When Hell Freezes Over

chapter 5

We went to the drugstore and bought a pregnancy test and then went back to her apartment.

“Bee, I'm scared,” I told her being honest.

“Its ok, I’ll be here the whole time,” she comforted me.

“I know,” I told her smiling slightly.

“You look, I can’t look,” I told her.

“What are we looking for?” she asked.

“I don't know, two purple lines,” I replied after reading the box. “Well?” I looked up at her.

“Hunter, I’m sorry,” she said. She gave me the test. “You’re pregnant.”

I just looked at her and began to cry. She rubbed my back and just comforted me.

“You can stay here tonight, if you want,” she said quietly.

“No, I need to tell Blaze,” I told her.

“You don't need to tell him tonight.”

“I do. I’m at least two months pregnant. He’s going to be pissed. I need to tell him, now.”

“Its not your fault that you’re pregnant,” she reasoned with me.

“To him it will be,” I said bitterly.

She just looked at me with the same look Aiden gave me – disappointment.

“Why are you still with him?” she asked.

“Because, he’s the father of my baby,” I told her, just realizing that myself. “He’s the father of this baby,” I said softer again.

There was silence for a while.

“I better get home. Thanks for being there for me.”

She smiled, “Anytime.”

I left and caught a cab back to my condo. I opened the door to find Blaze on the couch watching ESPN.

“Blaze?” I called out.

He looked up from the TV, he didn't realize that I had come home until just then.

“What? I’m watching TV,” he said irritated.

“I need to talk to you,” I calmly said back.

“Well, it’s going to have to wait until this is done.”

“No, it can’t.”

“Its almost done, just ten more minutes. Go make dinner,” he demanded.

“I’m trying to tell you something!” I shouted at him almost in tears, but he was too busy watching the stupid TV to notice.

“Shut up and make yourself useful! Go get me dinner!” he ordered again.

“Blaze!” I shouted, getting his attention this time.


“I’m pregnant,” I whispered, wishing that I never said that.

“You’re what?” he asked astonished.

“I’m pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” he emphasized.

“Yes, I’m pregnant,” I almost shouted. “Our future kid is growing in me right now, in case you didn't comprehend that in your head!”

“I got it,” he snapped. “Now get out!”

“What?” I asked shocked.

“Get out of the house! NOW!”

“Wa-Bu-uh,” I was stunned. I knew he wouldn't take the news that well, but I didn't expect him to just make me leave. I thought he’d be mad for a little while and then he’d get over it.

“NOW!” he yelled at me.

“Alright, I’m leaving.”

“Take all your shit with you too.”

“Why?” I asked dumbly.

“Because, idiot, you aren’t coming back. I’m kicking you out.”

“So that’s it? You find out you got me freaking pregnant and you kick me out?” I yelled at him in frustration.

“I can’t have a kid now, I can’t have you running my life anymore!” he growled.

“But you can ruin mine?” I shot back. “You’ve done some low things, but this, this is a new low for you. You know what? They were right; I should have left you. I should have left you two months ago.”

“Who’s they?” he asked, that caught his attention.

“Bee and Aiden, people who really care for me,” I sassed. I could almost see his face visibly change colors.

“I knew it!” he shouted and he came toward me. I tried to run but he caught me. “You cheating, little, bitch!”

He grabbed my throat and wouldn’t let go.

“Blaze, stop,” I choked. “I –can’t-breath.”

I tried to kick him, but my feet couldn't reach. I could feel him start lifting me up off the
ground with his hand that was on my throat.

“I should have set you straight a long time of ago, girl. The only reason why I was so
nice to you was because you father told me that I’d get something great for taking you in.”

“What?” I gasped in shock. I was still trying to get away, but what he just said caught me by surprise.

“You heard me, bitch. Your father paid me to get you away from your mother, and to gain your trust. I didn't know that you were that trusting,” he told me, grasping my throat a little harder.

“My dad?” I managed to get out. I could barely breath now.

“Yeah, you heard me, your dad. Daddy dearest. You honestly thought he loved you?” he sneered.

My head was spinning trying to grasp onto what he said. Then the whole room started spinning; I couldn't breath. I felt Blaze’s hand release my throat as I heard another voice shout something. Then my world went black.
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