When Hell Freezes Over

chapter 8

“AHHHHHH!” I sat up in the middle of the night I had a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.

“AHHH!” I screamed again in pain.

“Hunter?” Aiden said worridly as he rushed into my room turning on the lights. “What’s the matter?”

“I don't know,” I gritted through my teeth. “My stomach, it hurts, really bad.”

“Your bed’s all wet-“ his eyes widened. “Hunter, I think your water broke. I think your going into labor.”

“I don't care! Just get me to the hospital!” I yelled in pain.

“Okay, just let me grab the bag, you start walking to the door.”

‘Hurry up!” I yelled once I got to the door.

“Lets go,” he said. Aiden helped me out of the complex and into the door.

Once we got to the hospital Aiden got me all set and had the doctors get me go into the birth room. Three hours later I was in a hospital room holding my new baby girl.

“Can I come in?” asked Aiden, peeking into the room.

“Yeah, come, look!” I squealed in giddiness.

“She’s so cute!” he awed. “Do you know what you’re going to name her?”

“Yeah, I thin k so but I want Bee to be here too,” I told him. “Its only right.”

He nodded in agreement and then carried her.

“Hunter?” he called out.

“Yeah?” I answered with my eyes closed.

“I love you,” he told me.

“I love you too,” I said and fell asleep with my new baby girl in my arms.