‹ Prequel: Untitled
Status: Picked back up. <3

Marchen Room

Marchen Room (メルヘン・ルーム) Part 1

"Hurry up, Keiyuu-san!" the trendily dressed young woman said, pointing to one of the many dressing room chairs. That damn vocalist was getting on her very last nerves ever since he had waltzed backstage....fifteen minutes late.
"Sit down!" the girl half-screamed at the short vocalist, but he only glared daggers at her. No gaijin was going to speak to him in such a manner... Especially not her.

Her name was Claire... To Keiyuu's knowledge, she was a Language Major for a few years in college, but soon changed her mind thanks to some extremely useful connections that her former host family held. She had been contracted with PSC for a year or so, but she had only been working with Kra for about a month...

Her image now was nothing less than appalling to the vocalist. The first Kra live that she came to, she watched rather timidly, and her eyes seemed full of intrigue. Keiyuu noticed her right away from the front row of the audience, as she looked up at him with admiration. Well, how could one not notice someone with such distinctly European features in a sea of Japanese people? It was to his surprise that after the concert, during the wrap-up, the girl came to the dressing room, and Gocci let her right in. He explained that from that night on, the girl, who's name was Claire, would be working with hair and make-up for Kra, since one of the other girls had completely opted out. Right before she opened her mouth to speak he had thought she was pretty cute. Claire had long auburn hair that touched the small of her back. Her dark green eyes were peppered with gold, light brown, and a light blue around the perimeter of her iris'. She stood about 160 centimeters tall, he noted. Unfortunately, even after the exchange of 'hajimemashite', there was a thick tension in the air, as if the two were never to get along.
The other hair and make-up personnel were hard at work on the other three band members, but there was some audible snickering from the other girls that only irked the foreigner and the vocalist further.

"Baka!" Keiyuu seethed. "If it wasn't for your YABAI Japanese, everything would have been done!" he screamed in frustration. The girl was taken aback for a moment, and opened her mouth to insult the horrible little man, but was interrupted by the familiar chorus line:

"Ne, Keiyuu.. Leave the girl alone so she can get back to work." she knew what else was coming out of Yasuno's mouth just from the way he smirked at the steaming mad vocalist. "..We all know you have a crush on her." the tall, lean drummer teased, as Keiyuu's face grew crimson...with anger.

"I do NOT have a crush on that infuriating gaijin!"the tiny man snapped back. Claire only rolled her eyes at the
remark. "Both of you should try to get along, ne?" Maiccho softly resolved as both Keiyuu and the girl crossed their arms and glared at him. "Maiccho, yamero." Yuura, the bassist quietly warned the guitarist. "All you are doing is making them more and more angry with their situation." he said, as one last spritz of hairspray was made by the stylist to ensure that it would hold up for the next hour and a half. "Pfft, Like I would ever be interested in such a chibi-kisama!" Claire retorted back. At that moment, Gocci, Kra's manager came into the room, just as Claire let out the insult. "Get out of here, Kurea-san." Gocci said, barely audible, as the room grew as equally quiet as it was loud the moment before. One of the Japanese girls rushed over to Keiyuu and started meticulously styling his hair...there were about seven more minutes to 'Show Time'. Claire already knew she was in a heap of trouble. As she passed by the door, she heard a familiar voice. She looked up to see Yossy... The support keyboardist for the band.
"Yossy-san, konban wa." she said, as cheerfully as possible to the lanky Japanese man. Yossy smiled, and her heart skipped a beat. "Konban wa" he replied, with a small bow."Eeto--" Claire tried desperately to gain the courage for the next words, but failed as Keiyuu's squeaky voice interrupted her own. "You're going to be in deep trouble if you don't go back into the dressing room and help out." he taunted.To the four centimeters taller foreigner, her favorite vocalist, Keiyuu, had become nothing more than another chibi idiot in her way.
"Gocci-san wanted to speak with you, anyways." the vocalist said, grinning from ear to ear. "Keiyuu-san, I also have to speak with you" Gossi said, peering out the door at the vocalist.

"Ore? doushite??"


