When Hell Freezes Over


The next morning I woke up to the voices of my friends.

“HUNTER!” shouted Bee when she saw that I was awake. “She’s adorable!”

I smiled, ”Thanks.”

“How are you doing?” asked Aiden.

“Fine,” I said looking over to see my baby.

“So what are you going to name her?” asked Bee excitedly. “Aiden told me you were waiting for me to come. So come on tell us already!”

I laughed,” Alright, you got me, I don't know what I’m gonna name her yet. That’s why I wanted to wait until the three of us were together. I want each of us to pick a name for her.”

“What?” asked Aiden.

“Each of us picks a name and that’ll be her name. You guys are our family and I thought
it’d only be right for each of us to pick a name.”

“Remy,” said Bee. “I’ve always loved that name.”

“Parker,” I said after giving it a lot of thought.

“Lovesin,” said Aiden.

“Lovesin?” I asked. “Isn’t that your last name?”

“Yeah, I told you already, I put my name down as the father.”

I looked at him in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, its okay right? I mean we talked about it,” he rambled.

“I know, I just didn't think you’d really do it,” I looked up at him smiling. “Thank you.”

He just smiled and picked up Remy and walked down the hall.

“Remy Parker Lovesin,” I said out loud. “I like it. Now when she asks where she got her name, she’ll receive an awesome story.”

Bee looked at me smiling, “I’ve never seen you this happy in a while.”


“Yeah, I’ve missed you,” she said; embracing me into the biggest hug you can give in a hospital bed. “Welcome back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
next chapter's the last one