The Prince's Brother

The Dance

He chuckled, watching his brother actually be dismissed by one of the beautiful women who had come to the ball. Although their faces were hidden by masks so that the Princes would be able to walk around like the other Nobles to be able to talk to the many potential females available to them, he knew his brother was introducing himself as the Prince anyway.
The woman bowed her head and his brother neatly bowed, before turning on his heel and walking away, in search of anyone who would swoon over his high position in society. Creeping up silently behind her, Jacob took a seat beside her and took a quiet sip from his drink. His eyes took in all of her, from the chocolate covered hair stacked high on her head, which was turned elegantly to the side, watching the couples dance in a slow waltz in the middle of the room. A silver chain hung around her long neck, holding up a silver circle that held a small emerald in the center. She was dressed in a dark green dress that contrasted her much lighter skin and hid her feet. Silver gloves covered both hands up to her elbows, which sat crossed in her lap. It was easy to see why his brother had asked her to dance.
“Not many women turn down a prince that is so close to being king.” He spoke, a half-smile playing across his lips.
She jumped slightly, taking in a deep breath, and turned to face him. She bowed her head gracefully and the looked at him with bright green eyes. “I’m sorry, my Lord, I did not notice you there.”
“All is well.” He said nodding his head back. “But I do wonder why you turned down the Prince?”
A small smile danced across her lips for a brief moment. “To tell you the truth, my Lord, I do not find interest in him. Although it goes against all the normal beliefs of society, I would rather find a husband not because of his status, but because I want to spend my life with him.”
Jacob took another sip from his glass, nodding in thought, but he said nothing. The woman turned her attention back to the dancers, applauding when the song ended.
As a servant passed, Jacob sat his now empty cup onto the silver tray and waved him on. He then stood and turned toward the woman in green. “May I ask for one dance?” He smiled, showing off white teeth and extending his right hand toward her.
She turned to him, smiling politely. “My Lord, I do not even know your name, nor do you know mine.”
“Jacob,” he said, hand still extended. “And yours, madam?”
She took his hand and stood. “Amelia.” Together they traveled over to the dance floor, and readied themselves for the next waltz. She placed her left hand on his left shoulder and he his left hand on her waist. He then gently took her right and held it at shoulder level. The musicians played a quicker sounding waltz, but the couple had no problem keeping up. Jacob, however, was greatly amazed at Amelia’s light and graceful steps, never missing a beat. All the couples moved together in one general motion as if they all had practiced together. The song soon ended and Jacob let go of Amelia and bowed, thanking her for the dance.
“The pleasure was all mine, Lord Jacob.” She curtsied and bowed her head.
King Samuel stood, clapping his hands so that people would bring their focus to him. As he did this, a ringing took through the hall, signaling the witching hour. “It is time to reveal ourselves,” he said with a slight amusement, “to each other. I would like to ask my sons to please start us off.”
Near the front, to Amelia’s left, Prince Ashton had removed his mask and bowed low to the lady he had last dance with, who was squealing in pure delight. Amelia glanced around what she could see of the front, trying to find where the mysterious second prince was. She jumped a little when she felt a tug on her left hand. When she turned around, Jacob had untied the back of his black mask and took it away from his face. The sky blue- eyed, brown haired beauty then bowed to her with a small, “My Lady,” and stood, with a smirk on his face.
Amelia, absolutely horrified with what she had said earlier about his brother, turned scarlet and bowed her head, unaware of everyone removing their masks. “Your Majesty, forgive my rude comments about your brother. It was inappropriate of me to have ever uttered them.”
Chuckling, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to her feet. “There is no reason to apologize. There was no harm done toward either of us. However, I would like to see your face.”
Amelia made a small ‘o’ with her mouth and nodded. She reached back, pulling the silver silk ribbon out of a bow and removed the silver mask from around her eyes. They looked at each other for a long while, one in utter shock that the mysterious Prince from Concovia was speaking with her, the other intrigued by the beauty and brilliance of the woman in front of him.
King Samuel had begun to speak again, but the couple had deaf ears to him. Amelia was beginning to feel extremely awkward under the eyes of Prince Jacob, bowed once, and tried to excuse herself, but he caught her hand.
“Come back with me to Concovia.” He said, looking straight into her eyes.
“For what reason, Majesty?” she asked politely.
“You are the most peculiar woman that I have ever met. You are not afraid to speak how you feel nor do you bind yourself to usual social customs. I would like to marry you.”
Amelia blinked a few times, not exactly sure what to say. Marriage, right now? As joyful as her family would be to hear of this, she knew nothing about this Prince except legends and rumors that the traveling merchants always told. She bowed her head, before allowing herself to look back into his eyes. “This is quite an honor, my Prince, but I barely know anything about you.”
“Nor do I know anything about you.” He answered quite quickly. “Come home with me so that I can learn more about you, as well as you will learn more about me. That way in the future you will be able to become a suitable wife and possible queen.”
Shock took a hold of her, surprised by the prince’s offer. Her family would not be expecting this. What would her family think? What would Jeremiah say to it? Thoughts swarmed her mind, but she nodded in approval anyway. The Prince smiled brightly, obviously pleased.
“My family –“ she started.
“Will be notified immediately. My servants will let them know and also bring all of your belongings to my castle. We will head for there in the morning. Come now, let us go tell my father and mother the wonderful news.” He tugged her hand gently toward the seats at the front of the room, and she followed wordlessly, her left hand becoming sweaty holding onto her mask. Things were moving impossible fast. Was she dreaming? Would this really be a new start for her? Would she make her family proud? Would she truly end up being what Prince Jacob wanted her to be?
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