Status: just startted, need to change layout later will keep writing this one.

Nothing good happens after 10:00

In the suburban town of MiKinney, Texas Mark Watson and his friends decide to take a break from their goodie two shoes life and go to a party and do somthing crazy. When their idea of getting their name known get taken a little too far the find themselves waking up in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mark and his two best friends Jake and Josh have to somehow get back to MiKinney with no car, Cell Phones or money. These teenagers have many scary, difficult, and just plain strage adventurs on their trip back home. But when they make it back home do they really comeback as the same teenage boys?
  1. Goodie Two shoes
    In this chapter Mark and his best friends decide they are tired of their same old lives and they want to end high school with a BANG!