‹ Prequel: Untitled
Status: Picked back up. <3

Marchen Room

Marchen Room (メルヘン・ルーム) Part 6

"Tanoshikatta~!" Julie sung out her praises for the previous two hours that the concert had taken place.

"If you say so..." Alex replied with a yawn.

"Ehhh??? You're still not a believer??" the short girl looked up at the blond in astonished disbelief, but turned her attention to the corner that she was peering around. "If we get into trouble, we can say we were bringing something to Claire-chan~"

"...IF we get caught? I'm surprised no one has called security yet. We don't exactly look like we belong back here." The taller girl replied as she looked around the deserted halls. Most likely all the staff had gone to say their congratulations for a wonderful show… or something.

"You worry too much, ne~!"

"...And you don't worry enough..." Alex replied with a sigh, but followed the sweet Lolita closely.

"Otsukare-sama deshita!"

The words out of the nearby ajar door startled Julie and prompted her to open the one closest to her and slip inside, almost forgetting her accomplice. Alex, grabbed the door handle and allowed herself entry into the room. It wasn't exactly empty, though..

Keiyuu was changing into his own street clothes, and as the two walked in, they caught a glimpse of his bare torso as he slipped a t-shirt on. He turned around quickly and lost face.

"O-oi!! Nandayo??" he stammered out as his complexion reddened. How embarrassing-- wait, what the hell were they doing there anyways?!

"Oi, it's the guy from your poster!" Alex pointed out, literally.

"Ah! Haaaai! It is!" Julie sang out, looking Keiyuu over. "...He looks even shorter in person~!"

The two girls' babbling was almost all that the vocalist could stand... He picked out the words 'short' and 'person'. Almost immediately, his expression changed once again. "Nante ittan-dayo?!?" The sweet Lolita lowered her head as he glared at her but his sense of victory quickly shrank away as the taller gaijin stepped between them glaring right back at him and shouted, “Nandayo Omae wa?!?”

This time Keiyuu took a step back, what the hell was wrong with him?? Being attacked by all these foreign women, it wasn’t fair!

Julie had started to slowly back out of the room as the two continued their showdown when she suddenly bumped into someone. She gave a slight yelp of surprise and Alex turned around to face the new offender, “Well,” she said, “this was a stupid idea…” Julie turned around to apologize to the person she had bumped into, but when she did her heart almost stopped beating. It was Yuura! The bassist looked around the room, “I could hear all of you yelling from the other room,” he looked pointedly at Alex, then back at Keiyuu, “Why are you starting fights with women Keiyuu-kun?”

The vocalist’s jaw dropped, not only had the two walked into his room as he was changing, (UNANNOUNCED!!), but now his band mate was accusing him of picking fights with the two?? He glared at Yuura and pointed between the two girls and yelled, “I didn’t start anything! These two gaijin-onna came bursting into my room WHILE I WAS CHANGING!!” Alex and Julie merely stood there as the small man ranted, the sweet Lolita had been standing there muttering and fumbling over the words coming out of her mouth as she stared up at Yuura, “Anno…eeto…atashi…ah…!” The taller man found her behavior a bit unsettling and instead took a step toward Alex who was again glaring at Keiyuu.

“Well,” she interrupted Keiyuu’s tirade, “it’s certainly not like we planned to be in here. At least I hadn’t planned on it…” A smirk spread across Yuura’s face as he looked at Alex, “Souka…you mean you found yourself sneaking into the wrong dressing room~?” he teased her but the look on her face said she was less than interested in flirting with him. “Chigau, we’re looking for a friend and nothing more.” Alex crossed her arms and Julie looked down embarrassedly.

Keiyuu raised an eyebrow and scoffed haughtily, “And just who would you two possibly know that works here??” And then it hit him, they knew HER…

“Eh? A friend…?” Yuura spoke up, “Ah, you must be friends of Kurea-san.” Alex nodded, “The three of us are classmates, and we have a project due in…”she pulled her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and checked the time,“ about nine hours.” Julie finally looked up and nodded furiously as if the silent act was a sort of validation. Yuura wasn’t paying attention, he was, instead, eyeing Alex up and down, “Souka…a project? Ah…Kurea-san might have mentioned something about that before. "You must be the model, ne?” The blonde took a step away from the leering man, this was beginning to get irritating. “Hai,” she said, “and if it’s not too much trouble, could someone PLEASE take us to Claire-san? This is really important for the three of us.”

