‹ Prequel: Untitled
Status: Picked back up. <3

Marchen Room

Marchen Room (メルヘン・ルーム) Part 3

"Are you sure...?" he said with evident concern in his voice. It had been quite a while for the two, he slid his warm hand up her shirt and-

"What the hell are you doing..?" a familiar voice interrupted the sweet lolita's thoughts. She looked up from her writing just as quick. Shit, Alex had caught her forming a particularly steamy part in her story. "N-nothing..." she stammered out with a slight flush to her cheeks.

"Mhmm.." the much taller woman replied as if on cue. "You were writing... again." she uttered out as she placed her hand on the paper and slid it off of Julie's desk, onto her own. The pastel explosion of a female wouldn't have even realized it if she hadn't looked up at the monochromatic clock on the wall. Out of the corner of her eye, she finally noticed the paper in Alex's right hand.

"Ali-chaaaan!! Give that back, it's not yours!" Julie whispered, not wishing to be caught yelling out. After all, it was still the middle of class... and she should have been working on her own design as well.

"No." Alex replied curtly. As her blue-green eyes darted acrosse the paper,they widened considerably. "Julie!" she whisper-yelled. The woman's anger was quite evident in her facial expression. Her red face contrasted with her shoulder-length sunshine shade hair, and her perfectly shaped eyebrows formed a scowl like no other.

"I can't help it!!" Julie admitted, attempting to hide her freshly made-up face with her mint and stark-white scalloped leather bag. 'That stupid bag was probably where her share of last month's rent went..' the taller female thought to herself, wrinkling her nose with the effort.

The two girls couldn't possibly have been any different. Julie looked demure and delicate, her closet was overflowing with pastel colors. On this day, she was wearing a cotton candy pink jumperskirt with a merry-go-round print along the bottom and a ruffly white cotton blouse peeked out from it. The ribbons that tied her pale pink hair back into two perfectly curled pigtails were a mint color to coordinate with her entire outfit, including her four-inch platformed mint-and-stark-white shoes.

Alex, on the other hand, was perfectly content with more intense shades of color and a less fussy wardrobe. At that moment, her straight blond locks fell loose around her shoulders and her clothing consisted of a long-sleeved hot pink shirt with a yellow star at the upper torso of it. Her black jeans, though casual, were perfectly pressed and had a slight sheen to them. Pointed-toe black boots shined to the point of perfection peeked out from the bottom of her cuffed jeans.

The sound of ripping notebook paper drew Julie out of her makeshift hiding spot. "NOOOO!" she whispered loud enough to convey her contempt.

Claire looked up from her own work to watch the two carry on with their argument. 'Not again...' she thought to herself.

"Are you really that oversexed..? That you would write... THAT..?" Alex whispered lowly, rolling her eyes with her words. Julie took the cake when it came to anything to do with sex.. She was either complaining that she wasn't getting any action, or when she was all she would do was brag about it to Alex. She was not the sweet lolita that she portayed herself to be, that was for sure. How Alex could stand to live with her in the first place escaped her mind-

"What did she write..?" Claire's words interrupted the tall blond's thoughts.

"Most likely, it was about to be smut." The blond replied, spitting the words out as if they were the equivalent of acid. She scattered the torn pieces of paper onto Julies desk in a pile, causing the shorter woman to frantically piece them together like a puzzle.

"It was not! It was a key part to the story!" Julie defended, still working on the last few torn pieces of notebook paper.

"Mhmm... Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi." Alex taunted the shorter woman. Julie's face went pale as a couple of the surrounding students looked up at her, disapprovingly.

"yaoi ja nai-yo!! I would never write that!" Julie half-whispered, making her point clear for all ears.

".... Mhmm."

"Well... Not about a real person." the ruffle-clad female whispered lowly to Alex.

"Just as well... You shouldn't write it at all!" the taller woman stated in yet another whisper-yell, crossing her arms in front of her with her words.

"BUT-!" Julie stammered, her face appeared to be redder than a tomato, Claire noted.

"Is she always like this..?" the red-head's voice interrupted the debate.

"I have needs, you know!!" Julie blurted out then cupped her hand around her own mouth. She had let out too much information, once again...

"That's not a need, it's a borderline addiction." the tallest female muttered, shaking her head.

"... Well it's been a while! I can barely focus on anything else!" Julie admitted, blushing furiously with her words.

"What's she talking about..?" asked Claire, perplexed. The other two completely ignored her question at that moment.

"Mhmmm... hentai onna..." Alex replied, examining her nails carefully.

"...I know..." the pink-haired girl sighed, placing her head on the desk.

Alex turned to the eavesdropper. "Nothing, Claire. Don't worry about it."

"I need something though. ... Hiro broke up with me..."

"That's what you get for going with a 'ronin'."

"He had some good qualities..."

"Name ten." The blond woman thought back on her words. "Anything sexual doesn't count..."

"ummmmmm....." the shortest woman murmured, thinking carefully. Wait, maybe there really weren't any good qualities after all..

"Exactly." Alex stated, crossing her arms.

"Whatever, I need someone new in any case." Julie resolved audibly, looking around the lecture hall. Claire's eyes widened with disbelief.

"... Is she serious..?" the girl asked, looking the pink-haired girl up and down.

"ninety-five percent gay, five percent taken... Don't even bother, Julie..." Alex stated, whilst picking up her pencil and going back to work on her design.

"fine..." Julie sighed with exasperation and placed her head onto her desk. "Maybe I'll text Daisuke later..."

"Ehh? Hell. No. He always brings over one of his creepy friends!" Alex added into the conversation.

"Well, he has your best interests at heart, I think it's kinda sweet!" the shorter girl gushed, twirling a curled lock on her finger and smiling brightly.

