When Hell Freezes Over

chapter 7

“Bee, why do you have to leave?” I asked her.
“Because, I need this credit for college, don't worry, I promise that I will be back in time for the baby, okay? I’ll be there as soon as you come out of labor,” she promised.
“Promise?” I asked.
“Promise,” she confirmed. “Aiden?”
“Keep this girl healthy and make sure nothing happens,” she ordered.
“Yes, ma’am!” he told her.
“Good, I’ll see you in a couple months. They’ll go by in a flash,” she comforted.
“I love you,” I told her hugging her tightly. I was now 7 months pregnant, and it was showing.
“Love you too, take care of yourself, okay?” she told me.
“Don't worry I will, have fun, okay. Bring me back something from France,” I joked.
She laughed, “ Is that all you think about?”
“Bye guys, I love you.”
We watched her walk into the gate and then we left.
“Can you believe in two months I’ll be having a kid?” I asked shocked. As we got into the car, Aiden was driving. We figured it wasn't a good idea for me to drive until after I have the baby.
“Its pretty amazing, isn’t it?” he agreed.
“Its going to be weird, just you and me in the apartment now,” I stated. Even though Bee didn't technically live in the same apartment, she lived in the same building, so she would always be over. I had to quit my job at Hollister, but I got another job at Borders, so at least I had some money for the baby. My mom is of no help; she wanted nothing to do with the baby. I’m so thankful for Aiden, at least he pays the rent, and that’s one less thing I have to worry about, but I promised him I’d help pay for the rent after a while.
“Somehow, I think we’ll manage,” he joked.
“I agree,” I said back.
“Do you need anything before we go home?” he asked.
“Umm… I don't think so,” I thought.
“For the baby?” he asked. He knew that I didn't really have time to shop for the baby, since I was working most of the time now.
I smiled, “Yeah, I think I’ll need a few things.”
“Lets go shopping then!” he laughed.
Aiden’s one of those guys that don't mind going shopping, in fact he’s one of the few that actually enjoy it. We drove to the mall, found a parking stall, and went inside.
“So what do we need?” he asked me.
“Clothes for the baby,” I said.
He grabbed my hand and led me into a baby store. We were in there for about an hour, looking at baby clothes.
“Hun!” he shouted at me. “What about this?” He held up a cute little one piece outfit, that was blue with yellow trim and had little cars all over it.
“Aww, I like that one! Lets get it!” I laughed. I figured it would be suitable for either a girl or a boy, I mean if I had a boy and bought something pink with flowers on it, he may have a problem when he got older.
“Anything else?” he asked.
“Uh, I think we’re good,” I laughed. I had at four little outfits and a few pair of socks.
“Lets go pay,” he agreed.
“When’s the baby due?” asked the sales clerk.
“In about two months,” Aiden replied.
“Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?” asked the lady.
“I decided to be surprised,” I answered.
“Ahh,” she said in agreement. “Your total is $31.76.”
I handed her two 20s.
“Alright, take care of yourself you’re going to make great parents,” she told us.
“Thank you,” Aiden said smiling.
Once we were outside and in the car I asked Aiden, “What was that all about back in theref?”
“What was what about?” he asked.
“How you said thank you after she said we’d make great parents,” I told him.
“Because it’s the truth,” he answered simply.
“But this isn’t even your kid!” I said joked.
“So? Maybe I want to help you take care of it” he asked.
“Sure you do, and you want to go kill someone,” I said sarcastically.
“I’m serious, Hunter,” said Aiden.
“Yeah, sure you can, but you don't want that Aiden. You don't want to be responsible for a kid when you don't have to be. I mean, you’re able to have a life, to find someone you love and marry them. Don't put your life on hold to help mine,” I told him. “Please, I don't you want to sacrifice all of that.”
“I wouldn't be sacrificing anything. Do you want to know something?”
“Sure,” I said exhausted.
“The truth is, Hunter, is that I’ve loved you for the longest time. Since the first time I met you. That’s why whenever I saw you with Blaze I’d get mad, because you deserved better, and I really wanted you.”
“Are you serious?” I asked him completely shocked.
“Yes. So please let me help you take care of this child.”
“It wouldn't even be yours.”
“I don't care,” he responded.
“What are you going to say when your friends come over and start to ask questions?” I asked him.
“I’ll tell them the truth, I’ll tell them that I love you and I don't care if its not my child, I’ll still love it as much as I would if it were my own.”
“I don't know Aiden, I don't know.”
“Hunter, its my life, and I love you,” he genuinely told me. It made me pause and think about the situation. Ever since I first met Aiden, he made me feel special, and that I was worthy. Even when I was with Blaze, he helped me out as much as he possibly could. He didn't think of me any less when I was with Blaze and him and Bee never turned away from me.
“I love you too.”
“Does this mean that this is like my child too?” he asked me.
“Yeah, I guess it does,” I told him.
“Then I guess, we’re having a baby!” he shouted happily.