Status: HIATUS



There’s a chemical in the human body that releases in the brain twice in a woman’s life and only once in a man’s. This chemical releases when a man bonds with his children, and when a woman breast feeds her baby; or has sexual intercourse with a man. This chemical will bond these two people for the rest of their life. Women will always feel the same way about this person.

Lucky enough for me, I’m planning on being with the same person for a long time. If I’m always going to feel the same way, then why not be in it for the long run? He promised me just that. But, throughout it all, why did I find myself suffering?

“You’ll be alright,” I wish he had said. “I’ll always be here for you; even though things didn’t work out.” Anything would’ve been better than just waking up in the morning, just three days after I had given him my everything, and finding out they were together.

Lying to cover up the truth is one thing, but lying just to get something you want? Yeah, that’s worse. Things like this fuck up your mind—to the point where you just want to hide. When people saw me after they found out what happened, they weren’t sympathetic. They called me a slut. Boys get praised, girls get put down. That’s something I don’t get.

But, ignorance is just another factor of a lie—if you don’t know the truth, how will you know they’re lying?
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New story? I'm trying out this writing
thing again. Wish me luck guys. (:
©alyssasaavedra. 2011