"Wrong... The last one had a punch perm and irezumi. Total Yakuza..."

"... I see your point..." Julie stated, defeatedly as she took out her pale pink rhinestone decorated cell phone. "I should delete half of these..."

"How do you even have half of those numbers??

"Eh? What do you mean??"

"Forget it."

"Hm... Hideaki... I must have been drinking when I got that number... Oh well."

Alex said nothing, but continued sketching her design.

"Married, has a kid... Found out he was gay.."

"Julie.. Please... Keep that to yourself..." Alex muttered, drawing Julie out of her own little world. A completely surprised expression was slathered across the lolita's face.

"I was saying that out loud??"

"NO. I can read minds now." Alex replied. Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Sorry..." the shorter girl looked through her phone to the last entry, putting thought into the name... "Yura..." Her faux violet eyes widened. 'How is that on my phone??"

"Yuura...?" Claire asked, looking up from her work, once again.

"No, Yura. ... Wait a minute..." Julie started to say.


"... Nevermind..." the girl muttered and threw her phone into her leather bag.

"Claire, how's your internship going?"

"Ah...""Not too bad, I guess.."

"... 'Not too bad'...? Didn't you say you were working with-" Julie started to say, but was cut off with Claire's next words.

"It's been kind of good except for the fact that... I had to move in with... That disgusting little pervert."

"... What..? Why? And who??" Julie stammered, and blinked a couple of times in astonishment. "Wasn't your contract with PSC??" the shorter girl was all but ignored by the two other female foreigners.

"Eh? Disgusting little pervert? Who?" Asked Alex, quizzically.

"... Keiyuu." Claire replied, sullenly.

"Eh? Keiyuu? Who is that...?" Alex questioned. Julie almost jumped out of her own chair to answer the blond's query.

"Ali-chan!! Remember the poster on my wall?? The shortest one!" Julie's voice interrupted Claire's eventual answer. "The vocalist of Kra!" she whispered loudly.

"The one with the dasai outfit? Claire, what do you mean 'move in with'?" Alex raised her eyebrow at the girl with those words.

"I... Live with him.."

"Eh? Why..? That doesn't seem proper at all!" Julie spat out. Her words were ignored once again.

"Keiyuu? Kra vocalist? And you live with this man..?" Alex thought aloud and glared at Julie. "I blame you..."

"Blame me for what??"

"Obviously, your ways with men have influenced our dear Claire negatively."

"Ah... Not.. In... A romantic way... Hell no, in fact!" Claire stated, making a face to convey her disgust.

"Oh.. then why?"

"Because their manager said that until we can get along, we're stuck living together!"

"Ah..." uttered the pale pink-haired female. She glanced around and whispered to Claire. "Think you could introduce me to Yuura-sama...?" She smiled innocently at the girl.


"What?? I respect him as an amazing bass player!" she spoke with confidence, and then muttered what sounded to Alex like 'And he probably has a good sense of rhythm..'

"I'm sorry but... I can't..." Claire stated with an uneasy smile. Julie honestly was the very last girl in the world that she would introduce any man to...

"It's fine, Claire. We understand."

"You should let us come by sometime..." Julie said, smirking.



"Ignore her. We wouldn't want to impose on you and your room mate..." Alex resolved, softly.

"It's fine... If I have to live with him, I'd rather it be pleasant..."

"There's something I have to ask.."

"Oh God..." Alex muttered.

"You called him a disgusting little pervert, didn't you..?"

"Yes, why..?"

"Did he peek at you or something..?"


"What? It's a valid question! Why would you call someone that if they weren't???"

"... No, he hasn't..." Claire replied, softly.

"Hmm..." Julie replied, looking quite lost in thought, then pointed one of her pale pink manicured fingernails at Claire's chest. "Lack of that... That's probably why."

"... Thank you for your concern, Julie..."

"Sensei, Owarimasu!" Alex called out at she grabbed her cherry blossom print black leather bag and threw her things in it. She got up from her desk quickly and started to proceed out the door of the lecture hall.

"Dammit!" Julie had completely forgotten about the sketch that was to be completed before they left. As she rushed to complete it, she looked over at Claire.

"You could introduce me to Yuura if you wanted to, couldn't you..."


"OWARIMASU!" Julie called out, grabbing her things and following Alex out of the lecture hall, leaving Claire to her thoughts.

"Julie.. meccha chibi-ecchi..."



The full-width hiragana text glared up at Keiyuu from his cell phone. "Doushite, Emi-chan...?" the short man thought to himself. Had he not been paying attention to her lately?? Sure, anytime she asked him to come over, he had made excuses, but he had asked if she wanted him to visit her instead... Even though, each time she had completely refused. It had been a week since Claire had become his room mate, of sorts, and he just didn't see any point of trying to explain why a gaijin was living with him... Especially a female. It was just far too much trouble to have to deal with. Keiyuu lounged on the couch in deep thought, still looking at his phone.

'..I should just forget about her if that's the case...' he resolved as he deleted the entry in his phone's address book and flipped his phone shut. The vocalist stared up at the ceiling and wondered if that was a huge mistake on his part.. After all, they had been seeing each other for a few months. He took off his glasses and placed them at his left side, carefully.

"Ikkenai.." he muttered as he closed his eyes and finally drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes more random Japanese:
Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi - No plot, no point, no meaning. (the acronym for this is YAOI. xD)
yaoi ja nai-yo - it is not yaoi.
irezumi - tattoo
dasai - unfashionable XD
owarimasu - finish/done
meccha chibi-ecchi - meccha - extremely, chibi-ecchi - little pervert XD
あなたにはあきた。 - Anata ni wa akita. - I'm tired of you. (break-up line.)
doushite - why
ikkenai - I really screwed up