"What?! I don't see why it would be a good idea to live with...that thing!!!" Claire said, pointing dramatically at Keiyuu.
"That's my line!!" Keiyuu said, standing straight and tall. He hoped to hell that he looked even a bit intimidating to the girl, but Gossi broke the chain of insults once again.

"Both of you need to learn how to get along with each other." he said, calmly. "If there wasn't a shortage of--"

"I'll resign." Claire offered up to Gocci.


"I'll resign, rather than having to deal with him on a daily basis." Claire said with a scowl on her face. She needed this job, but if one of her employment conditions dealt with being Keiyuu's babysitter? well then forget it.

"Kurea-san, I cannot allow you to do that. If you wish to speak to the company president with your conditions go ahead, but we do need you as a Kra staff member." Gocci urged.

"...Fine." Claire spoke, with a bit of hesitancy. "I'll agree to it." she said as she looked at Keiyuu's horrified face. She hoped that either Gocci, or the president, were playing a prank...... a horribly twisted prank.


"Hurry up, hurry up! You're wasting time! Stop playing around!" Keiyuu said condescendingly, fueling the girl's frustration more and more.. It had been about thirty minutes after the final encore, and all the other staff-members had packed up their things, and anxiously left the live house.

"Damatte-yo!" Claire screeched. Keiyuu was taken aback by her rather colloquial Japanese..what was her first language...German..? English..? wait, why did he even care in the first place..?

"Why is it that you are still here, anyways, Kurea-chan.." Keiyuu asked the girl. He always used her name as if she were a child... She looked at him with a mix of confusion and hate. "What do you mean, ..Keiyuu-san..." she forced out. Honestly, Claire didn't even want to be in the same room with the vocalist. "You know what I mean" he said, thoughtfully "Why is it that they have not let you go since you can't get along with most of the musicians..?" Claire turned away from the suddenly talkative vocalist and spoke slowly.

"This is my last chance, Keiyuu-san... My very last chance to stay in Japan." she said.

"Ah, well in that case, you might as well pack your bags, Kurea-chan." he said with a smirk. Her face faulted when he said those words...how could her favorite vocalist turn out to be so cruel?!


"Oi, Keiyuu-kun." Yasuno called out to the vocalist. "We heard what happened..." Yuura added to the conversation. "For the sake of the band..don't murder the girl, it's just not worth it." he continued as Maiccho looked on, wondering if the bassist was being serious or just using that strange sense of humor he possessed. Keiyuu walked past the trio of taller men, not looking up to acknowledge their presence. Instead, he wallowed in his own self-pity. Damn idiot foreigner had not even been there for three weeks, and his life was already going to take a turn for the worst. He had heard from Tora about what had happened to the other PSC artists, so he had been on his guard for a while. Keiyuu had no intentions on letting the woman ruin a live the way she had done to the other bands.

"You..don't want to talk about it, do you..." Maiccho asked Keiyuu, who was caught up in his own little world, once again. Maiccho's eyes scanned the dressing room that the vocalist had came from, the girl was sitting at the dressing table, and it looked as if she were crying...

"So, when's the happy date, Keiyuu?" asked Yasuno, not one of the men were aware that Maiccho had gone to the girl in the dressing room, in an attempt to comfort her in some way.

"You mean the day my life becomes even more ruined by that baka gaijin that it is now?! A week from now." the vocalist spat out.

"Like I said... Don't do anything hasty, Keiyuu." warned Yuura, once again.

"Hasty..? Ha, he'll probably end up falling for her somehow." Yasuno said, shaking his head. "They are two of a kind, only out to make each other miserable." he added as Yuura nodded his head in agreement.

"Will you two stop speaking like I'm not even standing here?!"

♠ ♠ ♠
gaijin - foreigner.
baka - idiot.
ore - I, me (masculine)
doushite - why
hajimemashite - said at a first meeting (basically means just that.)
yabai - either good or bad, (depending on context..) my use.. bad.
yamero - stop it.
chibi-kisama - little bastard.. (basically...) xD
konban wa - good evening.
damatte-yo - shut up!!