmly spoke.

“Aiden, please just leave. Please,” I whispered quietly to him.

“But he’s gonna hurt you, again,” Aiden told me.

“If you and Bee don't leave now, it’s only going to get worse. For my sake, please just leave!” At this point I was begging him to leave. I knew that for my sake, and theirs, that the sooner they left, the better my chances were of not getting hurt. The longer they stayed, the more time Blaze had to get angry; and Blaze angry is never a good thing.

“Alright, but call Bee later, okay?” he agreed.

“Promise, hurry up and leave,” I urged him.

“Okay, love you,” he whispered into my ear.

“Same back,” I said.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!” Blaze yelled once they were gone.
“We just wanted to get together and relax,” I calmly explained to him as I started to pick up the popcorn from the floor.

“That’s not what it looked like!” he shouted.

“Then what did it look like?” I demanded to know. I stopped picking up the popcorn and looked up to him from my position on the floor. What a wrong thing to do.

“What did you say to me, you slut? What did you say?” he basically egged me on.

“If it didn't look like a bunch of friends just having fun, then what did it look like? Inform me, please.”
“I’ll tell you what it looked like. It looked like my girlfriend was two-timing me. You’re such a whore! Worthless trash,” he ranted on and on, walking closer and closer to me. “I shouldn't even be this nice to you, you know. You’re lucky you have me. Who else would want you? You piece of shit.”

I don't know what was worse the physical abuse or the verbal abuse. But what I did know was that I had enough of it.

“Blaze! Just leave me alone!” I screamed at him. “For once, in the whole time we’re together, just leave me alone…please…” I was crying out of frustration.

“Suck it up. You’re going to hear worse out there. I’m nice to you. You don't deserve my love; you don't deserve any of this. You’re worthless. No one would be as patient or as kind as me.”

He came closer and slapped me across my face. It stung a lot after the initial impact, it was a lot harder then all of the other hits. It felt like a belt just lashed me across my face.

“Remember that,” he said spitefully.

I just stood there, my eyes to the ground, not wanting to look at him.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

Slowly I unwillingly lifted my eyes to meet his. I felt his rough hand on my cheek. I felt it slide down my face and lift my chin up. His face moved in closer and closer to mine until his lips found his way to my lips. They roughly pressed onto mine.

“No,” I murmured.

“What did you just say?” Blaze demanded, pulling away still holding my face in his hand.

“No,” I said again. “You can’t call me worthless, and a whore and then expect me to just let you kiss me and do whatever. No.”
He looked shocked. It was the first time I’ve ever done something like this. Usually, I’d just let him have his way, and hope by the next day he’d be fine. But not tonight, tonight was different, I felt different. I wasn't going to let him control my life - at least not tonight.

I started to walk towards the door.

“Get back here!” he demanded. “Where are you going? Get back here!”

I just kept walking, out the door, out the hall, down the stairs, and out of the complex altogether. I let my feet lead me to wherever they wanted to go. They led me to the one place I swore I would never go back to – home.
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