Status: Ongoing, odd updating at times...

Krabian Night

Introduction to the sandy wasteland...

The sound of a sitar drew you in as you ventured closer. There you saw someone that looked quite familiar to you; You wondered all at once why Miyavi was playing a sitar instead of a regular guitar, but enjoyed the sound, nonetheless.

He sang a tale with conviction; A fairytale that you may have heard once or twice; Though not in the manner you thought it would be told:

"Alright, so once upon a time and all that shit, there was this hella hot place. And it was surrounded by all this sand and shit, ya know??"

Yes, he was definitely Myv.

"In this hella hot place lived a buncha hella hot people who were always like 'WTF, WHYZ IT SO HOT??' Anyway, in the middle of the hella hot place there was this fuckin' awesome palace... And in this fuckin' amazing as fuck palace lived this sultan dude, his yabai advisor, and this fuckin' gorgeous princess. ", he went on as you looked around at the scenery, wondering just how you got to such a place.

"...The yabai advisor dude was like, all over the princess, and she was like "DENIED".", he said, striking a talk to the hand pose. You stifled a giggle as another voice took over, prompting the tall guitarist to yell, though his voice was drowned out by the other voice in your own ears:

Let me tell you a story about a boy and a girl...

The girl was a princess, off in her castle. The boy? Not much to look at, a thief of sorts. He barely got by...

Press forward, then stop; The two have finally grown up, but there is a problem... A problem that somehow brought their two world crashing into each other.;That the two would be fated to meet sooner or later...

You felt faint as the voice went on with the story...


"____-hime! ____-hime! It's time to wake up!", an almost familiar voice rang out as you opened your eyes. It was someone that you knew, but then again, why was she wearing cat ears? And had a tail...?

"____-hime... Your father requires your presence...", the voice purred. A scantily-clad girl looked at you with cat-like features.

"What are you...?", you asked. Your memory hadn't become clear just yet.

"I am a Meruhen, of course, nyaa... Meruhen-tora.", she said, crossing her arms. "have you forgotten that you are to see a suitor today? ____-hime, you've become forgetful in your old age..", she said with a giggle and left the room, swishing her tiger-striped tail behind her.

As you got out of the bed, you noticed all at once the rich, luxurious surroundings. Then you thought a little about how you were addressed by the somewhat familiar person. '-hime' was a suffix for princess...

You had to be a princess. One look in the mirror confirmed it; A circlet crowned your head, a couple of necklaces were draped around your neck; bracelets full of precious gems adorned both of your wrists. Then you noticed that the clothing you were wearing were of the finest silk cloth imaginable. Your navel was exposed, so was the piercing that decorated it. Which didn't bother you too much, but seemed quite odd...

"Ah, there you are ____-hime. Aren't you to be in the royal gardens soon? Don't you have an audience with someone that could change your life..?"

Your heart beat rapidly as you followed the strange, tall man clad in a dark cloak. Somehow he seemed familiar also...

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I'm going to go ahead and say this: I do not own any of the artists mentioned... This is going to be pure crack, and I'm sorry for making anyone suffer though it. x'D