The bassist gave Alex another flirtatious smile, she had to give him credit for being a persistent bastard, “I’ll gladly take both of you, Iku zo?”

“Hai Yuura-sama!!” The words were out of Julie’s mouth before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth with both hands as everyone turned to look at her, and felt her neck and face grow hot as her face flushed with embarrassment.

Keiyuu had had enough, “Hai, hai, all of you just GET OUT OF MY ROOM ALREADY!!” He shooed them all out into the hallway.

Alex rolled her eyes, what a grumpy chibi. “Eeto, if you two will follow me…” Yuura said walking down the hallway. Alex followed him closely, but Julie ran into the doorway on the way out, causing the vocalist inside the room to snicker at her bad luck. She deserved it, damn rude gaijin...


Being there didn't really seem to phase Alex too much, Julie noticed. 'How can she be so nonchalant?? We're not only backstage, we're following Yuura-sama~!!' the short girl was looking all around; like a child amazed by the most simple things in life. "Eeto.." the sweet lolita began to say, when her words were cut short by their male companion.

"The second door. She should be there." he said, flashing a charming smile in the taller girl's direction. Such a smile sent Julie's heart soaring. Alex just nodded.

"Arigatou." the blonde said as she walked to the door and knocked twice. "Claire?"

"You can go in... She won't be the only one in there, after all." Yuura stated.

"Un..." Alex uttered as she turned the handle and walked inside the room. "Claire?" She squinted as she looked around the busy room trying to find the redhead. There were two other girls with Claire's haircolor, she noted.

"Hm...? Ah... Konban wa... Julie... Alex... " Claire had finally looked up from cleaning her station to greet the girls. The light brown-haired girl at the station right next to Claire's looked at the two foreigners with disgust as she finished her own cleaning much earlier than anyone else. "Owatte~" she said, as she began gathering her bags to leave for the night.

"W-we have y-your..." Julie stammered out.

"Two things: Your Macbook and I think if we don't leave soon, we're going to be thrown out." Alex said, finishing off Julie's sentence. Julie slipped the backpack straps off her shoulders, unzipped the bag and brought out the forgotten laptop.

"Iie, I wouldn't allow that to happen to you... Juuri, was it..?" Yuura spoke up, trying his best to make conversation with the blond. She only ignored his words. "I checked the document, It only needs to be printed."

Claire slowly took the laptop from Julie's arms and nodded in understanding.

"Ja ne~" A voice called out, coming right toward the four. It was the light brown-haired girl from before. Alex rolled her eyes, Julie tilted her head, and Claire lowered her own as she walked right in between the three girls and bassist to get to the hallway, walking straight to the room that Alex and Julie had hid in earlier.

"What's got her panties in a bunch...?" Alex spoke lowly to Julie.

"Who knows, but... ganbatte... ne...?" Julie responded, turning to look at the redhead. Maybe the girl had competition for Keiyuu after all... The short girl wrinkled her nose at the thought; she didn't really understand his appeal. She turned her attentions to where Yuura should have been standing, only to realize that he must have left when the girl had walked through.

"Un, ganbatte, Claire. We'll meet you in class tomorrow. We still have that dress to do..." the taller girl said with a yawn.

"Hai... hai.... Mata ashita..." Claire gave her friends a small wave as the two friends walked off. Alex tried to stifle another yawn, it was late and they still had that stupid dress to work on…Damn Julie could be a pain. “I think after our presentation I’ll skip the rest of class tomorrow…You should too Julie. Julie?” She turned her head and noticed the sweet Lolita was not walking next to her like she usually did, Alex turned completely around to see that Julie was standing where she left her, staring off down a random hallway. Claire was looking at her like she was trying to decide whether or not to get her attention.
♠ ♠ ♠
~List of random Japanese because Fail-fic requires it D: ~
Tanoshikatta! - that was fun!
Otsukare-sama deshita - good work
Nandayo? - what the hell?
Nante itten-dayo?! - what are you saying?!
gaijin - foreigner
Nandayo omae wa--?! - What the hell, you--?!
Souka - I see...
iku zo - (let's) go
chibi - shorty (x'D )
konban wa - good evening.
ja ne - later
ganbatte - do your best
mata ashita - see you tomorrow

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